
"Though She Be but Little , She Is fierce


20 🙋🏽...avid reader . Writer 📝 all things scandal , Kerry Washington and cast .
EMT 🚨🚨🚑

Chapter 29 ( Jaylen )

(Beyonce) BEYONCE AND JAYZ SEX TAPE (Shawn) WHAT?! (Beyonce) Thats what it say (Shawn) Is there a video (Beyonce) Twitter took it down already but the comments are talking about a threesum. Shawn did you show that tape to anyone (Shawn) No I would never (Beyonce) Then how did it get out, I haven’t saw the tape since we made it (Shawn) I dont know. I keep the tape locked up this dont make any since (Solange) So my big sis made sex tape and I thought I was the freak (Beyonce) Solange not right now please (Solange) I didn’t do anything (Beyonce) Omg what if my mom see this (Shawn) Calm down its off the internet now (Beyonce) No dont tell me to calm down Shawn this is your fault (Shawn) You can’t blame me for this (Beyonce) I gotta go to work (Shawn) Bey can we talk (Beyonce) I’ll be back later


(Angie POV)

Ugggg I had a long day today and I’m tired but its okay because I get to see my future husband. He called earlier and said he and Bey is gonna need some extra help around the house.

(Shawn “Corey”) Mom what is this (Angie) Where did you get that (Shawn) Mom I can’t believe you (Angie) Look this is my business not yours (Shawn) Mom why you do this (Angie) Because we need the money and Bey dont deserve Shawn (Shawn) So you send out their sex tape. Mom thats low really low, and what about this other girl (Angie) Shawn! SHUT. UP. I DONT. CARE (Shawn) You know what I’m out here (Angie) Shawn where are you going (Shawn) OUT! (Angie) You better not tell your father (Shawn) Its your business (Angie) Shawn? (Shawn) I wont tell (Angie) I love you (Shawn) *slams front door*


*Phone conversation*

(Shawn) Beyonce just come home so we can talk (Beyonce) After I finish recording these last few songs I’ll be home (Shawn) Beyonce you know I didn’t send out that tape and I didn’t show it to anyone (Beyonce) Well Shawn I find that hard to believe when you was the only one with that tape (Shawn) I will never do that to you (Beyonce) Ok *click*

(Beyonce POV)

I don’t know what to believe to be honest. I want to believe that Shawn didn’t have anything to do with that tape being release but its kind of hard to believe because he was the only one with access to the tape. I dont even know where he keeps the tape. Anyway I think imma just head home after I finnish recording Halo because I keep having these sharp pains in my stomach.

Later that night….

(Angie) So I heared about the tape (Shawn) Yea everybody did (Angie) So how is Beyonce taking it (Shawn) I dont know she haven’t been home all day and she stop taking my calls (Angie) *rubbing Jay’s shoulders* I’m sorry but I’m sure everything will be fine. Beyonce will be ok once everything blows over and I’m sure she’ll forgive you (Shawn) Hopefully (Beyonce) *walking into the kitchen* Umm Hey Shawn, Angie. Whats going on here (Angie) Umm I should go I’ll see yall tomorrow. Bye *walking out* (Beyonce) What was that about (Shawn) I dont know but can we talk (Beyonce) Yea but can we go into the living room (Shawn) Why is everything ok (Beyonce) Yea I’ve just been having these sharp pains in my stomach all day (Shawn) You sure you dont need to go to the doctor (Beyonce) yea I’m ok (Shawn) Nawl Bey you dont even look fine (Beyonce) Im ok (Shawn) No we are going to the doctor.


(Beyonce POV)

When we got to the hospital my doctor took one look at me and knew something was wrong. When he checked me out he told me I was already 2 centimeters and he said the pains I was feeling was actually contractions. Now I’m only 6 months pregnant and it’s way to early for me to deliver so he got me hooked up to some machines and he got me on a series of medication to try to stop the contractions.

