
Even in these chains, you can't stop me

@the-astral-clocktower / the-astral-clocktower.tumblr.com

my name is Maria -trans-femme/ enby- she/they - Aquarius - 1993 - US Bloodborne, ffxiv, pokemon and a bit of random. icon and header by @shuasharp

I know that I never post about myself, but here's a life update!

Ya girl got prescribed progesterone. About an hour after that, I broke my leg!

Surgery went well. I've got some metal in my leg now. Drugs have fucked my understanding of what a "day" is

It was a tibial plateau fracture, tldr: my femur nutcracker-ed my tibia and wrecked my shit.


“Hey guys can I join ur frog team”


“Gross!“  "Whoever heard of a GREEN frog?!”


“I wonder if there’s some magical, amazing world out there where it’s normal to be a green frog”


“Haha yeah and the hippos live in water and their chickens aren’t on fire”

Pokemon Heritage Post


really love imagining a bunch a kids and teens on their pokemon journeys staying the night on the couches and floors in the lobbies of pokemon centers, having long talks about their experiences and feelings sharing funny and scary stories and myths about legendaries and trading items and sharing TMs along with sugary snacks and pokedex chargers all while their pokemon are out of their pokeballs and all bundled up in blankets sleeping soundly next to their trainers while they stare up at the stars shining through the glass ceiling over their heads


I just…really like this idea man. So I drew a thing.

A single tear

Pokemon Heritage Post


In the Pokémon world this constitutes a new type of guy

people probably arent gonna remember all 905 pokemon nor learn about all 905


has the person who made those tags not seen how many subreddits there are to help people identify bugs and animals and stuff??

Anyway I’d kill to see the pokemon version that guy holding a tarantula hawk or the other one with the blue ringed octopus that sounds amazing


Picture of a man holding a Spoink in his hands: I found this little guy in the forest! Doesn’t look native to Galar. What kind of Pokémon is this?


Someone who has never seen an absol: *posts a video of one yowling at everyone* “aw poor baby :( is there something I can do to help it, it looks in pain”

The comments: “r u n”

Or someone who’s like “ahah this cute bugger got into my room and transformed into my pachirisu” and the comments are trying to figure out what it is, like, is it a ditto, a zorua, what. And then homeboy posts a pic and everyone goes wild because he’s got a mew in his room


Consider this, there’s a big debate thread as to whether or not eating vanillite was okay.


well it doesn’t sound like he waited


Person who knows nothing about Yamask: lol look at this thing that won’t leave my house, its mask looks like my grandma #doppelganger

The comments: buddy i don’t know to tell you this but

Sprigatito-Daily is a social media run by a really really enthusiastic cat owner who just posts pictures of their sprigatito with adoring, borderline incomprehensible captions. Every time, without fail, the comments section is filled with 420 blaze it


Pokemon tumblr (Tacklr, if you will) is, on the occasional yearly basis, filled with “I need to stop getting my news this way”, as whenever an evil team pops up and pulls their bullshit people meme it to death and back.  Example, during Team Galactic’s shit: 

also obliquity warriors joke in the form of “Mt. Chimney belongs to Magmaclan” has probably also occurred. 


Pegasus but built like a pterosaur

Really fucked up bat


This is terrifying but i LOVE IT

it works so well HOW. the markings, the hoof on the wing, the short tail, the pink eye


Kind of a Jersey Devil

I actually had a hypothetical jersey devil concept but I envisioned it as a large winged leporid with shope papilloma virus. I should probably try making more shitty cryptid designs tbh


In France, I like to think they *remember* what happens when they protest too hard. The French are exceptionally good at protesting, and we should maybe consider learning some things from them.


anyways can we start recognizing adhd as an actual and serious disorder that

  • can affect on functioning in every day life so badly that it interferes with taking care of very basic human needs
  • is not 10 yrs old white boy exclusive disorder
  • is not a fake disorder created to benefit medicine companies
  • definitely should not be reduced to “kid who cant sit still and wont stop screaming” stereotypes because adhd has a whole fuckton of symptoms ranging from serious memory issues to fine motor control difficulties

