
Aleksa Sims

@aleksa-sims / aleksa-sims.tumblr.com

Aleksa (she/her) Sims 4 player (story & builds)

RL Story

CW: c-section, surgery

I survived my first night at the hospital. I was woken up by a nurse at 6 am, who reminded me again, not to eat or drink anything. After an hour I was given some.... nice drugs, sedatives, by a Doctor. I felt so relaxed afterwards. As promised, Nico came to me. He smiled at me. I was soo happy when I saw him!!

Some time later at the surgery room, N. had to change clothes. He looked so funny in that... Doc-outfit. The Doc who did the C-section, thought Nico was one of his new colleagues. He warned N., to keep an eye on his things, because belongings keep disappearing here. Well, as long as nobody steals my Baby, I don’t care. While the anesthesiologist gave me a spinal anesthesia, the room filled with more and more Docs & students. Now the surgery started. I kept getting tired in between. I could hear (and feel) the Surgeon who did the c-section, struggling to get my son out.

I felt like I was falling off that surgical table. I said,"help I’m falling!" The doc behind me reminded me, I was safe! I was strapped to the table. The Docs have suspected that my Baby is huge, bigger than expected! I could hear everything!! Are those docs even aware of that, I wondered?🤷‍♀️ They were kidding about a huge Baby. 😄 MY Baby!!! Then finally, I heard my Son scream. So cute!! Like a puppy. "Congrats, it's a boy, a pretty tiny one." , the Surgeon said. (50 cm)

I was only allowed to look at my Baby briefly. The nurse held him to my cheek. I kissed his forehead. He smelled like apples, I remember that so well. I know it's strange. Why apples? Idk? That's what I smelled! The nurse then went next door with my Baby. She asked Nico to come along, but N. was scared for a moment, didn’t know what to do? Stay with me or go with our son? I remember I wanted to tell Nico, to go with our son, but I couldn’t talk anymore. I started to choke, I got really sick. Suddenly everything was black for a moment. For some reason, I passed out, which is why Nico got scared. He noticed that I rolled my eyes and was no longer responsive.

He had to leave the surgery room anyway, so he went with our son. 15 minutes later I woke up slowly.

Once I opend my eyes, I saw my Doc. He examined me and asked me how I was doing? I couldn’t answer him right away. He told me I was in the recovery room. My Baby's fine and Nico's with him. They’ll be right here with me.

How it went on and why I passed out, I tell next time.


RL Story

CW: addiction, pregnancy, c-section, labor

Tomorrow morning I have my baby. I had to be a day earlier in the hospital, to be prepared for the c-section. That was totally pointless in my opinion. They didn’t really do much, except a CTG. Yea, and I got a pill to poop. But I didn't do it anyway.😬I just didn’t have to and couldn’t. 🤭🤷‍♀️ After that I was not allowed to eat & drink until after the surgery the next day.

I hate hospitals! Besides, I kept remembering that one horrible night in the emergency room when Daniel and I were so badly injured. I was terrified, I just wanted to go back home. I wasn’t the only one checking in at the maternity ward today. Another girl also arrived together with her boyfriend, almost simultaneously with Nico & me.

That girl stared at me all the time, as if she.... wanted to kill me?

However, I didn’t come here to argue with other pregnant women. I was struggling with other things. The fear of giving birth, totally fucked me up. Secondly, I was also worried about my baby!! What if he gets withdrawal symptoms? Then my son has to be treated at the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). I don’t know how I would handle that? 😞All the fears and anxieties I had throughout the pregnancy were now slowly becoming real.

A nice midwife who was on duty that night showed me my room. Nico asked her, if he could stay the night with me until tomorrow morning for the c-section? She said no! Visiting time ends at 7 pm, but he is allowed to stay with me until 10 pm, bcs he's the baby's Dad.

