
Whoop we procrastinatin'


Quinn, they/them, 21, ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ, header by be-lis-mamamoo ๐Ÿ’•


The long and lovely road to piecing together new family.

Pairing: romantic dukeceit, platonic dukeceit & sasha

Word count: 806

Warnings: trans male pregnancy, all fluff

Notes: chapter 2 of adventures in parenting in my Pieces verse!

thank you to @teacupfulofstarshine for beta-reading!


This is my piece for the @sandersidesbigbang about the ficย โ€œPunks, Parents and Poetsโ€ by @edupunkn00b :)

[ID: A digital colored drawing of remus and kid!janus on renusโ€™ kitchen. remusโ€™ hair is green, and heโ€™s cooking eggs in the stove, which is in the foreground while talking to janus with a big smile, and heโ€™s holding a spatula. janus, who is blonde is looking at him with wide eyes, sitting on a chair and resting his face on his hands, and his elbows on a table, in the background. end ID]


Characters: Roman Sanders

No warnings for image

This was so fun to work on, and my first ever art piece for a big bang! Many thanks to Bri for letting me try something less traditional for their excellent story!

[ID] a photograph of an embroidery piece. A light blue embroidery hoop on a darker blue background. White cloth with image stitched on it. In the center is a figure split down the middle between two outfits. On the left is Roman in a pair of denim overalls, red and white sneakers, and a red turtleneck sweater. He has short brown hair and dark brown eyes with dark brown features. He smiles broadly and holds a paint brush up to his side. On his left is a rainbow of paint splotches. The right side of the figure is Romanโ€™s drag persona, Aurora Rose. She wears a sleeveless red dress with gold accents and a poofy skirt filled with light pink crinoline. She wears red heels that poke out beneath the dress. She has a lighter brown ponytail that falls just below shoulder length. She's wearing dark eyeliner, red-orange-yellow eyeshadow and red lipstick. She holds a microphone up at chest height in front of her. To her right are several sizes of red and pink pinwheel roses and green leaves surrounded by white French knots made to look like baby's breath. At the bottom of the hoop in red it reads "Roman Castillo is Aurora Rose" in cursive to emulate signatures.


This meme is a MURDER ATTEMPT.

I am absolutely fucking serious. The original meme, without the big red denial, is someone's attempt to fucking kill people.

There is NO SAFE DOSAGE of pennyroyal oil. Even Mother Earth News says there's no reason to use pennyroyal essential oil for ANYTHING, even topically or as a fragrance, for fuckssake! That should give you some idea about how dangerous it is!

Pennyroyal tea, plant matter in hot water, is a traditional abortifacient. It is *incredibly* dangerous, induces abortion by bringing the body close to organ failure (and frequently pushing the system right over the edge, because dosage is impossible to meter), but I would drink a gallon of it before I took a half-teaspoon of pennyroyal essential oil.

Two teaspoons, taken across 48 hours, has successfully killed someone.

Three teaspoons taken as a single dosage killed the consumer within THREE HOURS.


The person who made this meme is PURPOSEFULLY, ACTIVELY, trying to get desperate people killed!

Pennyroyal oil contains pulegone, which is highly toxic, particularly to the liver. Ingestion can lead initially to gastrointestinal distress such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Later on, it can lead to failure of the liver and kidneys, resulting in bleeding, seizures, multiple organ failure, and death.

There is no antidote for pennyroyal oil poisoning.

- straight from poison control


In the hope that this saves someoneโ€™s life one day.


Most herbal aborticants are basically "toxin that strangles the internal organs involved in babymaking."

The problem is: they don't stop at those organs. And they don't damage them just enough to cause an abortion.

(There are two main categories: emmenagogues, which stimulate blood circulation in a way that stimulates menstruation, and oxytocic herbs, which cause uterine contractions. Pennyroyal's in the first category. Don't let the innocuous description fool you into thinking it's safe; changing the way the body's blood flow works can and does kill people.)

Most bodies are built to prioritize the fetus over the mother. They draw nutrients from the mother - strip her calcium and iron and vitamins - and work very hard to shield the fetus from external damage.

Trying to scramble that system enough to end a pregnancy without ending the person is a very, very fine line to balance. And, as herbs are unregulated medicine, there's no way to be scientific about it. You can't measure the dosage. Hell, even if it's plants you grew yourself... this one got a little more sun; that one got more of the western breeze; this other one got more water when it rained because it's closer to where the puddle forms. And so on.

Herbal aborticants are like applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding... only you can't see where you're tying it off, can't tell how tight it is, and can't release it when you want. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't; sometimes it kills you.

There are going to be women desperate enough to try them anyway.

...essential oil extracts is NOT the way to go for these. "Concentrated poison at a dosage you know nothing about" is a BAD form of treatment.

Pennyroyal tea has a long history as an herbal aborticant. As mentioned, it's dangerous. It kills people. And it doesn't always work. There's no reliable info on how much, how often, what the warning signs are for "this is not going to work for you." But there's at least a long series of anecdotes and history of use in medicinal herbalism. There are suggested doses. (No, I'm not giving them; do not take medical advice from strangers on the internet.)

