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@mang-o / mang-o.tumblr.com

18+, she/her | mainly kingsman, some bbc sherlock | Tw: @LilMang_o

an inventory of anthony j. crowley’s flat

  • 14 stress plants™ whose dirt has absorbed so much anxiety it would send anyone who touched it to hospital
  • 1 lectern from exact geographical location of angelic rescue, retrieved when no one was looking as bomb sirens were malfunctioning for some reason
  • 1 table that has inspired zero (0) fantasies of being plowed vigorously upon it by any angels at all 
  • 1 throne, only incidentally covered in carved winged creatures, which was there when occupant moved in
  • 1 bed, 6000-year-old white feather decoupaged onto headboard at owner’s request
  • 1 pair of Vantablack sheets, obtained without the permission of artist with whom current owner is in bitter longtime dispute 
  • 1 television/1 not television, depending on the time of day
  • 1 sculpture depicting recreational masculine sport, for fitness inspiration
  • 0 lights
  • 1 sketch by artist with lustful designs, whose attention needed to be diverted for very important infernal reasons
  • 1 safe containing 1 thermos of holy water, which has remained in safe for 50 years and has never been taken out occasionally and cried over
  • 1 copy of Extremely Big Book of Astronomy, with “Holiday with Angel?” scribbled and then crossed out and then scribbled again five times in margins of section on Alpha Centauri
  • 1 pair of snakeskin Louboutins
  • 5 bags of cat food for Gorgo, the neighborhood cat whose cuddling and purrs are very annoying
  • 1 citrus juicer

you realize this is a list of

demonic possessions


macbeth is shakespeare’s funniest tragedy and mr. macbeth is the funniest character in macbeth. he listens to these creepy old women tell him he’s gonna be king and IMMEDIATELY decides the only thing he can POSSIBLY do is kill a guy and then he waffles about it for a full act and finally comes to the conclusion that it’s morally wrong and then HE DOES IT ANYWAY and his entire fucking life falls apart with an inevitability that is genuinely hilarious

the other exceedingly funny thing is that he doesn’t even cover his ass that well like??? sure the morning right after the murder he gets away with it but even then he almost straight fucks it by killing the guys he framed. and then within a few months everyone in scotland independently comes to the conclusion that he did it ANYWAY because like. WHO else would it have been

funniest moments in macbeth:

  • “o? by whom?” (a classic)
  • “what, you egg” (also a classic)
  • “twas a rough night”
  • macduff telling lady macbeth he can’t say what happened because she’s a woman and then spinning around and IMMEDIATELY telling banquo within FULL earshot of ladymac
  • “that i did… kill them… 👉👈”
  • macbeth giving the whole “blood will have blood” speech and then going “…….what time is it”
  • the witches, whom we’ve just seen making a potion of baby parts, saying “something wicked” about macbeth. your king steps onto the scene and these literal actual witches go “oh, bitch? a bitch?”
  • malcolm’s I Fuck Too Much Speech
  • and then. when he takes it back. he says “why are you silent?” which implies macduff is just. sitting there.
  • “take thy face hence”
  • macbeth absolutely wrecking young siward’s shit and then just going “thou wast born of woman” to his corpse

in honor of this post getting an absurd and terrifying amount of notes here are my favorite tags


also, for those of you asking to see macbeth as a dark comedy: i haven’t seen a production specifically billed as such but definitely the funniest macbeth i’ve seen is the folger 2008 one which, by the way, is free on youtube! it definitely leans into the horror aspect but it also is just. laugh-out-loud funny sometimes like these actors know how to punctuate their lines to get at that absurd humor! and i’ve watched it twice in like two months

was anyone gonna tell me Macbeth was a comedy or was i supposed to read that here myself?

Okay, look. There’s something modern readers don’t understand, because definitions have changed.

To us, a comedy is a funny play and a tragedy is a cathartic one.

In Shakespeare’s time, a comedy was a play with a happy ending.

A tragedy was a play with a sad ending.

That is it.

Shakespeare was a comedic writer. All of his plays are funny to some degree and I suspect the man couldn’t write seriously if he tried.

A lot of the time modern troupes miss this and play the tragedies straight. They aren’t supposed to be. They are supposed to be darkly, ironically funny.

Because after all, these plays were written to be performed in inn yards where everyone was drunk. That did not necessarily exclude the actors.

