
Obey Me! Stuff and Things

@symphonicmetal101 / symphonicmetal101.tumblr.com

Heya! I write stuff for Obey Me! ■ Queer ■ Call me Vizzie NEW BLOG FOR TWST @twistedwonderlandshenanigans


Hey there lovlies! I hope y'all are doing well. This blog is dedicated to Solmare's characters from the otome game, Obey Me! One master to rule them all. Everything here is just for fun. Role-Players are welcome, and those interactions will be tagged as such.(please forgive me for errors in the writing, I run on one whole brain cell and a few hours of sleep)

Everything is gender neutral unless otherwise stated.

Fluff and Crack

Dates To Take Them On Drabbles

3 Things - Mini-Series Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan (draft)

Ideal Vacation Spot HCs

Angst and Personal Comfort

Worldbuilding and Misc.

Trainer HCs (Pokemon x OM)


A series of mini hcs about least to most likely, worst to best *blank*, etc. About the boys. (REQS ARE ALWAYS OPEN FOR THESE)

Full Fics

○ - Still in progress ●-Completed

A Guide To Babysitting In The Devildom

Requests are OPEN however I will only write what makes sense to my brain, so if your req isnt written, Im sorry, Im just not the correct writer to ask.

Prompt List Masterlist + Rules


no nuance pick one. you can elaborate in the tags.

okay. 6 types of people on this post:

  1. people who actually had for real imaginary friends. there are more of you than I thought.
  2. people who pretended to have imaginary friends because they thought that's what kids were supposed to do. imaginary imaginary friends, I suppose. this was me, there are less of us than I was expecting.
  3. people who wanted imaginary friends but couldn't figure out how to do that ???
  4. people whose imaginary friends turned out to be a system
  5. people who are definitely describing fucking. ghosts or the hat man or some other manner of malevolent entity.
  6. the person whose imaginary friend was Rico from Hannah Montana. technically the same as #1 but they get their own category because it made me laugh so hard I almost threw up.

Hi guys, trans man who's poor here (relevant)

Good news, as of the day I'm posting this, I got my top surgery consultation! I have things to do before I can actual schedule the thing but in the mean time, I need to save up money! So to do that, I'm doing writing commissions. Want a specific fanfic written but don't want to do it yourself? In a fandom with no fans so you can't read anything? Already read 20 fics of the exact same thing but you need more? Look no further. This google doc here

will give you all the details about it. I have my prices, I got my fandoms I'm in but it can be any fandom, I got my will dos and will don'ts, I got snippits of things I've written so you can see my writing style I got them all. If you want to help me, a transgender man who's part time and who's mom won't pay for the cost, I need every dollar or cent I get. DMs are open and free to talk about more. Thanks for reading o/

AYO you guys have been rb'ing my writing (bless you all love you) even if you can't contribute financially PLEASE REBLOG THIS

ALSO ALSO Crashy is an excellent writer and I admire them a lot, please support my friend anyway you can!


Y'know, if a formerly well-behaved straight A student suddenly starts almost not passing their classes and crying all the time and getting into trouble, maybe the default conclusion from every authority figure should not be that they are lazy and simply need to pull themselves together. Maybe instead you should give them stimulants or HRT or let them kill their parents and see if one of those three things resolves the issue.


This so true- my love for Dionysus says HELL YEAH


Yes, I am their child, I can see myself here. It's so beautiful! Thank you @praisethesuuun and @yellolbruhsstuff!!


Oh heck yeah the night time/darkness and the dead which are two of my favorite things🖤💜🖤💜


Oooh this was interesting


thank you for the tag 🫶

ngl i fuck with this 😼

Not tagged but oh well

Not tagged either but it seemed fun!


Not tagged but I wanted to do it so


Which is why it’s important to not be mean.

Their cult teaches them that the world is full of scary monster people who hate them for being so good and loved by god. If you swear at them and call them names or get in their face you’re just doing the cults work for it.

I’m not saying you have to listen to their presentation or try to debate them (and really getting into a debate without thoroughly understanding what they’re being taught will just make things worse)… I am just saying to be polite and say no thank you like if they were trying to hand you a flyer for something you don’t care about.

It’s easier for them to see the world outside their bubble as less scary if they see everyday people just going about their business and being as nice to them as you are to everyone else. This goes doubly for anyone who happens to dress modestly, not swear, and not drink or smoke because whatever you believe, they’ll see you as a “good” person who happens to strangely have no interest in their “message”, and that might be enough to get some curious about the possibility of themselves living in the real world.

It’s sometimes hard to be nice to people who seem to represent something you dislike. Just remember these “elders” are sheltered young men, some of which are getting their first real contact with people of other/no faiths.

They are not your enemy. They are victims.


