
for the last day of lesbian visibility week, i wanted to share some updates of my queer regency webcomic, the masquerader! here's a character line-up with some costume designs of bella & prue.

the quick slug from my co-writer is "it's a regency lesbian love story between a woman who's cross-dressing after her life falls apart and a woman striking out on her own." and my contribution is: also there's murder and luddites!

we've been working hard on boarding it behind the scenes, and i'm hoping to have some pages out before san diego comic-con!!!

you can follow my instagram for comic updates or follow the tumblr we have set up for it!



I think we need more "unnecessary" gore in horror movies actually I think people should explode into a giant mess of blood and tissue and viscera during random scenes in horror movies

Good point actually there should be gore and blood explosions in keeping up with the kardashians


As with the horse poll, please regard these options as sliders. The extent to which each one deviates from 1/6th of the total will determine the amount that canine aspect deviates from the "average."

I will draw the dog we make. :)

It's time to make our dog! Let's look at the stats and compare them to an average looking dog.

And now let's adjust Our Dog's proportions accordingly.

Looks great so far! Let's put this dog together.

Wow! Wow. That sure is a dog. Probably.


im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 

spiderman dances to the beat

no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour

hey guys do you want to circulate the heirloom dancing spiderman again i feel like we could stand to do that

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