Pennyroyal is especially dangerous for people with kidney conditions.

Essential oil has none of that history. All you know is "it's the concentrated version." You don't even know if it's the concentrated version of the right chemicals. You don't know which parts of the plant are enhanced.

And essential oil of pennyroyal is fatal-toxic at small doses.

Herbal abortions have a success rate of somewhere between 20% and 75%. There are no good statistics, in part because the women who use these methods often use them before they have verified pregnancies.

If you're desperate enough to be looking at these methods - PLEASE do some real research first. Don't take medical advice from a Twitter meme.

almost all women report at least one of the following side effects: Increased bleeding, dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances, sweats, chills, diarrhea and that less commonly reported side effects were incomplete abortion, irregular cycles for 1-3 months, kidney irritation and breast lumps ---from a study done by herbalist Collette Gardiner

I'd say, "DON'T use these methods," but... there are going to be people desperate enough to try, just as there were before Roe. We have better info sources now - go find them.

If you can't find medical info about a particular approach - assume that it's made up by Some Asshole Online who wants to kill people.


Please please please be careful and do your research!


needle/pin sharpener.

no really, squeeze it. Does it feel like itโ€™s got sand in it? isโ€™s sharpening sand. Stab the tip of your needle into it back and forth and itโ€™ll help put a sharp edge back on a pin or needle thatโ€™s been blunted by use, or has a little bit of rust on it. It canโ€™t fix anything worse then a little of either, and wonโ€™t work on something REALLY blunted, but its a lifesaver.

also it is a pepper


It's not a pepper and it's not for sharpening!!

It may seem like it should be a pepper, since that would go better with the flavour of a tomato (and the mass produced modern ones are admittedly more pepper shaped), but it is and has always been a strawberry. Here are some antique emery strawberries, which are much more strawberry shaped, and some of them have seeds.

And it's for cleaning needles, not sharpening them. I can't imagine how jamming a blunt needle point around in a bunch of loose grit could possibly sharpen it in any significant way, and all the historical sources I've seen only talk about cleaning.

"Every sewer's work basket or work box should contain an emery bag, as shown in Fig. 2, through which to push a needle when it becomes rough, squeaks, or sticks in the material. An emery bag is usually shaped like a strawberry and consists of a rough denim bag filled with emery powder, which is a very hard material used for polishing metals. Such a bag may be purchased for 5 or 10 cents in any store that sells sewing materials. Needles often become rusted from the perspiration of the hands or from being left in damp places. The beginner may use a small emery bag to remove rust; or, a small piece of emery paper may be used instead."
"Use an emery whenever your needle does not slip through the cloth easily."
"An emery bag is inexpensive and is useful to keep needles polished and smooth. If the hands perspire and it is difficult to push the needle through the cloth, running the needle through the emery will relieve the condition."
"It was very hot to sit and sew. The needle would get sticky in spite of all the little emery strawberry could give it, and Beth's fingers had never felt so clumsy and uncomfortable."
"She polished her needles to nothing, pushing them in and out of the emery strawberry, but they always squeaked."

This patent from 1873 mentions an emery slab for sharpening pins, which is quite different from a cushion, and which sounds like it actually would work for sharpening.

"C is a slab of emery or other sharp and fine grit, for sharpening needles or pins"

Then later down the page it also says

"E is an emery cushion, secured in the body of the holder A, and is used for polishing needles and keeping them smooth."

So. Strawberry for cleaning. Not pepper for sharpening.


please write what you want. please pick the tiniest detail of a character and exaggerate it into a 50k fic. please donโ€™t let canon hold you back. please write whatever you want however you want. please.


you know, itโ€™s funny, Iโ€™ve reblogged this before.

because they are known for blowing shit up. probably if youโ€™ve seen the show you can list off your favorite explosion. (the time they vaporized that cement truck is still my personal favorite, because they fuckin vaporized a cement truck. their completely unhinged reactions to doing so still delights me to this day.)

But theyโ€™re also known for their delight in being proven right or wrong, for going full hilt and exploring the myth to the fullest extent they were capable. The show was about science hooligans performing shenanigans in the name of learning more about the world and the people in it, and it was full of joy. Joy in making and joy in destruction and joy in learning. How many times did someone shout THATโ€™S SO COOL I DIDNโ€™T THINK THAT WOULD HAPPEN or something like that?

Iโ€™ve seen posts circulating about how the biggest catch episode helped people, because it showed them that just laying down and resting even without getting sleep- so many of us struggle with sleep, and one episode of mythbusters taught us that laying down IS resting, it does help, and that takes the pressure off of going to sleep.

And I think they did help teach a lot of people critical thinking, that it was okay to ask questions about unexplored assumptions and find out more about what everybody else took as a given.

I donโ€™t know. the show blowed stuff up real good and helped people learn about the world and the people in it- including ourselves.

I think thatโ€™s an extremely fuckin cool legacy.


If youโ€™re not in a good place today: be easy on yourself and be patient with yourself. Sometimes itโ€™s slow or even feels like youโ€™ve gone backwards, but thatโ€™s okay. Keep going.

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