
sometimes Allah swt just shows me that there's some places where any investment- emotional or whatsoever is futile and is only going to hurt me and leave me feeling empty and stupid, and what's one thing i hate feeling? stupid.

Anonymous asked:

Is adoginthemanger okay?



My toxic trait is that I ardently believe that when someone says something mean when they're angry and later try to undo it by saying that they 'didn't mean it and only said it because they were angry' they absolutely did mean it, and were thinking about that said sentence for a long time. Anger doesn't give you ideas, it just removes your filters. People think 'I take it back' fixes things, no it doesn't.


I havent been here in a long time but i dont know where to put my thoughts update on life is that i am repulsed at the thought of intimacy and at the thought of someone depending on me for anything because its unfair that i cant depend on anyone like that. I am repulsed at the thought of contact but arghhhhhhhh in the early hours of the morning i justtt waaant to be helddddd for someone to wait for me to wake up, for innocent touch innocent touch shy glances FUCKING HELL. Innocent unintentional grazing of hand only grazing because if you hold it i will run away.


not me realizing that the only way to not get continually hurt is it stop caring and detach to save me from me because i am incapable of normal connections.

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