ADHD is:

  • One of the most treatable “psychiatric” disorders (although it’s more accurately a neurodevelopmental disorder), with approximately 90% of patients able to find a treatment regimen that works well for them, given appropriate medical support. ADHD stimulant medications in particular (Ritalin and Adderall and their variations) are some of the most effective psychiatric medications in existence. 
  • Contrary to popular opinion, extremely under diagnosed overall, particularly in populations that are not young white boys (women, adults, people of color, etc.)
  • So there are a LOT of people out there who could be helped by getting a diagnosis and treatment but are not, in part because of the negative stereotypes around ADHD and ADHD medication that are prevalent in pop culture.
  • Able to coexist with a number of other conditions or traits that may change its presentation and/or impact, including mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression and various learning disabilities but also giftedness/high intelligence.
  • In fact, in adults diagnosed for the first time, it is extremely common to have comorbidities, in large part because ADHD can be so hard to cope with.
  • Sleep disorders are also frequently comorbid with ADHD. Additionally, being poorly-rested makes ADHD symptoms worse, which makes you more likely to sleep badly. It’s a hellish merry-go-round.
  • In some cases, “twice exceptional” people (gifted + ADHD) have extra trouble getting appropriate support, because some ADHD symptoms can be masked by intelligence (for instance, if a child is bright enough to do their homework in the ten minutes between classes and master the test material by cramming the night before, they may never see the poor academic performance that might lead to testing), and because the symptoms of ADHD may also mask their giftedness - so they end up stuck in classes that are too easy for them, and therefore boring, which makes the ADHD symptoms worse. Also, people who know they are intelligent but have untreated ADHD can be really prone to some of the other psychological comorbidities, especially as they become adults, because they know what to do and how to do it and that they SHOULD do it, and they WANT to do it, but they still can’t make themselves actually do it, so they start to beat themselves up, thinking “I’m too smart to constantly be this stupid, I must just be really lazy, maybe I really DON’T care, maybe I’m just a terrible person.” Ask me how I know.
  • Can also have less-common symptoms associated with it. I actually had my hearing tested before my diagnosis because I had so much trouble following conversations if there was background noise. My hearing is fine: my issue is auditory processing. My brain just can’t focus on conversations if too much else is going on. (This also applies to following dialogue on television if there is a lot of background noise/music. I use the captions a lot.
  • In some cases, extremely disabling. Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, a disability is “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity.” A sampling of major life activities that might be substantially limited by untreated ADHD includes:
  • Managing finances (largely through impulsive spending, frequent lost items that need replacing, forgetting to pay bills, forgetting to do routine maintenance and having issues like larger repairs needed)
  • Basic self-care (remembering to take meds, go to doctor appointments, eat and drink at appropriate times, go to bed at appropriate times)
  • Employment (difficulty being on time for work or work activities, difficulty meeting deadlines, propensity to make “careless errors”, difficulty with emotional regulation)
  • Interpersonal relationships (memory problems so you never remember important dates, time issues meaning you’re late meeting them, forgetting commitments, easily distracted during conversations, impulsivity leading to interruptions/saying or doing stuff you didn’t think through, difficulty responding appropriately to social cues (through distraction/impulsivity), difficulty with emotional regulation)
  • Maintaining a clean and sanitary home (forgets steps in household chores, distracted away from finishing them, loses key equipment, impulsive purchases clutter up the home, loses interest in projects and leaves them out half-done)
  • If untreated, linked to higher rates of all manner of negative outcomes when compared to similar neurotypical populations, including: 
  • unemployment
  • divorce
  • substance abuse
  • injury or death in accidents, especially car accidents 
  • arrest

None of this is because people with ADHD as a group are, like, bad or lazy or evil or irresponsible or don’t care. People with ADHD are just people, and exist on the same range of good, bad, and in-between that all people do. However, the parts of our brains that are meant to help us regulate our emotions, plan for the future, remember to do important things, and not act on every impulse that crosses our minds just don’t work properly. A lot of us might lean in to an airhead, spacy artistic type, class clown, or similar persona to mask our deep shame over not being able to “just” do all these basic things that other people seem to do with no trouble at all. 