(Beyonce) Shawn I’m scared (Shawn) Just calm down everything will be fine. Jaylen is just in a hurry thats all. (Beyonce) I know but it’s too early for me to deliver, what if we loose him *crying* (Shawn) Dont say that and stop crying. I promise you everything will be ok (Beyonce) *sniffs* Ok

(Shawn POV)

I’m trying to stay strong for Bey but I’m scared myself. The doctor said it was triggered by stress so Bey has been beating herself up about this whole thing so its my job to stay strong and keep her stress down

*3days later*

The doctor finally found a combination of medicine that worked for me thank god. So I finally get to go home but I’ve been put on strict bed rest because anything can trigger labor. Once we got home Shawn helped me to the bedroom I took a bath and got into the bed. It was only 3pm so I asked Shawn to get my laptop so I can get some work done. Now before yall have a B.F I’m only putting the songs in order on my album. Plus if imma be on bed rest for the next 3 months I have to keep myself busy or I’ll go crazy.

(Shawn) Corey is downstairs and he said he need to talk to us about something so do you feel like some company or (Beyonce) Of course (Shawn) Ok.. Corey come in (Shawn “Corey”) Hey Bey (Beyonce) Hi Corey whats up (Corey) I heard about the baby and I’m happy everything is ok (Beyonce) Thanks (Corey) Yea but I have something to tell both of you and its kind of important (Beyonce) What is it (Corey) I wanna let yall know this is not easy for me to do (Shawn) Even though I haven’t been around much I want you to know you can talk to me about anything (Corey) I know *sighs* Well I know who- (Angie) Hi everybody sorry I’m late. Whats going on in here (Beyonce) Corey was in the middle of telling us something important (Angie) Oh was he, well Corey I’m your mother you can tell me too (Corey) You know what never mind its not important and I should go before I’m late for class (Beyonce) but-

Corey rushed out the room so fast I couldn’t even tell him it was Saturday

(Angie) Ohhh Kaaay theeeen. Annnywaay what do yall need me to do today *putting her purse on the bed* and Bey I’m happy you’re ok (Beyonce) Thanks, and I like your bag (Angie) Thank you it cost 25 hundred dollars (Beyonce) I know, I have one just like it only in grey (Angie) Well I guess we have similar taste in just about everything *glancing at Jay* (Beyonce) I guess we do (Angie) So what do you need from me today (Beyonce) Well the OMG Girls need to go get fitted for their costumes so I need you to take them to do that (Angie) Ok (Beyonce) The adress is already in the GPS and Jessica has my credit card to pay for the outfits. Please make sure she dont charge anything else besides the costumes they have more than enough stuff already (Angie) Ok I’ll go take care of that now and Shawn do you need anything (Shawn) No I’m good (Angie) Ok well I’ll go get Jessica and we will be on our way. (Beyonce) Ok……… Shawn how much are you paying Angie (Shawn) Ummm a thousand every two weeks why? (Beyonce) I’m just wondering how can she afford that bag and those $5,000 dollar shoes she had on (Shawn) Maybe they are knock offs (Beyonce) No those aren’t knock offs (Shawn) Oh maybe she saved up for them (Beyonce) Mmhmm (Tavia) Mommy do you wanna play cards (Beyonce) Sure (Shawn) Is she the only one that can play (Tavia) No, you can play too

We played cards for a while then we brought out some other bored games. Then when Jessica arrived back home she asked could Beauty and Starr stay over and of course we said yea so they joined in on the fun. The best part of the night was when we played twister. I spent the spinner the whole time because I was on bed rest but watching Shawn try to out stretch the girls was hilarious so I ended up having fun. We ordered pizza and watched movies until about 4am then everyone went to sleep. And the next morning I went back to work but of course but it was harder because I couldn’t leave my bed. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

*1 and a half weeks later*

Everything’s been ok I guess. I’ll been a little sick from the medication but it’s nothing I can’t handle. The baby is okay and I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family and I’ve been working from home. But since I’m on bed rest I’ve been sooo bored and I’m sexually frustrated. I need to get chocolate wasted if yall know what I mean. I’ve been asking Shawn but he is soooooo scary he said he don’t want to send me into early labor. -___- So I suggested that maybe I could ride him or we just do oral and he still said no. I told that as long as we are gentle the baby will be ok and he said he dont want to risk it. Now as long as we are gentle I dont see the problem. My pregnant hormones got me very horny and I need some sexual healing but Shawn said no so I guess I gotta wait 3 months. Anyway Shawn called and said he was gonna be home from work late and my mom is cooking so Solo took my nephew and the girls over my mom house which leaves me home alone bored. So I guess I’ll go find me something to eat.


