
I make Art

@sarahsartistportfolio / sarahsartistportfolio.tumblr.com

Sarah♡BD is 09.22.95♡North eastcoast, U.S.A♡Check my pinned post for links♡Traditional media illustrator♡Single♡I have paintings for sale♡I post about superheroes, angels, fanart, otome games, romance, lolita fashion♡Nsfw fanfics are tagged as nsfw text♡

Literally the only thing stopping me from ending it all right now is these two new characters I just created for a whole new story🥰

Like I’m bubbling over with excitement and creativity with this new idea

These new characters have the potential to be so cute together like

I know the first time you draw a new character isn’t always the best but just !!!!

I’m happy for this brief moment🥰 I’m going turn them into such a cute couple.

And I kind of wanna keep my mouth closed about more details so you the viewer can guess more about their background just by visuals alone


you are NOT my “passenger princess” get off your phone we are Under attack!!!!!!!! you are my gunner; man the weapons and defend our vehicle with your life!!!


We don't talk enough about how goddamn funny Tighnari is. That man is unphased by everything.

  • Cyno shows up at his doorstep with a small child who is traumatized, illiterate, terminally ill, and has an ancient god sealed away in her body, and asks him to help raise her, and Tighnari's only objection is that he doesn't know how to teach preschool level academics.
  • He eats a poisonous mushroom, passes out, and has a hallucination and just goes "damn that was crazy. Let me write it down for science."
  • The dudes in charge of the whole country repeatedly beg him to come work for them and he tells them to fuck off.
  • The second fatui harbinger, said to be as strong as a god, threatens him and he basically tells him to fuck off too.
  • The traveler gets possessed by god and then comes back to tell him that the sages are building a false god and he's like "Damn that's fucked up. Anyways I gotta go check on my patient."
  • Dehya and the Traveler basically say "Hey we are helping Cyno overthrow the government" and he's just like bet.
  • He get's struck by lightning and is just like "Oof. Anyways gotta go check on my patient, good luck fighting a god".
  • He finds an illegal sentient robot crab and just adopts it and tells the matra not to worry about it.
  • He passes out from heat exhaustion in the desert and is just like "Damn. I'll need to bring some sunscreen next time".
  • Finds out Cyno has a long lost brother/cousin and is just like "Cool. Why don't you come over for dinner, meet the family".

The craziest shit can happen to this man and he's just like "Allright why not. This might as well happen" and I love that about him

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