
Gay Blueberries


OSDD System

This has been an extremely long time coming because this man has existed in this fandom since April 6 of 2022 and he’s one of first five OCs to have ever been made in the Ride The Cyclone fandom. I love him very much. Name: Florian Lévesque Birthday: February 14 Zodiac: Aquarius, the intellectual nature Epithet: The most charismatic boy in town Favorite ride: Tunnel of love Catchphrase: “Je promets d'être à toi pour toujours et à jamais.”


meet penis from my new cartoon "steamboat penis" where the titular character penis pilots a boat shaped like a penis right into some sharp rocks killing himself and all other 42 passengers on board


to any americans who feel "paralyzed" and "dont know what to do" to help with gaza:

reading a fucking book. i beg of you.

in a time of knowledge suppression is it your duty to arm yourself with knowledge.

read about americas occupations in the middle east.

read about 9/11 from outside of america and see how they inflicted senseless harm and violence to countless amounts of people and have been suppressing your rights for the past 2 fucking decades.

read about any of the countless wars from the past 30 years. especially from a civilian's. and the victims and survivors' perspective. listen to the horror stories and do not plug your fucking ears as to what your country is doing.

and read about fucking gaza and palestine and keep up with what is happening no matter how "sad" or "uncountable" you might get.

dont look away from this.

you dont have the right to be comfortable during countless active genocides.

if you're knowledgeable, you're powerful, and our current state doesnt fucking want that.

you have the power to change things if you open your eyes and scream to the world.

wake the fuck up.


Not every pwOSDDID grew up with inexplicable voices in their head or imaginary friends pre-system discovery. It happens to a lot but sometimes someone can be completely left in the dark up until they're presented with the idea of being a system. It's a covert disorder sometimes alters are going to be hidden until it's safe for them to not be and sometimes that means you don't know each other until post system realization



the process of accepting a split for me is just "im making it up they aren't real" --> "okay maybe I have some actual evidence now but they still are not real" --> "f u c k they're real fuck okay" --> "are you kidding me is a split really necessary rn" ---> "this is so cringe why is t h a t the source" (if applicable) --> "okay well they're here so it's fine ig" --> "oh they're cool (:"


The 10 stages of genocide are:

  1. Classification
  2. Symbolization
  3. Discrimination
  4. Dehumanization
  5. Organization (of militias/militaries with genocidal aims)
  6. Polarization (of wider society against a minority by means of propaganda)
  7. Preparation (by isolating the minority group physically, legally, and socially)
  8. Persecution
  9. Extermination
  10. Denial

But that can be a bit abstract, so here it is from perspective of the people causing the genocide:

  1. There is them, and there is us.
  2. They represent something wrong.
  3. They deserve less.
  4. They ARE less.
  5. There's more of us than them.
  6. There should be less of them.
  7. There will be less of them.
  8. They are fleeing.
  9. We killed them, all of them.
  10. They never existed.

And from the perspective of the victims:

  1. Some people have started calling me names.
  2. Some genuinely hate me for reasons that aren't my fault.
  3. So few people like me are doing well in life compared to everyone else.
  4. I'm treated like I'm disgusting and villainous and it doesn't make any sense.
  5. It's dangerous to be a person like me, but I didn't do anything wrong.
  6. I keep hearing about people like me dying or getting hurt, why is nobody standing up for people like me?
  7. It's not safe to go outside anymore.
  8. We have to leave the country or go into hiding.
  9. I'm about to die, we're all about to die.
  10. Nobody will remember me or what they did to us.

this little interaction is so silly to me

cuz like ocean says she has a speech just for this occassion so mischa is understandably like "whys she got a speech for this" and noel just shrugs like "its ocean"


I don’t know what my mental state is but i’ve watched Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat twice and it’s not even 5 yet. I think that’s indicative of something.

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