


Y'all remember in KoA when Lorcan tells Elide, "Then it will be the scar I treasure most"?

I wonder if we'll get something similar with Gwynriel.

We know Az hates his scarred hands, but I think that because they're scarred, Gwyn won't mind his touch. His rough, scarred hands won't remind her of the smooth male hands that held her down while a Hybern commander raped her. Her nightmares probably end with Az's scarred hands wrapping her in his cloak.

Gwyn will treasure his hands until Az learns to treasure them as well. Only his scarred hands will be touching her skin and bringing her pleasure over and over again.


Ok so I know with this prompt you probably meant modern AU, they get drunk and do something dumb, but I went a… different direction. Hope everyone enjoys!

Mor’s face was a mixture of rage and concern. Cassian’s barely concealed amusement, Azriel’s, as usual, was pure murder.

“Let them out,” Azriel growled, eyes sweeping over Gwyn quickly to make sure she wasn’t hurt. She flashed him a nervous little smile to let him know she was fine. It did soften his expression, but only someone who knew him very well would have seen the change.

“I-“ the poor guard looked like he was about to wet himself. He was a large man, clad in scary looking blood red armour, twin curved blades that Nesta had learned the hard way were not just for show, strapped to his hips.

But there wasn’t a warrior in Prythian who wouldn’t find their tongue held in knots and their bladder weakened by Cassian or Azriel. So having both of them staring him down as he tried to uphold his High Lord’s orders? Nesta almost felt sorry for him.

“I’m not surprised you did it,” Cassian taunted his mate from the other side of the barbaric dungeon bars. “I’m just surprised you got caught. We’ll have to get you ladies on some more cardio in the training ring.” He clicked his tongue, “slow warriors tend to end up dead.”

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