*Shawns office at Roc Nation*

(Corey) Dad can I talk to you *walking into Jay’s office* (Shawn) Sure and you’re calling me dad (Corey) Yea I guess I am. But where is my mother (Shawn) I sent her to the house to check on Bey why (Corey) Because it was my mother (Shawn) What was your mother (Corey) She sent out the sex tape (Shawn) She did what (Corey) I promised I wouldn’t tell but this secret is killing me. She said she did it to break you and Beyonce up because she is still in love with you. She said she was in your home office and she was looking for a blank DVD so she could bootleg Why Did I Get Married and she came across an unmarked DVD. She said she thought it was blank but she wanted to make sure so she played it in your laptop. When realized what it was she made a copy and she sold it to Media Takeout and ended up getting $800,000 for the DVD (Shawn) Why are you just now telling me this (Corey) Well I tried to tell yall the day I found out but- (Shawn) But Angie walked in (Corey) Yea (Shawn)Well come on (Corey) where are we going (Shawn) To have a talk with your mom (Corey) You’re not gonna hurt her are you? I mean that is my mother (Shawn) Nope


*In the kitchen*

(Beyonce) *laughs* STOP you are gonna make me choke on my food. I can’t believe Corey did that (Angie) *laughs* I know right. Giiirl I beat his little ass. But when I found out about it I wanted to laugh soooo bad but I couldn’t because if I did he would of thought it was okay because he was only 3 (Beyonce) *laughs* Did he get kicked out of school (Angie) Of course he did. He pulled down his pants and told his teacher to suck it just because he couldn’t go out for recess (Beyonce) *laughs* And he was in head start (Angie) Yes! (Beyonce) omg where did he even get that from (Angie) I dont even know. But what are you eating it look good (Beyonce) Oh its a chicken wrap do you want a piece (Angie) You know I do *breaking a piece of Bey’s chicken wrap* (ok I dont mean to cut in the story but she pissing me off like get your own chicken wrap you fake bitch and my poor Bey so clueless :-/ anyway back to the story) Mmmmmm this is good I need your recipe. (Beyonce) Giiirl this came straight out the box. All I did was put it in the microwave (Beyonce and Angie) *laughs*

*Jay just came in the door with Corey*

(Beyonce) *smiling* Hey baby I thought you was coming home late

*Shawn ignored Bey and grabbed Angie by her neck*

(Beyonce) Shawn whats going on (Shawn) This bitch sent out the sex tape (Corey) SHAWN! THATS MY MOTHER (Angie) You’re hurting me. I can’t breath (Corey) Let her go! (Beyonce) Shawn stop let her go please!

Now normally I would of snapped but I saw that same look in Shawn’s eyes that I saw when he fought Idris. He looked like he was about to kill Angie and I didnt want Shawn in any trouble.

(Beyonce) Let her go (Shawn) Fine! You’re not even worth it * throwing Angie* (Beyonce) Why did you do it? How did you do it (Shawn) The bitch was looking through my shit in my office. She did it to break us up. She claim she love me (Beyonce) What (Angie) *crying* I- (Beyonce) GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS (Angie) Shawn just- (Shawn) You heard her get the fuck out (Angie) *crying* But- (Beyonce) Do you not understand english? Do you need to hear it in Frech? I said “Foutez le camp” (Shawn) Since when do you speak French (Beyonce) I’m Creole it’s in my blood (Corey) Mom lets just go (Angie) *sniffs* fine but Shawn this isn’t over and Bey surveillez vos arrières (Beyonce) What ever

*2 minutes later*

(Shawn) what did she say to you (Beyonce) She said told me to watch my back. But I ain’t even worried I just can’t believed I trusted that thirsty hoe *knocking the plate to the floor* (Shawn) Calm down. You didn’t know. We didnt know (Beyonce) I invited her into my house I trusted around my kids and I even shared my chicken sandwich with her. (Shawn) Look just calm down it’s late lets go to bed (Beyonce) Solo should be on her way home with the girls (Shawn) She can let herself in lets go to bed (Beyonce) Ok


