
Just Wandering


Just basically getting lost in the Tumblr universe

When I tell you I screamed, I actually screamed 😭😭😭

the Kings and I getting ready to play some D&D


In an apocalyptic scenario, I’d spend my last moments alive watching this.

I'm so frickin done with this hell site, wth did I just watch.


Harry Potter AU

Oh I want to say something about this two

Slytherin and Gryffindor don’t get along with each other, and Slytherin, composed mostly of humans, hates monsters. So papyrus and chara can only be together at night time, sneak out and play

In normal times, they can only pretend not to know each other.


Regarding the Amazon Rainforest

I barely have followers here, but here we go:

The Amazon Rainforest has been burning for the last 16 days straight. The Brazilian government says the wildfire is caused by the winter itself, since it doesn't rain a lot there... in a rainforest. It is actually, partially true. Winter is indeed a dry season and wildfires may happen, specially close to the Cerrado (a brazilian biome similar to the african Savanna), but what they're not telling us is that:

The deforestation has increased 80% since last year

The native peoples and animals are being slaughtered for their lands (legally protected green areas)

The government is hiding and lying about scientific data, saying that environmentalists and NGOs are communists trying to destroy the nation. They are brainwashing people to think that sustainability is terrible for the economy

Our Minister of Environment is couldn't care less about the environment and is only there to support the livestock producers and give them what they want. The President and his Minister won't put a single dollar on environmental safety

The wildfires are just so huge that its black smoke and ashes reached the skies of São Paulo, a state over 2.000 kilometers away from the Amazon.

We are hostages or our own government

I could just keep going all night about how our environment is being threatened by this new government. We need every single help we can possibly can.

Please don't let this go unseen. Search for yourself, talk to people about it, make noise, be angry and be scared. Let the world know about it and demand action. This is not about Brazil, is about the planet. The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important biomes in the world, being responsible for the climate, rains, biodiversity, carbon sequestration and life itself.


Lukanette Month Prompts:

  • Use the tags #lukanetteseptember2019 #lukanetteseptember2k19 #lukanettemonth2019 or @ the blog.

Week 1- 

Day 1: First Meeting | Day 2: First Concert | Day 3: First Fashion Show | Day 4: First Blush | Day 5: First Touch | Day 6: First Kiss | Day 7: Second Chance

Week 2-  

Day 8: Strings | Day 9: Needles & Thread | Day 10: Baked Goods | Day 11: Melody | Day 12: Flavor | Day 13: Earrings | Day 14: Cotton Candy |

Week 3-

Day 15: Missed Connection | Day 16: Wings/Flight | Day 17: Protection | Day 18: Memories | Day 19: Faded Ink | Day 20: Comfort | Day 21: Kwami Swap

Week 4-

Day 22: Sun & Moon | Day 23: Water & Earth | Day 24: Spring & Winter | Day 25: Mermaids | Day 26: Soulmates | Day 27: Songbird | Day 28: Witches & Cats | Day 29: Reincarnation | Day 30: Vigilante

Rules (Important & Under Cut)

Please reblog so more people can participate




gentle reminder that the ‘&’ designation on Ao3 is for platonic relationships and platonic relationships only, and you should use the ‘/’ for any relationship the endgame is romantic for, even if the fic/series starts platonic

this isn’t a callout - i didn’t know either for a really really long time (like, only in this past year) but y’know - now you know

don’t use AO3 but signal boosting for any followers who do


That feeling when your body is requesting something but you're not sure what so you just start eating and drinking random stuff to try and figure it out

Me, eating a chocolate waffle at 7pm: Is this what you desire, oh prison of flesh?

Me^ literally at midnight.


oh yeah, in celebration of 2019, i feel like it is important to note that 2019 is the last year that chara falling into the underground can happen….


you know what that means yall, gotta go dive into a hole in a mountain this year or never


I finally finished my little project !! 

We had to do a little golden book of a story of our choice and here’s mine, Ib !! We had to present it in an amphitheater (and in english !), and being very shy I was dying inside, but otherwise everything went well lol


Completed a set finally!!!

Post card versions will be available at SakuraCon next week.


Yahoo!!! Redrew the Tale bros, touched up the swap bros and finally drew the fell bros!!!




Another one for the fashion submissions XD @jellyont sent in this one and suggested it for Q, but honestly all I could think was my boy Charlemagne XD I’ve been working him into my Blood and Marrow story and he’s part of Sans and Pap’s extended family. He used to be a spy for Asgore back in the Underground, but no one really seems to know what it is he’s up to since monsterkind arrived on the surface.

Charles chain smokes like the devil himself and always looks like he hasn’t seen a good night’s sleep since 1993 XD

OH. MY .Gosh. that is amazing!! He looks so dapper and swoon worthy, I'd definitely take up spying as a job just to hang around with him , take me to 1993 any day ^^


Food and friends

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