
I am me.

@dmollyc / dmollyc.tumblr.com

I Have no idea how to Tumblr

Depression is real. Anxiety is real. OCD is real. All these things go hand in hand. Most of the time people have issues with all of them.

Find something that helps you cope, without hurting you.

People have told me I have anxiety because I say I have anxiety. That's the only reason. All I have to do is to say I don't have anxiety. Will they tell someone with a broken leg, that they should just say they don't have a broken leg and just walk it off.

People actually made things worse by doing this!


every year we have to say it


Trade school is ok!

I will bang this drum until my arms fall off:

Community college is not only OK, it’s a very good idea. 90% of jobs aren’t going to care where you got your degree. For those remaining 10%, here’s a hack that can save you tens of thousands of dollars in tuition.

Go to community college, get an Associate’s Degree in General Ed. This will take you two years, and it is statistically likely that at the end of those two years you will have a better idea of what you want to actually do with your life than you did when you were fucking seventeen years old.

THEN Decide on your major. If you need a Prestigious School, you are much more likely to get in with an associate’s degree and a good GPA than you were with a diploma and a good GPA. Since you have an associate’s degree, those credits are locked. None of this “Okay, you can transfer to our college, but you’re going to have to retake your English Credits and maybe another humanities course” shit. You have a degree that says you completed that part of your education, and you can now concentrate on the remaining two years required for a four year degree in your major.


We are doing kids a major disservice when we act like college is the only life path that can lead to success. These days the market is oversaturated with hyper specific degrees that there aren’t enough jobs for, while not enough people are going into trades to keep those professions running smoothly.

You can go into a trade school or an apprenticeship instead of college, you won’t spend as much, and you will start making money sooner. And let me just add: people make good money in the trades.


Anxiety. Apparently, or so I've been told, I have driving anxiety because I SAY I have drinking anxiety. If I stop saying and/or thinking it, it will go away. I'm just letting the devil in my head.

Excuse me! If someone has a broken leg do you tell them to walk it off?

Yes. I pray. Especially when driving, that is my coping mechanism. I believe I prayer. Praying helps me to get up in the morning.

But telling someone it's their fault!!! That is not Christian, it is not Godly. Its being (or so you think) morally superior. Its destroying the person. Its just WRONG!

Please tell me your opinions


Body autonomy is universal. We all have control over our bodies. Stop Republicans from controlling private decisions.

End the GOP war on women. #VoteBlue



hey friend

dont kill yourself tonight ok

you have a really pretty smile and i know its not always easy to manage one but itd be a bummer if we never had the chance to see it ever again

youre really important and you matter a lot so stay safe and try and have a nice sleep

I would like a moment to thank the people who reblog post like this so that it eventually shows on my dash.

It is keeping me alive

I actually really needed this tonight, thank you

have this my friends


You, my precious follower. I want you to stick around because you make the world a better place just by existing.


Honestly. This.

And also: you are the answer to a specific question this universe is asking.

So please stick around. Don’t take yourself somewhere that means it’ll never get that answer.

You’re needed.


Aggressive drivers.

Why tailgate someone?

The passing lane is clear, Just pass.

there should be stopping distance between your vehicle and the one in front of yous. The two-second rule is equivalent to one vehicle length for every 5 MPH of the current speed.

You don't know if someone is unwell and just trying to get home.

Someone could have a stroke, heart attack or even sneeze.

Their. Vehicle might be having problems and they're trying to get to a mechanic.

Don't be rude and/aggressive. Just back off a bit and pass.

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