

@chronicallywitchy / chronicallywitchy.tumblr.com

Witch. Spoonie. Pet lover. Army Vet.
Lover of crystals, baths, green growing things and the moon!

Essential oil blends for witches

*please remember to dilute properly with a carrier oil

Sea witch blend🌊

-rosemary, lemon, jasmine

Air witch blend☁️

-lavender, sage, lemongrass

Fire witch blend🔥

-cinnamon, clove, ginger

Water witch blend💧

-geranium, bergamot, eucalyptus

Earth/green witch blend🌳

-cederwood, patchouli, tea tree

Floral witch blend🌹

-ylang-ylang, lavender, chamomile

Herbal witch blend🌿

-sage, oregano, basil

Kitchen/hearth witch blend🏠

-rosemary, black pepper, cinnamon

Lunar witch blend🌙

-lemon, sandalwood, lavender

Solar witch blend☀️

-grapefruit, orange, frankincense

Love witch blend💖

-geranium, cinnamon, rose

Ice Witch blend❄

-pine, peppermint, eucalyptus

Cosmic witch blend🌟

-lemongrass, bergamot, thyme

Storm witch blend☔

- tea tree, lavender, black pepper


Teas for Witches: the Basics

I can talk about tea literally all day (and I have because I’ve worked in a spice and tea shop for years), and there is SO much to talk about with both health and magical benefits. Teas are made from tea leaves called camellia sinensis, with the exception of herbal teas/infusions. For this, I’m going to list magical and health benefits by type of tea.

Black Tea

Feminine * Earth * Winter * Strength * Stability * Death * Expelling Negativity * Alertness * Energy

Black tea is the most fermented and oxidized of all teas. Its tea leaves look shriveled and black. It combats heart ailments, digestive problems, high cholesterol, asthma, and breast/menstrual problems. Black tea also has a lot of caffeine (47 mg, still less than coffee) and too much of it can cause acidity issues in the stomach.  

Examples: English/Irish Breakfast Tea, Assam, Darjeeling, Lapsung Souchang, Ceylon, Earl Grey

**There is a subset of black tea called Pu-erh, a post-fermented black tea. Some consider this to be the “purest” of all teas and connect it to the aether, as it is rare and valuable.

Green Tea

Masculine * Fire * Summer * Passion * Healing * Conscious Mind * Sexual Health * Love * Energy * Progress * Magic

Green tea is slightly steamed but not fermented, which maintains its green color. It has many health benefits, such as detoxifying, reducing cholesterol and weight, boosting immunity and stamina, and reducing blood glucose. It has less caffeine than black, but still some. 

Examples: Jasmine, Sencha, Matcha, Gyokurocha, Genmaicha, Hojicha, Gunpowder, Dragonwell

Oolong Tea

Feminine * Water * Autumn * Reflection * Meditation * Wisdom * Serenity * Concentration * Romance * Friendship

I always describe Oolong as being between Green and Blacks, since it is half fermented. It can help manage weight and stress, balance blog sugar levels, remove free radicals, and promote healthy skin and bones. HOWEVER, too much can actually speed up bone degradation because it sweeps away excess calcium. And beware of its high caffeine content (I used to drink Raspberry Wulong to pull all-nighters).

Examples: Milk Oolong, Formosa, Wulongs

White Tea

Masculine * Air * Spring * Happiness * Wisdom * Moon * Purification * Protection * Clarity * Cleansing * Beginnings

White tea is a little harder to find. Either the tea leaves are plucked as immature leaves and steamed, or the leaves have not been processed (there seems to be little consensus across cultures). Some have a small amount of caffeine. It’s a great antibacterial and antioxidant, and it improves the heart, oral health, and skin. Drinking a couple cups works better than one, and you can reuse the tea leaves, granted that the second cup will brew longer.

Examples: White teas come in many flavors and are usually labeled as white tea. You may need to seek out a tea shop to find some.

Herbal Tea

Magical properties depend on which herbs are used

This tea seems to be the most popular for witches on tumblr, because it is composed of dry, unprocessed herbs, seeds, fruits, or roots, and has no caffeine (as long as the herb doesn’t!). There are many recipes online as herbals are easy to make. In general, herbal tea promotes calm, reduces cholesterol and risk of heart conditions, cancers, and diabetes. Due to its lack of actual tea leaves it has less antioxidants than other teas. Some don’t even call it a tea, but dub it Herbal Infusion.

Examples: Rooibos, most Chais, Ginseng, Chamomile, Peppermint, Spearmint, Hibiscus

**Yerba Mate is an herbal tea that is notorious for its high caffeine levels (you’ve probably seen the energy drink). It also zaps one’s appetite and can become addictive, so be careful around this tea!

As always, feel free to add/message me of any corrections, and I hope you find your cup of tea!