Additionally, even accessing ADHD treatment can be extremely challenging, because stimulant medications are controlled substances and there are so many false and damaging perceptions about the condition and medications out there. And even when you have a well-established diagnosis and are well controlled on a medication you’ve taken for years, you are never far away from potential disruptions to your treatment. I personally am a white professional with good health insurance and was able to get diagnosed and medication prescribed - which in itself is often really difficult - but even from that position of privilege I have experienced multiple gaps in my treatment for reasons like:

  • My pharmacy lost a prescription and had to get a new one. (My medication cannot be refilled; each month has to be a brand new prescription.)
  • My pharmacy was out of stock of my medication (I can’t transfer that prescription to a different pharmacy, and even if I had a paper prescription, you can’t call a pharmacy and be told the medication is in stock, you have to physically go there and ask.)
  • I forgot to make a doctor appointment in time (I have to have a doctor visit every three months to continue to get the prescription.)
  • I forgot to fill the prescription (since I, you know, HAVE ADHD, and you can’t set them up to auto-renew like you can other meds.)
  • My prescription is really expensive and there aren’t many savings options because it’s a controlled medication. (Even with savings I pay over $100 out of pocket for my ADHD meds every month. If the manufacturer isn’t offering a coupon that month it’s close to $300.)

Again, this is a LEGAL medication that I am LEGALLY prescribed by my supportive doctor with consultation from my supportive psychologist, for my actual disabling medical condition, and which all parties involved agree is extremely effective in helping me manage said condition. I’m in about the best situation you can be in short of being a millionaire who doesn’t have to worry about things like preapprovals or copays or taking sick time from work. 

I’ve also heard from others who have had to change doctors due to moving, job or insurance changes, etc., only to get issues like:

  • medical practices that flatly refuse to prescribe any controlled medications at all.
  • medical practices that don’t deal with ADHD specifically at all.
  • doctors that “don’t believe in” medicating adults/women/people with good jobs/people with good grades/anyone for ADHD.
  • doctors that won’t accept existing diagnoses or treatment plans.

ADHD is a treatable and manageable condition, but it isn’t a joke, it isn’t “made up,” we aren’t “all a little ADHD these days anyway”. It’s a complex and wide-ranging condition that can impact nearly every part of your life in serious and possibly very damaging ways.


Hold on I need to schedule an appointment

OP you could’ve gone to my house and punched me in the face

Wait, sleep disorders, too?!

There’s a reason the joke goes “five out of 100 people have ADHD. One’s diagnosed, one’s getting by, one’s depressed, one’s an addict and one’s in jail”.

Seriously though, I quit binge drinking cold the week that I got properly medicated for ADHD. If you have substance use issues, gambling (including loot boxes etc), or other significant behavioural addictions, and you recognise the things described here as problems in your life, for the love of god please go get tested. Even just take a look at the Brown Adult ADD Self-Report Scale and see if it reads like a callout post.


Regular reminder that “humans are parasites” and “maybe we’re the virus, maaan” are ecfoascist dogwhistles.

The average person won’t produce nearly the same contribution to climate change in their lifetime as corporatism does in a single day.

Then you have the whole military industrial complex.

Most of their ships don’t run off nuclear power.


Seriously fuck apple hardware and their hinges that break monitor cables and their butterfly keys and their 24-step battery replacement process that involves *removing your goddamned speakers* to replace the battery.

Fuck. That.

Fuck their specialized Apple screwdrivers

And their bullshit expensive replacement parts.

Two weeks ago I added RAM to my new laptop and it took about four minutes.

I just now replaced the fan on my old laptop while I was on a call with a vendor.