(Beyonce) Shawn wake up *tapping Jay* (Shawn)*pops up* whats wrong (Beyonce) I think all the drama upsetted Jaylen. (Shawn) What (Beyonce) I need to go to the hospital now (Shawn) Ok. Come on. (Beyonce) The baby bag is in the car right (Shawn) Yea (Beyonce) Good because I think he is coming tonight (Shawn) I hope so (Beyonce) Me too, I’m ready to use the nusary


The doctor took me straight to the back and he wasted no time putting me on all these crazy machines. I am still only six months pregnant and it’s still to early for me to deliver. When I first arrived my doctor said I was 5 centimeters dilated and he wanted to try to keep the baby in because it’s still to early and his lungs are not fully developed yet so he tried another series of medicines. They settled Jaylen down but made me sicker and sicker as the night went on. I tried to hide my sickness from the doctor and Shawn because right now my baby needs these medications. And I dont want to loose him. I tried to hide my sickness from the doctor but he noticed about 3 hours in because I was turning pale and becoming weak. He stopped the medication and my contractions started again but this time they were coming harder and closer together so the doctor said we need to deliver him.

(Doctor) Ok we are gonna deliver him now but it is a chance he won’t make it through delivery because his lungs are not fully developed and six months is just way to early (Beyonce) *crying* Noooo (Shawn) She can’t have a C section (Doctor) She’s not strong enough for a C section. In order for us to perform a C section she would have to be in full health and as you can see she’s not. But I promise you we will do all we can to save him but right now we need to get him out

(Beyonce) *crying* (Shawn) Ok

(Shawn POV)

Watching Bey in this much pain pushing my son out made me love her even more and I didnt even know that was possible. After about 20 minutes Jayden was out and I heard Bey sigh in relief. When I looked at Jayden he had Bey’s complexion and curly hair and my everthing else. He is a mixture of Tavia and Jessica and we called him Jaylen Shawn Carter. Everthing was perfect until I noticed he wasn’t crying so I started to cry for the first time. I watched as the doctor handed Jaylen over to the nurse and then I looked over at Bey and she was silent. I heard the doctor say she was in shock. Its like my whole world is moving and I’m just watching from outside it. I saw the doctor stitching Bey up and when he was done he said she had fever and was still in shocked. So he gave her some medicine in her IV and soon she was asleep.

(Beyonce POV)

The first I saw when I woke up was the light from the sun and when I looked down I saw the clock and it said 9am. I then tried to turn around but as soon as I moved I felt pain so I quickly changed my mind and decided to just turn my head and when I did I saw Shawn just starring out the window. I guess heard my movement because he turned around.

(Beyonce) Where is Jaylen (Shawn)….. (Beyonce) Shawn *crying* where is he (Shawn) *crying* He didnt make it (Beyonce) *crying* What? (Shawn) He was stillbirth. He didnt make it through the birth *sniffs* (Beyonce) Nooo I don’t even get a chance to see him *crying*

(Shawn POV)

I took Bey into my arms and tried to comfort her but it was hard to do when all I wanted to do was cry and crawl up under a rock. I couldn’t help but to blame myself because if I would of handled that situation with Angie better Bey wouldn’t of got stressed and angry and Jaylen would still be growing inside of her.

(Beyonce) I couldn’t even say goodbye *crying*

To Be Continued…….

Don’t Forget To Comment or Tweet us yall thoughts or reactions.

Just when I thought wattpad was poppin , Tumblr authors show out 😩😍

Children/teens aren’t allowed to be sad or in a bad mood because they can get yelled at for it and ridiculed and told to ‘change your attitude or I will for you’, while adults who are sad or in a bad mood, are allowed to yell at and take their frustration out on the kids. Adult privilege huh?

And when the adult is in a bad mood, it’s the kids job to step on eggshells in order to keep them from not exploding, and when they do, it’s on them.

And when the child is in the bad mood, it’s their job to try to hide it, and when they break apart trying to, it’s on them.

What extra sucks about this is that adults literally have more experience, context, perspective, and brain development to help them manage emotions. Adults who do this are shit. We are the adults, we should not be expecting kids who are still developing and learning about the world and trying to figure out their place in it to be the ones who are emotionally mature. 

People who treat adulthood like a power trip are honestly shit and should not have authority over kids. 


This is emotional abuse

Honestly this is so normalized it hurts

July 2, 2018

Beyoncé updates her Instagram - x, x, x

The Carters and family in Cannes, France (July 1).

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