Suddenly we heard a scream! The midwife apologized to see what was going on out there. That one girl who also came here today, contracted. Her doc had induced labor this afternoon. I could see she was getting right to her limit. I really felt sorry for her. This will continue all night long. Her son was born only a few hours before mine. Some days later we will talk and find out, that she and I, but also our babies, have a lot in common. Nothing good to be honest.😞

N. had to go. We said goodbye, tomorrow morning at 7 he’ll be back.

My last quiet night? In any case, my nights will be different from now on. Whether I was aware of this at that moment? Yes, I was! And still, I couldn’t sleep, I was too excited. Everything will change tomorrow. I will finally be able to see my Baby and hold him in my arms. 💙


RL Story

CW: Pregnancy, c-section

We got ready for.... delivery. Yea, we got ready, but I wasn’t ready!! 😨 I was scared! Of course we were excited, but I was way too nervous and also nauseous, when I got up in the morning.

Nico tried to calm me down. He had to help me in the bathroom and even did my skincare routine with me together. I was never allowed to put my cosmetics on his skin. Especially stuff like face masks, he doesn’t like that at all. But this morning... I suppose, he wanted to cheer me up.

He knew I was not only afraid, but also sad. Nico has to leave tomorrow night. He has to play soccer. 😞He will accompany me during the c-section and stay with me & our son in the hospital for a few hours, but as I said, in the evening, he has to leave. I was so unhappy about his constant traveling and soccer. The next 3 months I will see him only 3 times.

Anyway, tomorrow morning the c-section will be done, but I had to go to the hospital a day earlier, to be prepared for the surgery. Nico was with me. Tomorrow morning my Mom & Grandma will join us. Later my Sis, Dad & N's Mom. But also Sandra and some other People. I had too many visitors the first day, which overwhelmed me. 🤯🤯... I don’t remember much tbh? I know what happened after the c-section, the moments with Nico and our Baby alone 💙 but everything that came after that, is totally blurred in my mind. I mean that first day, the day my son was born. That I had to stay another 8 days in this fucking hospital, I did not know yet. 😞


RL Story

Another year's almost over. It was Christmas. N.'s Mom invited my family. Even my Grama came. I was so happy about that. As you can see, Melanie also showed up. 👺

Well she's Nico's sister and belongs to his/our family. The relationship between me and Melanie was still tense. She hasn’t spoken to me, since she saw me again. I don’t care, as long as she avoids me and stops insulting me.😒

Sandra and her new bf Dario (Psycho) have also come. Sandra seemed so happy with him. He also got along well with us. Except with Ana! Ana did not like him from the beginning. She avoided him, she didn’t feel comfortable around him. As if Ana had sensed, that a part of Dario was dangerous. I didn’t feel any of this! I didn’t notice anything negative about him at the beginning.

Last year I spent Christmas with Daniel and his family. His weird, crazy mother, Tatiana his sister, and Irma that freak.😠It was all about our wedding. 😢💔Ngl, I also thought about Daniel this Christmas at N.’s Mom's. I was wondering where he might be? He has been through so much this year. I wished he was happy and clean, wherever he was.

The strangest thing for me about this funny evening was Nico's Dad. Why was he there? He & N.'s Mom are divorced. She’s happy with Felix. Nico didn’t want to see him as usual anyway. Melanie also seemed to avoid her Dad more and more. So I asked myself why he wasn’t with his new wife at Christmas? 🧐

Anyway. It was a nice evening. Next year, when hopefully everything goes well, we will celebrate Christmas with our Baby. 💙I was very nervous at that time. I was terribly afraid of childbirth. 😨Only 3 Weeks left. Help!


RL Simself Story

Although my belly wasn't really recognizable or big, I was only 5 weeks away from delivery. 😨 And I had to decide! C-section or a normal birth. Due to my panic attacks I was advised to learn to meditate! I should use it during childbirth, to better cope with pain/labor & to avoid panic. Today, N. and I attended a class for couples, where I should learn to relax.... together with him. I was a little confused, because I expected something different. Once there, a nice, little woman entered the room. She was the instructor/coach.

Uncertain as usual, I clung to Nico, as if I wanted to hide. The little woman had me in view. She realized I was insecure. She probably guessed, that N. & I did not feel right here?

