
mad inventor

@emmacarstajrs / emmacarstajrs.tumblr.com

lucrezia, 23, christopher lightwood, julian blackthorn and matthew fairchild protection squads

Hide the breakables and board up the windows, my beloved Mfs, for a rant is coming your way.

I want to be done complaining about chot I really do, I hate being so negative about a book I waited and yearned for, for so long, but there’s one more thing that annoyed me greatly, and, per usual, I want to know what yall think

Today’s subject is our Blackthorn sibling duo.

I wanna preface this by saying that Grace’s povs were one of my favourite parts of Choi.Her character in itself adds grayness to a narrative of angels and demons, good vs evil, and I really enjoyed all the complexity and layers given to her.I ended Chog cursing her name to the wind swear to god, the cursing emoji was a perfect visual representation of me when she put that thing on james again, but in choi cc achieved exactly what she aimed for with grace :” an explanation, not an excuse”

However, I feel like all that information we were given in the previous book was completely wasted in Chot.The characters never find out that she was threatened into putting the bracelet back on James, or that she tried to take it off at his wedding. Her motivations, too, are never known.The way it was portrayed, it looks like Grace stayed so long by Tatiana’s side bc she truly had some sort of fetish for torturing men, when, in reality, it was all for Jesse 

She could’ve begged for sanctuary in an institute, once she became old enough, she could’ve fled with Magnus when he offered to help her in TMH, but she never did.Grace never left bc leaving Tatiana would also mean leaving Jesse and what was all that for? home boy discarded her like some rancid food at the first opportunity  When she went to Curzon street to demand James kissed her? That was for him. Even that train wreck she caused by the end of choi was for him, bc she couldn’t bear the thought of controlling her brother and twisting his feelings for her.To me, this is some very relevant info that should’ve become known if all the secrets were going to be revealed, AND YET NONE OF THIS IS ADRESSED IN THE GODDAMN BOOK

the only explanation I can think of is because that knowledge would require of Jesse to have at least a little bit of loyalty towards his sister, or look like an ungrateful arse which he did, but I’ll get there.

Now about jesse.I had great expectations for him in this last installment, the first one in which he’s alive, but my main take away is that he has become an extension of Lucie’s feelings and opinions, in the most symbiotic way possible, with no personality of his own.

In choi we find out that Grace withstood a lot of physical and psychological abuse from Tatiana that he didn’t know about.I was expecting them to have a true heart to heart, they would discuss everything that went down when they were kids, not just james and the bracelet, and jesse would not only feel guilty about not being able to protect his little sister, but also decide to stick by her side no matter what.

And yes, he could’ve done that while also condemning her mistakes and treatment towards James.The two are not mutually exclusive, and would do justice to his little speech about complicated stories, which, to me, is a very hypocritical spiel since he decided to become his sister’s jury, judge and executioner

I never thought I would say this in my life, but I was infuriated on Grace’s behalf reading their scene in the silent city.Everything about it was very odd, Grace conveniently for cc withholding something so important, the way she explained herself, his storming off. Jesse had never had ONE conversation with Cordelia in his life, he barely knew James, can a kind soul explain to me WHY he would be more concerned about their marriage than his actual sister? Considering his beloved had just done necromancy (YES, Thats what it was, even if it was a unconventional form of it.Bro was dead, then bro was alive again, just like that. N e c r o m a n c y) his moralism is very hypocritical and his understanding of nuance lacking

It irked something so deep inside me to see not just kit defending a girl he barely knew tooth and nail over his cousin and life long friend, but also Jesse not giving a fuck about his sister.They were talking about leaving Grace completely isolated from society (that was disgusting btw, it was up to their authorities to decide her future, not a bunch of teenagers thinking they can treat a person like a broken doll, to be put away wherever they feel like it) and Jesse looked like he couldn’t spare a visit. He seemed more than eager to put Tatiana AND grace behind him in order to start a new life with the herondales. So much for them being all each other had growing up and his so called loyalty

As some last thoughts bc this is getting way too long, Grace should’ve been the one to kill Tatiana.That wasnt Cordelia’s business and had no emotional significance. When that fight happens Grace looks the polar opposite of everything Tatiana ever groomed her to be.She is dirty, shoeless, bedraggled and feral looking, Lucie even thinks that grace’s little training would only be useful if she got close enough.Imagine, my siblings in christ, Grace slitting Tatiana’s throat, after she kills Grace’s only friend, while she is distracted with Rupert.Tatiana molded Grace into her blade, and that Blade was responsible for her end.Feel the sheer power of it, the poetic justice that could’ve been ours.

