
Life Story

@bekahknotmarley-blog / bekahknotmarley-blog.tumblr.com

Run. Read. Remember.

Ray Harryhausen, the man who pioneered the use of stop-motion special effects in Hollywood, has died at the age of 92, his family announced on Tuesday. In an era before CGI, Harryhausen used clay monsters and mythical creatures to bring life to live-action adventure films like Clash of the Titans, Valley of the Gwangi and Jason and the Argonauts. He inspired the likes of John Landis, Stephen Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Tim Burton and Guillermo Del Toro, and was awarded both a Bafta and a special Academy Award for his work

Photos: Jason and the Argonauts, 1963, directed by Don Chaffey, in which Ray Harryhausen’s skeleton models battle Jason Credit : Everett Collection/Rex Features

  Working on a model of Medusa from the film Clash Of The Titans, 1981 Credit: Allstar/Cinetext/MGM

Not Harryhausen D: ugh I will forever love this guy’s creations. He’s who made me fall in love with the original Clash of The Titans when I was little. I still have my collection vhs of the movies he had a part in. Godspeed man :/

Source: Guardian


why aren’t there friend pick up lines
pick up lines to make friends 
“hey thats a cute dress you know where it would look better? on nobody else 
because you’re a beautiful individual” 

For some reason I would think my friends would enjoy this. 


So I tried hair chalking with some of my old art chalk. 

My personal review:

Doesn't not work very well with dark hair, as pictured above. The chalk tends to not hold onto the hair.  When the hair is damp (a tip to help absorb the chalk) the chalk does not show as well and weakens the actual chalk in your hand.  It also is harder to curl.  


- putting something down on the ground before because the chalk dust tends to make a mess.  

- instead of using chalk, I would go with the color spray.  It seems like it would be easier and faster to do, also make less mess.  (I have yet to try it)


I don’t know about the rest of you, but as long as I can remember there’s been this guy that’s my age… I’ve always had a crush on him and I always see at mass. We were in the same catechism class, reconciliation/first communion class and now we go to the same time mass when we’re back from...

Too cute not to reblog!!  I love reoccurring circumstantial situations.  It's like God is trying to make you meet someone over and over again and you keep missing it so he has to send them your way again.  <3  I met one of my best friends like this. lol every class i was like "that girl is in my class" and after about 6 same classes, I figured "OKAY GOD, I'LL GO SAY HI. THANK YOU.  YOU CAN STOP BEING OBVIOUS.  I GET THE HINT"


How to finish that last minute assignment

I can not count the number of times this trick has saved my ass.

And people say Tumblr doesn’t teach you life skills…

this will come in handy one day




the best thing i’ve ever seen 



~ Ginger Tea Fixings ~

(Lemon, fresh ginger root, and raw honey. ~ Bring 2C filtered water and a few slices of peeled, fresh ginger root to a boil. Turn off heat, place lid tightly on saucepan, and let steep for 10 minutes. Remove ginger slices, and pour tea into teacups. When cool enough to sip, add raw honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice to taste. Stir and serve.)

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