  • Coach: Hi, welcome to my class. Any questions, before we start?
  • Nico: Hi. No, rn, I don't have questions.
  • Me: Uhm.. excuse me? Am I the only pregnant here?? 😳
  • Coach: Idk honey? But my exercises are especially suitable for pregnant women. Pelvic floor exercises. In my class I show you, how you, both benefit from it. You won’t want to stop, promised.😉 But, lets start! Please choose a free place.

N. & I sat on our mat. After the nice woman introduced herself and explained what exactly this is about, I was sure, that this is not, what I thought. She talked about meditation, pregnancy & sex.

  • Me (to N.): I didn’t know this was about sex too. I just used that coupon, I downloaded. I hope you belive me.
  • Nico: It's ok babe. Let’s join in & see where it goes.
  • Me: Yea, let’s see, I didn’t pay for it anyway.
  • Nico: You paid for that meditation app you downloaded.
  • Me: Yes, but the app's really for pregnant women!! Meditating will help me during delivery.
  • Nico: That's what this is, right?

While I was doing a pelvic floor exercise, Nico was supposed to help me, but somehow he was..... distracted by the couple next to us.

  • Nico: Look at those horny yoga freaks.😄
  • Me: Huh? Why?....... OH- uh, holy shit! 🫣
  • Coach: Don’t be disturbed, focus on your partner. Look at each other, feel your bodies, try to breathe at the same pace.. In & out, deeply & slowly...
  • Nico: Spread your legs for me, babe.😏We’re supposed to feel each other. Our.... Love Guru here, she really meant it.🤷‍♂️
  • Me: She isn't a Love-Guru.😄.. But wait, N.! That looks weird what they do. You.... really want that?
  • Nico: Why not? I mean, you know how many times I tried to brainwash you, to make you do what I want. This kind of meditation, could work?
  • Me: 🤦‍♀️ Anyway!.... Yk? I ’m kind of embarrassed. 
  • Nico: C'mon, it's not real... You didn’t let me between your legs, but look how nice I am. We can swap, if you want?... Even better!
  • Me: It doesn't matter, weirdo!😄 It still feels... stupid to me.
  • Nico: You always feel embarrassed... Trust me, no one here cares what we do! Just let loose. That's the point.
  • Coach (to me): Honey, no one’s looking at you, except your sweetheart. I’ll show you exactly what to do. I see, you are someone whose inner voice never gives rest.... He's gonna help you, but he must also learn to adapt to your pace. You support each other.... Stability and balance! Shall we try?🤷‍♀️

I took part. I’m not prudish or anything. I was rather worried that I might be too heavy for him.🤣 However, I think it helped me come out of my shell a bit. Also, I gotta say, I.... felt.... something, him! 🤭

  • Me: What you got? 🙁
  • Nico: No! You’re perfect, you did great... I got a boner. 😄
  • Me: Are you 15 again or what’s wrong with you?
  • Nico: Admit it, you're also a little turned on.
  • Me: Ok, it wasn't that bad. Let’s go home and practice.😉

I have no idea what got him so excited? I swear I did nothing. As far as meditation is concerned, it wasn't necessary for me! In a few days I will decide on a c- section. 😕🤷‍♀️The cord's wrapped around my baby's neck, his CTG wasn’t perfect. But this was all recognized in time, so that my docs, could plan the c-section. (It wasn’t an emergency)


RL Story

Everything repeats itself....

.... At least that’s what N.’s Mom thought.... I was at my prenatal check-up today. I had a CTG. Philip accompanied me. He's just my ride and N. knew about it!!

His Mom thought it was.... strange, that Philip accompanied me. I was mad, because it’s none of her business! I didn’t want to talk to her about it! I don't have to justify myself, for anything! N., P. & I closed that chapter, months ago! It’s been 2 years now, hell!! We know, it was a mistake, she doesn’t have to remind us all the time. We decided to leave the past behind.

But Nico’s Mom seemed to have to get something off her chest?