A performance of Macbeth that makes you laugh is an authentic, correct performance. One that understands the basic fact that Shakespeare is more like Taika Waititi than Quentin Tarantino.


*pulls up to the fanfic drive-thru window* uh yeah, i’ll take a fake relationship with a side of mutual pining and thinking the other isn’t interested, thanks

#sure and if you can throw in an extra “sharing one bed” trope, that would be great.


How much is it to supersize to smut?


So if you get smut and fluff from a drive thru where do you go for angst and dark?

That you order from the guy in the trenchcoat in the alley. “You want angst? I got angst”


*sticks my withered goblin paw out from under the bed* psst kid i got ‘they both think the other one is dead for like seven chapters’ 

Reader: “How much will that be?”

Author: “Just a comment. Please for the love of God leave a comment.”


“Do you take fanart?”

Author: soft crying… yea-yeah i take fanart. your change is everlasting love and friendship… is that okay?


The books listed and links for them at GoodMinds.com, owned by Achilles Gentle (Skownan First Nation):





Thank you very much!


favorite shit humans do is when someone gets them a wearable gift (i.e. jacket or jewelry, shirts, etc.) the human wears it around the other one that gave it to them and is like “notice! wore for you! look! look!!!” and then the other human is like “yes!! i see! you look nice :) i am happy i made you happy :)” 


A lady asked me how much it cost to make her a purse of a well known style in cotton fabric of a particular design and colour. £35 - I said. She said she thought that was a bit dear for a purse. I asked her how much she thought it would cost her to make one then. She thought about £10 as you can get similar in Primarni for £8 OK, so for £10 do it yourself I said Her reply was - I don’t know how to. I said for £10 I’ll teach you how to. So besides saving you £25 you’ll get the knowledge if you ever want to make another. She seemed pleased and agreed. OK I said, you’ll need a machine, cutting mat, rotary cutter, rivet press and the pattern. Oh well….. I don’t have many of things and I can’t justify buying all that just to make one purse. Well then for another £10 more I’ll lend you my stuff to you so you can do it at my house. Okay, she says. Great, I replied, come round on Tuesday afternoon and we’ll make a start Oh, I can’t come on Tuesday I’m having my hair done! Sorry, but I’m only available Tuesday to teach you and lend you my stuff. Other days are busy with other bags and purses. Bugger, that means I’ll have to miss my haircut. Oh, I forgot, I said, to make one yourself you also have to pay for the sundry costs. Now she’s confused – what on earth are they?? Fabric search time, electric, wear and tear on the machine, blades for the cutter etc She looks at me and says – but that’s ridiculous you can absorb all that cost as you are charging me to borrow your stuff. I could, I said, but I’m not spending time looking for the fabric you need you can do that yourself – you need 3 fat quarters of fabric, buckram, woven interfacing, non woven interfacing, a lock, rivets and matching thread. So she then says - I’ve been thinking, I think I’d rather pay you the £35. It’s too complicated to make one for myself, it wouldn’t be as well made and it would cost me a hell of a lot more than £35. When you pay for a hand crafted item, you pay not only for the material used, but also: - knowledge - experience - tools - services - time - enthusiasm Only by knowing all the elements necessary for the production of a certain item can you estimate the actual cost.

This is my Lost Soul Skull shawl; it took 44 hours to crochet it. In my county, minimum wage for a company that has one employee is $13/hr – which means this should sell at $572, if I paid myself minimum wage for making it. I could scare away a lot of people wanting me to make them stuff for cheap if I mentioned how much this one should cost, don’t you think?


Thanks for the tag, my dear @stronglyobsessed

ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · Greek mythology or Egyptian mythology · macarons or éclairs · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow

I tag: whoever wants to do it :P


Rule: Bold what applies to you.

Tagged by the lovely :hugsss: @dravni

wind or rain / closed curtain or open window / bumblebees or butterflies / banana bread or cheesecake / tulips or roses / lemon & honey or apple & cinnamon / hillside cottage or city apartment / warm or cold / book or video game / organized bullet journal or cluttered sketchbook / smoothie or milkshake / sunshine or moonlight / relaxing or productivity / holding hands or back hugs / poetry or prose / candle or diffuser / longing for the past or longing for the future / vocals or instruments / snowy mountain or rolling green hills

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