Both of those things used the same phillips-head screwdriver that I got in a pack of three for a dollar fifty at daiso. And I didn't have to *use a hairdryer to soften the adhesive on my speakers* to access either of those parts, let alone a part as basic and as likely to fail as a fucking battery. Hell, I opened up my new laptop and found out that there's a spot for me to put in a second SSD with a similarly small amount of effort.

But while I'm here:

Fuck modern cars. Fuck the engine covers with breakable pins that make it a pain in the ass to do anything more than checking the oil. Fuck the use of tablets as an interface for dealing with the car. Fuck proprietary RFID key fobs and fuck tire monitoring systems that'll make you fail a smog check.

Fuck cheaply made clothing that won't last more than a couple dozen wears but is so thin and flimsy that it also can't handle being mended.

Fuck printers that require a subscription for ink every three months even if you aren't out of ink, because they'll say you're out of ink because they disable the cartridges after a certain time no matter how much or how little you've printed.

Fuck printers generally, they're such cheap and horrible pieces of garbage at the consumer level that it's usually less expensive to buy a new printer than it is to replace cartridges, and it's usually cheap to replace the rollers but the printer is such shit that your odds of snapping off some fiddly piece of plastic garbage are about 50/50 even if you do know what you're doing.

Fuck all of this shit. You should be able to fix what you own, and if you can't or don't want to learn how to, you should at least have the option to try without becoming a professional.

I keep seeing that post about wanting packaged delivered slower by happier, safer, better-paid workers and first of all: Fuck yes. But also: I want clunkier, heavier technology that is easier to fix.

If I needed a laptop that could fit into a manila envelope I would get a fucking tablet, what I need is a laptop that has some actual computing power and that I can swap the hard drive on in less than forty minutes.

The cellphone I had five years ago had a smaller screen and a thicker case, but I could replace the battery with my thumb as the only tool, and with some effort (less than it would require now) I could replace the whole screen. I don't need a seven inch screen and four cameras on the back and a thin, lightweight case, the phone that was the size of my palm and half an inch thick was fine and LOOK I know a lot of the components have become smaller; why did we move to slimmer cases instead of keeping the thicker ones that anyone could crack open to swap in a SIM or replace the battery? You could have BIGGER batteries, with longer lifespans if you still had thicker cases and smaller screens and then maybe this piece of shit phone would fit in any single pocket on my clothing instead of hanging halfway out and trying to make a dive onto the ground every time I stand up.

I don't like the attitude of "stuff in the old days used to just WORK" - in some ways it's true, in some ways it isn't. Cars in the old days certainly did NOT just used to work. But it used to be a fuck of a lot easier to get into an engine and *fix it* without having to get an entire collection of vehicle-specific tools and half a computer science degree. Printers have never, in the existence of printers, "just worked" but they didn't stop printing because of a programmed date on a chip in the fucking cartridge.

A lot of hardware from today is fine. SSDs are pretty great, and there are new manufactured hard drives that I know are going to last thirty years, just like the 40MB drive from 1987 that a customer brought into my shop a few years ago.

There are people out there who are making good stuff.

But it's so fucking frustrating the way that it feels like you have to fight to find something that isn't just the absolute shittiest piece of garbage. The amount of stuff out there that is flimsy, likely to fail, and only-user-serviceable-if-the-user-is-already-technically-proficient is really, really upsetting.


“it has never mattered how thin a computer is” is the most accurate summary of what should be the driving ethos of everyone when it comes to technology


The newest thing I find way funnier than it should be is talking about fictional events like they would on an in universe true crime podcast.

For example:

“We’ve got a really heavy case for you today, but it’s been highly requested, so here goes. This is part one of the massacre at Whitestone Castle.” “I hate this case man. No one likes this case.”

“An update on one of the weirder cases out of Zephrah, and believe it or not, it’s a happy one. We told you a while ago about the disappearance of Viliya….” “No fucking way.”

“Now there are rumors that the murders of the Beck, Grieve and Ermundrud families may actually be connected…” “That’s bullshit.”

I mean it’s not that funny but somehow it still amuses me.

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