  • N.'s Mom: What’s going on here?
  • Philip: Um.. I was just about to say goodbye.
  • N.'s Mom: This may seem a little.... stupid to you two, but I want you to listen to me.
  • Me: Okay?😳
  • Philip: Go ahead! 🤷‍♂️
  • N.'s Mom: Back then, I stayed out of your business. I trusted that you all know what you are doing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to interfere this time either. But I must confess it was wrong of me and P.'s Mom, to look away. Once it was too late, we realized that. And even at this point, I didn’t really know what went wrong?None of you guys, were going to explain to me what had happened. Anyway, that's... ok! But this must not happen again!! It’s not just you three anymore! You P., have a little girl. Aleksa and N. are having a Baby. Everything you do, affects them too! I-.. I don’t want to accuse you of anything, Philip. Honestly not! Just don't ruin this for him! You shouldn’t see A. alone. I know you mean well, but sometimes the past repeats itself without us noticing.
  • Philip: Nico asked me, to take her to the hospital. Tbh, I’d just leave now! But I respect you. So I'm going to say something. I do this now, once, but after that, I never want to talk to you, or my mother, about this again. As you may know, Nico wanted me, to sleep with her. That was all his idea. I know that’s hard to understand, why he wanted that and and why I agreed to get involved. I mean... it was supposed to be just fun. But I wasn’t the reason they broke up! Nico and I weren’t jealous of each other! We followed our rules and... agh, sorry for my language! We shared A. fairly. But well, things got complicated. She didn’t want to be passed back and forth between Nico and me anymore. She felt used by us. And she also started doing that damn drug. She constantly lied to N. and me. That's why... N. left! He thought she was better off without him. He left it to me, to....fix her. Which didn’t work either. Her addiction was stronger. That’s the whole truth behind our.... failed... journey. It’s over, life goes on. But I’m not gonna ruin anything for Nico. Absolutely not! Anyway, I gotta go! 😣😠
  • N.'s Mom (to me): Is what he said... true? You didn’t choose Philip?
  • Me: I chose.... that poison. And my Dad, he... pressured Nico.
  • N.'s Mom: I know. And I’m sorry about what I said rn. But certain things repeat themselves, A.! Think about Annabelle & your little one. You don’t need Philip as a friend. Especially not as a replacement for N.
  • Me: I don’t want to talk anymore. Sorry. 😠

I was about to pack my things and go back to my parents. But I didn't want to upset N.! When he came home that night, I didn’t even mention it.


I want to be upstairs, making sure Maia is okay, but a promise is a promise. I use the time before Clyde arrives to set up a cot and a camping side table at the bottom of the stairs where Hiro and Luna’s beds are usually located. I feel bad it’s the pet corner, but it’s the only place with enough room to set everything up. 

I can almost feel Clyde coming before he even arrives at the door. His knock is loud, wood against wood - so I know he used his dreadful cane. I shout, ‘Come in,’ and he steps through the door. Just from the stiff expression on his face, I can already predict how this visit is going to go.


RUN, Dub! 🤭


RL Story

CW: pet loss

Last week was N.’s birthday. But since we were all so sad about the loss, N. didn’t want to celebrate his birthday. Besides, he wasn’t home anyway. He had to play soccer. Today N. came home. He was only gone for 3 days, but I still missed him sm. We were all so sad. The whole atmosphere here in the house was very depressing. That’s why, I was at my parents place. I had to get out of here. 😞Anyway! Today I was back in the house. I wanted to surprise N. I baked him a cake, a birthday cake.🥳

He didn’t expect my little surprise. I wanted to show him how much he means to me.🥰 Even if he didn’t want to celebrate his birthday, I thought a little surprise, will certainly cheer him up.

And well, my mission was successful! He was so happy, that was really sweet... N.’s been a little better. He only needed some time to himself, to process his dog's loss. I told N., that his Mom and Felix will be out tonight. They probably also needed a change of scenery. So Nico and I were alone in the house. I was a little scared tbh. But N. promised me he wouldn’t leave me alone for a second. He knew I was still feeling uncomfortable in this old house.👻 After I gave Nico his birthday gift, we went over to the living room.

His soccer ball was still on the floor. I remembered that I had never tried to play soccer with Nico. I asked him to show me something, a certain trick, he always does. I knew I’d embarrass myself! He’s a pro! I’m just a clumsy loser, yk? That was a stupid idea anyway! I almost killed N's Mom's plants with the ball. I hit one of them.🤦‍♀️But at least I made Nico laugh. We were both on the floor, laughing at the mess I made.

