
Your fave is d/Deaf/hoh!

@deafhohfandom / deafhohfandom.tumblr.com

reblogging (mostly) fics, art, and otherwise of your favs being d/Deaf/hoh! inspired by @hohdeaf-headcanons run by @jaisontodd and @sorrwsnake icon by @hwkseye on twitter

I'd love you to meet Etta Carter Jones (my OC), a Deaf Black girl from Northumberland, England :) She signs BSL with her whole family and most of her friends (she's teaching her QPP Tim to sign as well) and her Mum's also Deaf. That's her hearing aid in her right ear :D She's also aro-ace and keeps pigeons <3 |mL

Love Hilly (HoH, UK, 19)


d/Deaf/HOH discord chat

@princesscochlea has started a discord server for d/Deaf/HOH stuff, so if you are deaf, Deaf, or hard of hearing, please consider joining here

questions? talk to @princesscochlea!

Will people with auditory processing disorder also be allowed? Asking for those of my followers who have APD or other auditory processing issues (some of whom are also deaf or hard of hearing like me, but some of whom can hear).

we do have members with APD, but it is not the main focus of the server. if you have only APD but are otherwise hearing, you can join and see if it's for you, but we are definitely not APD-focused! @princesscochlea anything to add?


headcanon that since the slytherin common room is under the lake there’s a room where the walls and ceiling are glass and you can just see into the lake like an aquarium

headcanon that when this was first done the mermaids got really aggressive and hateful about it and started ramming the glass but since it was magic this just caused them injuries

until a deaf/hoh slytherin started to teach them sign language and it took a long time bit by the time they left hogwarts they and the rest of the house were communicating with the mermaids and on good terms

eventually it becomes a part of slytherin house culture you’re a slytherin you know sign language because if you don’t chat with the mermaids they get grumpy

this helps a lot of deaf/hoh students

this also gives slytherin the best grades of any house on all aquatic magical studies

the mermaids give terrible dating advice do not trust them

The most common mermaid dating advice, of course, being “Drown him”





Research has shown that Hand Talk is still being used by a small number of deaf and hearing descendants of the Plains Indian cultures.
“Hand Talk is endangered and dying quickly,” said Melanie McKay-Cody, who identifies herself as Cherokee Deaf and is an expert in anthropological linguistics.
McKay-Cody is the first deaf researcher to specialize in North American Hand Talk and today works with tribes to help them preserve their signed languages. She is pushing for PISL to be incorporated into mainstream education of the deaf.

Hard of hearing Bakugou is like … my favorite fandom headcanon. It’s soooo ogoooood.

After today’s episode, a couple of friends and I on twitter were talking about Kouda and sign language .. which led to Bakugou learning sign if he needed a hearing aid … which lead to .. me thinking about him getting some signs wrong since some are really similar O v O;;;

I know it’s ASL not JSL but .. it’s what I know..ish .. / v \ Please let me know if I got anything wrong aaa … I’m faaaarrr from fluent in ASL!


It is hard to tell in this photograph, but Ariel was signing to me! I am hard of hearing and there are times where I have to use ASL for communication. My mom told her that I couldn’t hear and immediately she turned asking (in sign), “You are deaf?”. I started sobbing, ugly happy sobs. In the time slot allotted we signed the entire time and it made my trip to Disney absolutely incredible. Think about that. Five minutes of just being able to communicate with a character made the long plane ride, long car ride, etc. worth it. The bonus is that Ariel is my favorite Disney princess. I felt included in a world that is tailored to the “norm” and it meant the world.


Don’t leave out any hard of hearing children who come to your door this Halloween, take a minute out of your day to learn a few seasonal asl signs!  These are two different variations of “Happy Halloween” Click here for my source.

halloween is for everyone!!!!!!


since you will pry hard of hearing jason todd from my COLD DEAD HANDS, consider the following:

  • jason just. taking his hearing aids out in the middle of a fight with one of his siblings because how much pettier can you get
  • [opens menacing duffel bag that’s probably had body parts in it] [ha batteries fall out]
  • (in the middle of kicking ass) “hold up, my batteries are dying” (changes batteries during a comedic silence and then gets back to asskicking)
  • go watch this video and get back to me. tell me jason peter todd wouldn’t make these jokes
  • jason’s possessed bedshaker that makes the manor chandeliers vibrate is legendary
  • please consider artemis and bizarro learning sign language
  • actually just consider the batfam learning sign language too, cass helps out
  • i bet jason has hilarious sign names for everyone
  • go watch this video and try to tell me jason peter todd wouldn’t make these kind of deaf jokes
  • jason was such a lit nerd as a kid because reading was easier than all the difficult noisy social interactions of the hearing world
  • jason’s locator going on the fritz and the fam is trying to find him so he just pulls out his has so they whistle
  • jason hilariously mishearing things over comms
  • above all jason’s friends and family loving and supporting him whether he’s petulantly ignoring rantng villains or trying to get better accommodations in his GED classes (because that boy died before he finished high school and i cry a lot)

thanks for coming to my ted talk y’all


DEAF★JAM, an AO3 collection featuring d/Deaf Mic

so, you guys seemed interested in an AO3 collection of fics with d/Deaf or hard of hearing Mics in them, so I went ahead and threw something together. 

I’ve requested for about 5 fics to be added. Please let me know/suggest to me more fics if you find/write them! It’s open, so you can add fics to it right when you write them, if you want!


★Fics must at least mention Mic being d/Deaf or hard of hearing ★No fics with child/adult romantic/sexual relationships ★Besides the above, any pairing is welcome ★Do not add fics with overt, unapologetic ableism or where the topic is not treated respectful

I hope you guys like this! I sure had fun putting it together!


I want a Hawkeyes movie where Hawkeyes is deaf like in the comics, and in the first five minutes he loses his hearing aids, and the rest of the movie is silent except for a constant running commentary of what Hawkeyes is thinking until the very end when he gets his hearing aids back.

And there would be closed captions or something for when people use sign language.

And when people don’t sign and he has to read lips, they should get genuinely hard of hearing people to translate so that they know what words or phrases are hard to catch by lip reading.

Also, lots of explosions with no sound. I feel like that would just be cool.


Patterns to be printed on fabric and made into heated and weighted blankets for disabled kiddos (and grown ups!)

(Image description: three different illustrated patterns of assistive tech/aids. They all follow the same color scheme of peach, mustard, olive, purple, orange, blue, and red. The first pattern is pills of different shapes and colors with a white background. The second pattern is support canes of different styles and colors, including a blind support cane. Between the canes are some pills from the previous pattern. The background is a muted purple. The third pattern is hearing aids of different styles and colors, including a cochlear implant. The background is white. There is a fourth image that shows all three patterns side by side.)

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