They aren't being sent out to actually convert people, they are being sent out hoping that they will be harassed and treated poorly so they view those outside the cult as dangerous and evil and stick to the safety of the familiar group.

You being mean to some teenager isn't sticking it to anyone, you're doing exactly what their church elders want to happen.



Please read this.

Don't do the church's work for them.

If you're kind to enough of them, they put you on a block list.

They were such sweet kids, they'd turn up at my door with the thatch of raspberries out front and try to share their word with me, and I'm me, so, I fed them.

Then it was one of the wee 'elder's' birthday, so I made him a cake, and all the little lads came, and they asked about my books and board games and CCGs, I was just a nice frumpy middle aged Jewish lady, I was no threat, so I fed them and made them cakes and took them to the local gaming store and listened when they talked.

One loved yu-gi-oh cards, and it turns out, one of the other wee lads, we'll he loved him back, so I got them in touch with some resources so they had support and a different way to pay for college, they're still together 15 years later, they have dogs, they send me ecards on their birthday. No-one figured out I'd.helped them, I was just the nice lady who made them tea and listened when people were slamming doors.

The next one really wanted to be an artist, so I left out art books and resources, my eldest shared their coptic markers, they draw comic books now, no idea why his folks were insisting he needed to be a dentist, but, he's not a Mormon anymore, (not a Jew either before anyone makes any counter conversion claims).

The first 2 lads were the only dramatic ones, the rest went back into the network but, like Hugh of Borg, they spread the word, sometimes I'd get Mormons from other cities come and make the journey to break bread at my Sabbath table and be seen.

I still think very fondly of that time.

Many of those boys still email me now and then.

Most of them aren't Mormons anymore.

Someone higher up spotted the pattern and suddenly no more Mormons at my door.

I was blacklisted, for kindness.

So there you go, if you don't want Mormons at your door, just love those kids for a couple of years, feed them, help them, and eventually, no more will be allowed to visit

#Im currently trying to leave the church#when I tell you it broke my moms heart to hear I didnt want to serve a mission....#it was worse when I told her I wanted to leave the church#she doesn't know that the catalyst for that was me realizing I'm queer#and with my sexuality I started questioning other things#and how the church is run#i remember being 8 years old and being asked if I kept the law of chastity#I didnt know what it meant but my parents told me to say yes#why the FUCK was that a thing#not to mention the baptismal interview is done between a kid and the bishop alone#my bishop scared me#but my mom told me I woukd be fine#I was but nobody ESPECIALLY kids shoukd be left alone in a room with a man they've learned has power over them#*godly power#also just all the historical inaccuracies#the blatant pedophilia#the social stress#sure heres a community but they're gonna judge you from the colour of your skin to how many kids you have#heres a community but if you're a convert every little move you make is watched#heres a community - but hey if abuse is happening at home shut up and go back like a good housewife#heres a community - but if youre in ysa you better hope youve been in volleyball or on your mission if you wanna fit in#heres a community - yeah the standards have changed recently but you'll still be judged for multiple piercings and tattoos#heres a community - god your life was such a mess before is wasnt it??#heres a community - be grateful you were born in the church you'll never face the same adversity and sadness as a nonmember#ANYWAYS#be kind to missionaries#please#they're doing what they think is best for themselves their family and the world#rant over#v rants

Ashton's Backstory - Monster AU

Monster: Minotaur Word Count: ~ 0.61 K Relationships Mentioned: Crowley as a (godawful) father figure, young(er) Trein TW: Vargas was abandoned, Crowley as an awful father figure -------------------------------


Sam's Backstory - Monster AU

Monster: Shadow Word Count: ~ 0.47K Relationships Mentioned: Sam's dad (completely made up, don't think you missed something in canon or I'm spoiling something, I'm not) TW: Death (peaceful/happy) the horrors that hotdogs are --------------------------------------


Che'nya's Backstory - Monster AU

Monster: Strigoi (took some liberties) Word Count: ~ 0.37K Relationships Mentioned: Riddle, Dr. Rosehearts (Read Riddle's here) TW: Dead animal/partially alive?, implied malnourishment on Riddle's part, neglectful "alcoholic" mother, and Che'nya is slowly killing her -------------------------------------------


Neige's Backstory - Monster AU

Monster: N/A - Human Word Count: ~ 0.5K

Relationships Mentioned: Rook, Vil (read their backstory here for some Info before this one) TW: Implied stalking, breaking and entering, torture, murder, a non consensual Kiss, basically dead dove ---------------------------------------


Malleus' Backstory - Monster AU

Monster: Loosely Based on Typhon - the father of all monsters in Greek Mythology Word Count: ~ 0.32K Relationships Mentioned: Malleus' grandmother TW: Not much just a sad bby -----------------------------------------------------

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