I asked Nico what he wants us to do tonight, after saving the plant I almost killed? What we did that night alone in that old house, I’ll tell you next time.

Oh, and some good news btw: Annabelle's coming back home to her Dad! 🩷


RL Story

CW: pet loss 🙁

I spent the last two days at my parent's. This wasn't planned, I just wanted to help with all the baby stuff my family got for me. My Grama, my Mom’s Mom, came by yesterday after my Dad finally fixed that fancy baby bed my Mom bought. I haven’t seen my Grama for a long time. The last time we saw each other was when I was with Daniel. My Grama missed me. She knew I was pregnant and wanted to see me. She also got me some nice things for my Baby.

N. called me last night. He told me he couldn’t get me, because he was tired. He wanted my Dad to drive me home. But my Dad was totally pissed, about that baby bed, so I didn’t ask him to take me to... Nico, yk? However I stayed the night. But I called N. and.... well, his dog passed away.

The next morning I went straight to him. He was asleep. He didn’t really say anything to me. I kind of felt like I let him down? 🙁I wasn’t there when it happened. 😭I would have liked to say goodbye to his dog. 🐶 I felt so sorry for N. He got his dog when he was 10 and now alsmost 13 years later, he lost him. 😞

I left our bedroom. I didn't want to cry, I went downstairs, to talk to N.’s Mom. I wanted to know what happened and why didn’t they tell me? I mean, we all knew it would happen. Last week we had to go to the vet with N.'s dog, because he almost didn’t move anymore. He was very old, yk. The vet told us to say goodbye to him and just spend his last days together with him. But 2 days ago, I had the feeling, that our dog was doing better? He got up and even played with us. I thought he got through it. Maybe we have a few more months left with him? I just didn’t want to believe our dog would die, before our Baby was born. But well, I was wrong. 😞I'm gonna miss N.'s dog (Dino) sm.🐶


RL Story

Today I went shopping with my Mom & Ana. We bought a baby bed. If it were up to my Mother, she would have bought a complete.... fully-equipped nursery and even more. Going shopping with this woman, is a never-ending ordeal.

I just needed a crib, everything else would have been too much!! We didn’t have enough space in my room. Later when I move into my new apartment, my little one will get his own room, but now, here, it's simply not possible! Idk what my Mom was up to?...And that.... fancy baby bed she bought, was extremely difficult to... assemble, because some screws were missing. That pissed my Dad off! So time for me to leave here!

I went down to the living room to chat with Ana a bit. I asked Ana to be honest with me. I still didn’t understand why she wanted to lie for Philip in court? Next week the trial starts.