Headache Soothing Tea Spell

A tea spell for headaches.  (Requested by anon)

Gather: Mint, chamomile, amethyst.

Make your chamomile and mint tea.

Charge your tea with the amethyst.

Stir it clockwise to bring peace/calming energy and counterclockwise to banish your headache.

Sit down with your tea.

Inhale the steam from the tea.

Visualize the steam cleansing you of your headache (and negative vibes/any other pain you have).


Just as a general question for those of you who use apps for meditation/grounding (guided or unguided) what do you use? Either add on to this or put it in the tags I’m just trying to make a good resource for myself and others. I, personally use Oak Meditation and Headspace.

@lavender-lace-witchcraft I use all of these. All of them are guided with the exception of relax melodies and meditate me. Both do have the option to add guided meditation. Relax melodies you can make your own soundtrack to listen to Which is nice. The others you can mix and match different guided meditations together.


This is a charging board!

It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.

This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!

Holy shit this is a good idea


My spoonie sigils:





Mental illness:


DONATIONS - “What is a spoonie?” [X] - Spoonie specific sigils ALWAYS open + ALWAYS free!

Is it bad if I️ want to use all of them at the same time? 🤔


Yes, witches are such menaces to society with our relaxing bath spells, dried herbs, and crystal collections.


Identifying witches

An open witch: just enter their house there are like 80 candles and rocks and stars and leaves and shit everywhere you are just tripping over it

A kitchen witch: their kitchen is hands down the coolest part of the house with awesome spices and organisation and deco and their house smells amazing

Hedge witch: check for a dehydrator or massive amounts of parchment paper

An urban witch: their living space is covered in the most random, seemingly irrelevant stuff that they are super attached to

Pagan witch: altars to different deities everywhere and so many pentacles everywhere why is there one in the toilet damn what

Christian witch: house is covered in fairies and Angels in paintings and statues it’s like what

Neo-pagan: their gem stone collection can only be rivalled by the state rock museum ( either that or they are a Steven universe fan :p )

A closet witch: check the drawers for books Check the drawers man

Satanic witch: lots of silver on their altar and most of their closet is black or sexy.

Gothic witch: their house IS black and sexy and full of bones

A spoonie witch: their athame is in the kitchen and there is random candle wax around the house and you just have no idea what happened but this one corner of the house has great energy

Sigil witch: why is there a sigil on every napkin what is life who are you

Tarot focused: they have like 80 tarot decks and half haven’t even been opened and they are super defensive about

A witching: starter kits, specialty candles, and they have a few books on Wicca they bought accidentally

Sea witch: there are shells everywhere and it constantly smells like fresh sea air but you can’t find the source


Draconian witch: There are more dragon figurines every time you visit and you think they might be breeding. 

Fae witch: you just found your keys in a flowerpot and you swear you never took them out. if you still have your keys, check to see if there are special house rules that don’t make sense out of context

Eclectic Witch: Their library makes literally no sense there’s like literal research volumes mixed in with 40 spell books from different traditions and every time you think you got a handle on the organization you find a an outlier and it’s all ruined. if they don’t have a physical library, check their altar. Is it probably way too small for the stuff on or around it? yeah. 

Cottage witch: much handmade crafts, especially of the crochet/knitting/sewing variety. It always smells like tea or tea cakes. You are so cozy you will fall asleep. 

Cosmos/astrological/star witch: You have left knowing at about 20 new facts about stars, positioning, planets, or otherwise. You weren’t trying, but it happened anyway.

Moon witch: They know literally every moon of every planet in the milky way and protective about their hundreds of dwarf moon sons

new-age witch: You’re not really sure they’re witches cuz you can’t find an altar or anything but they sure have the witch aesthetic down 

green witch: the air is so fresh and maybe it’s the 93 plants but it’s somehow more refreshing than that 

earth witch: not gemstones, but literal rocks are about. How did they even get this boulder, you wonder. Seriously. is there a boulder store you don’t know about?

pop-culture witch: they instinctively know you are hungry and offer to order pizza. 

air witch: literally just so much incense that it all mixes together eventually and when you walk in the room it hits you like a brick wall, wtf they’ve always got the damn windows open like we pay for AC here think about the bills please

This is amazing
What most people think being a witch means: heavy robes and chanting in another language
What it really means: I sleep with rocks and that random yet special acorn

Forget witchcraft for a min.

Are you ok?

When was the last time you ate?

When was the last time you drank water?

When was the last time you took a long relaxing bath/shower?

When was the last time you just took a walk? (Its getting colder, you might not be able to soon.)

Take some time out for you and ONLY for you.

The sun will not explode if you just let everyone else deal with there own issues and problems for a little while and take care of yourself. As for your own problems… Well, They will also still be there, but if you at least take some time out, then you might come back with the strength to handle them.

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