I also think Grace should’ve been sent away to the scholomance (against her wishes, hence the I didnt choose this) for intensive training both bc she’s really behind in it, and as a punishment from the clave.Its not like she had a place to go to, and staying at her ex fiance’s parent’s house is not the way to go. . 

This new scenario would give her a fresh start to properly heal and eventually make friendships/ find love without the taint from the past on her heels.Her hanging out and chilling with James and his friends has no sense and is a disrespect to his abuse.James doesnt need his abuser living in his uncle and aunt’s house, Grace needs to start her life over where her past won’t haunt her everyday


Will we ever find out how the lives of the tlh gang continued after the epilogue ? Obviously there’s the novella collection you announced but i was thinking for example about how many kids the different couples had :)


Wanting to answer that kind of question was what led me to write the Family Tree in Clockwork Princess, a mess that has taken me years to clean up! I think that while I don't currently have plans to write, say, a series about the kids of the characters in TLH, I might someday want to, and I don't want to cut off that option, so I'm going to limit what I say about what happens to these characters after the end of Chain of Thorns.

I have definitely thought about doing an updated version of The Flower Book that updates all the info about the TLH characters, corrects some mistakes and adds some new characters (Oscar!) If that's something people would want.


a mess that has taken her years to clean up except she DIDN'T



guess who's going to find out who those characters are to watch the movie or the series and cry a little bit more about gracetopher? IT'S ME!!!!!!


Chain of Thorns spoilers!!! (It's a big one!!)

It wasn't Anna holding his head and saying "He's dead". It wasn't Thomas desperately asking Lucie to bring him back. It wasn't Lucie admitting that she tried but there was nothing she could do. It was Grace in the lab, taking a deep breath and getting to work. That's what broke me.

It's exactly what he would have done and what he would have wanted her to do.


Anonymous asked:

Calm it down Kit stans. Seriously.

Oh so sorry about me being upset over a character I like dying? Let’s be honest here his death was unnecessary even if your not a kit stan and it served no purpose plot wise so it’s okay for us to be annoyed about how it was shoved in, mentioned 3(?) times and never again. Maybe just let other people feel how they want about a book?



Anonymous asked:

Why would CC put Kit with James Abuser and get that HEA? That would’ve broken up the Merry Theives, did we not see James trauma reaction when he told his story?

the merry thieves were already broken up for so long and it shows in all the books. I said it.

Anonymous asked:

‘We’ll riot’ over Kit for forever? Livvy died too, Max died too..That’s what toxic stan’s say

it seems like you've never heard of sarcasm darling but I expected nothing different from someone who's telling me "other characters died". yes indeed they died, but if you really got my point you would've understood that I'm mad because there was no point in THIS death because it brought nothing more to the story, it was there just for shock factor and the fact that nobody even seemed to care, not even after everything ended (no, cordelia looking at matthew and thinking "oh maybe he's looking to the riverside bc he's thinking of kit" doesn't count).

it seems way more toxic the way you're telling me this anonymously, I would've liked to talk "blog to blog" (i can't say face to face here lmao) just to exchange opinions, but that was too much to ask

Anonymous asked:

I didn’t really mind Christophers death there I said it 😭

my heart shattered again HOWWWWW okay time to be serious lmao I know that not everybody was hit by this death and that's okay, I was because it was unexpected since matthew was evidently set up to die and honestly I was hoping that cc changed her mind and decided to let everybody live for once, since all the fans were loving this trilogy so much BUT SHE OBVIOUSLY HATES ME 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

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