  • Ana: It’s too late anyway. I officially moved in with Philip. I am now P.’s girlfriend. We take care of Annabelle together. With my help, Annabelle will get back to her dad.
  • Me: Why are you doing this for Philip?? You’re not really together and you don't love him. So, why?
  • Ana: Agh.... I'm doing it for Annabelle. If you had seen what I saw, you would do the same. I have to prevent Annabelle from staying with Isabella’s parents!! Believe me, I know what I’m doing.
  • Me: What are you talking about? .... Please explain.
  • Ana: But you can’t tell Philip! He's gonna freak out. If he finds out, he’s gonna do some shit and lose custody, even before he gets the chance to get it back.
  • Me: I won't tell P., Ana!
  • Ana: When Victoria and I visited Philip in the summer... Once Isabella’s brother came by, to pick up Annabella. A few minutes after he left with Annabelle, I made my way home too. I saw him and Annabelle downstairs, outside P.’s apartment. Isabella’s brother didn’t get Annabelle’s stroller in his car, he was pretty pissed. I offered my help. Then he placed Annabelle in her car seat and..... agh, she started screaming.... I think he slapped Annabelle, but I’m not sure, yk? I didn't get a good look. But I talked to him about it. ...
  • Ana: Tbh, I threatened him. If he hurts Annabelle and I find out, he’ll never see her again.... However, that’s why I talked to P.’s lawyer. He then talked to Philip and asked him to have Annabelle examined by a pediatrician. But he didn’t tell him why. He just said they might need a report for the trial.
  • Me: Why didn’t you tell me?.... Damn, we need to get Annabelle out of there! 🙁
  • Ana: Isabella’s parents treat Annabelle well, but her brother is... crazy! P.'s lawyer discussed this with them. He talked to their lawyer about it. And well, as far as I know, Annabelle is safe. But since that day, that... picture of Annabelle and Isabella’s crazy brother haunts me. I feel obliged to help Annabelle. And I WANT IT!!!.... Why I didn’t tell you is, bcs... I was afraid you would tell Nico and he would tell Philip, yk? But we have to stop Philip from finding out, or he’ll do some shit. You know him! That wouldn’t look good for him in court, if he hurt Isabella’s brother or something.
  • Me: You're right! P. is... unpredictable when he is angry. Don’t worry, I won’t tell N.!
  • Ana: Only one more week and we're off.
  • Me: I am the first to testify. I am curious what the judge will ask me? I know P.’s lawyer will ask me questions about Isabella. I’m supposed to tell them what it was like, when she told us about her pregnancy & Annabelle.
  • Ana: Yeah, you and Victoria are the first. A day later it’s Nico’s turn. I have to be there every day and also accompany Philip as his girlfriend. With me by his side, he’ll get Annabelle back.
  • Me: It’s gonna work! He’s her Dad. Kids belong to their parents. In any case, Philip owes you a big favor afterwards. You're Annabelle's Angel. 🙂
  • Ana: Not a big deal for me. I just have to pretend to be P.’s gf for a while. Most of the time I’m in college anyway.

I admit I was proud of my baby sis. Now I knew why Ana was so eager to help P. Poor Annabelle. Isabella’s family is just as crazy as Isabella!

After that Ana confessed to me, that she had some dates with P.’s lawyer. So this was true, but she didn’t fall for him or anything. And she also didn't sleep with him. He's 29! Nine years older than her. But he was nice and funny, Ana liked this about him.


Seems there are 2 new kits on the way. SP 52 and 53...

One Bistro Style

And one with pool/patio stuff

I think they are a bit boring because it seems we already have this kind of stuff/style. I wish they came up with more unique styles.

I like the floors ^^' Not sure if I like these kits enough to buy them. I'm still mad at EA because of that cart button.


📩 Simblr question of the day: f/m/k: live mode, cas, build mode.

answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛

This question was contributed by : @/missmoodring


Hey squatty! Thanks for the ask. 💛

f: I’m gonna say CAS! It's just one of the best things in Sims 4. Styling my Sims and having fun. But I tend to waste too much time in CAS. Actually, I just wanted to change something quickly, but suddenly 2 hours have passed, yk? At this point it annoys me, bcs I can't decide what I want!! 🤯

m: Build mode! ❤️❤️❤️Here I can spend eternities. Even if build mode is not perfect & pretty buggy rn tbh 😒, I just...love it.

k: Live mode... bores me quickly. 🤷‍♀️


RL Story

I had a nice evening with N., his Mom & her spouse, whose name's Felix. He is a musician. He plays e-bass & piano. He used to play in a band. Now he earns his money with private piano- or e-bass lessons. Before that, I never really met Felix. I thought he was more serious at 56. But I gotta say, I was positively surprised. He is quite a... jokester. In any case, he is a nice guy from whom I can learn a lot. Like playing the piano. Well, frankly, I still can’t play the piano. I guess I didn’t take it seriously.

After dinner N.’s Mom had a little chat with me and Nico. Only 2 months and 2 weeks left, but Nico and I still haven’t thought of a name for our Baby. We talked about it weeks ago, but we just couldn’t agree. Let's see...

After that N’s Mom took the opportunity to talk to me about.... some unpleasant topics. She and my Mom talked a lot about Nico and me. My Mom told her, that I married Daniel and also about the risks to my Baby, due to my addiction & pills. I'd love to run away. But N.'s Mom was always nice to me, so I decided to talk to her. She didn’t want to expose me or anything. She just wanted to make something clear.

  • N.'s Mom: You don’t have to talk to me about your marriage. I know how uncomfortable this is for you and I also know how it feels to divorce.
  • Me: I’m so sorry I wasn’t honest to you. I was so ashamed. I knew Nico and Stephanie were engaged and still got involved with him. And yea, I was also married. 😞
  • N.'s Mom: Don't worry about that.... Nobody is perfect A... Remember when you told me about your addiction? You thought this would change my mind about you. But you were and still are, such a nice girl. After you and N. broke up, I was... surprised & sad. But I never expected you, to call me and talk to me about it. I noticed when you visited P.’s Mom, that you avoided me. I want you to know, that I wasn’t upset about it. I know you were sad..... And yes, your high-risk pregnancy worries me, but I don’t judge you.
  • Me: I’m so glad you brought this up. Yk, I didn’t visit P.’s Mom and Fabienne often. It was hard for me to be there. I kept looking over to your house, thinking about N. It hurt sm... We all hurt each other a lot. In the end, I was glad it was over. I mean both of them! 😞... Still, I never want to be separated from N. again. As for my pregnancy, I’m really happy rn, but at the same time, also worried about my Baby. 😞
  • N.'s Mom: Whatever comes, you’ll make it... Your parents and I will help you. If, you want that.
  • Me: Thank you. I will certainly accept your help.
  • N.'s Mom: I hope you feel comfortable in this old house. There’s still so much to do, but I can handle it.
  • Me: The livingroom's so cozy & beautiful. The hallway upstairs looks a little creepy to me. But I think this gives the house that ...special charm. I kinda like it.
  • N.'s Mom: The house is old. It belonged to his parents and I knew we would have a lot of work here. But since I’m having a grandbaby, I thought, this is the perfect place for us.
  • Me: 😳Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm sure our little one will like it.

I felt very comfortable with N.’s Mom and Felix, they are both so nice. I hope the good mood remains. 😬 It’s N’s birthday soon, so his Mom invited Melanie too. She tried to reconcile us. I think N.’s Mom forgot how MEAN and insane her daughter is? 😠 Anyway, I'll try but... agh, Idk?


RL Story

N. & I have moved. Actually, we still had 6 weeks before we had to leave his apartment, but moving so shortly before delivery, would have been too stressful. That’s why we're already here, at his Mom's new place. Now we have at least a few weeks to settle in, before our Baby comes.

While N. was busy bringing our things into the house and set up our bed, I was not allowed to help him. So I went for a walk with N.’s dog, to take a closer look at the area. It was beautiful here, a quiet place. I felt like I was somewhere far away. In RL there was a lake, not far from the house. I was wondering how N’s Mom and her partner could afford a house in such a nice area? Just around the corner there was a bus stop. This bus goes directly to subway. And once you are at the subway, you can get anywhere within minutes. This was very important to me.

For almost two hours N.'s dog & I were wandering around. Our dog didn’t seem to be doing well? He was tired and sometimes just stopped, which was very unusual. I sat down with him somewhere at a bench. As soon as we took a break, he was fine again. Nevertheless, something was wrong with our dog....

Back in the house, N.’s dog went right to his food bowl. I was relieved, he was just hungry, I thought. Anyway, I went up to N., to see how far he was done with our bedroom.

Up in the hallway, I looked around a little... These old oil paintings on the walls, reminded me of my grandparents' house. Somehow creepy, yk? I hope it's gonna look more cozy here, once everything's done. If not, Nico won’t have it easy with me here at night. I can get pretty jumpy in such old houses like this one. But tonight we have dinner together with N.’s Mom and her partner. I have some questions about the house. Why did N.’s Mom even want to move here? She was planning to buy an apartment, but now she's back in a house. An, old house with an... old man. 😬 Her new partner's 56. (10 years older than her.) I didn’t really know him that well, but Nico said he was nice. And my parents knew him too. Two years ago, when Nico and I were (still) together, my parents celebrated New Year’s Eve with Philip's parents and N's Mom and her new boyfriend. My Mom & Dad got along well with him. Well, let’s see...

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