
Maybe Life Should Be More Than Just Surviving

@otp-armada / otp-armada.tumblr.com

Daughter. Sister. Full-time fangirl. Romance lover. Inner monologuist. Technically an adult but a child at heart. Collector of ships from the doomed to the destined.

“And now, you’re home”.

“I believe that when two people are in love with each other, you can see it in their eyes. The way they look at each other, the way they stare at each other, it’s all there. Their eyes are full of admiration, of attraction, of undying feelings for each other. Their eyes twinkle, their eyes are smiling. Even if they didn’t say a word about it, there’s this invisible thread connecting them two.”  (x)

Bellarke looks through the seasons. Inspired by sometimesrosy


The 100 Script to Screen: Bellarke


look at this script, look at what has been on our screen for 7 consecutive seasons, how could you possibly doubt this narrative. Bellarke has always ALWAYS been written as the romantic leads of this show, this show would not exist without their relationship. The only thing missing from their romance is an intentional romantic kiss (hugs? check, face caresses? check, holding hands?, check, pressing your face into their hand on your shoulder? holding her hair while you sway together in an embrace? every longing look known to man? a cpr situation that i will count as a first kiss because i make my own damn rules? check, check, check). And that’s just physical intimacy, which doesn’t even begin to hold a candle to their emotional/intellectual relationship.There is no concern about “getting bellarke” with only a few episodes left, this whole damn show has been bellarke. Once they are together in that way the story is over, it was always going to be an end endgame situation. Honestly they don’t even need a kiss, do I personally need it to survive? yes obviously, but they’ve already far surpassed that kind of intimacy and love. 


Happy Bfsn !

Today marks 10 years since The 100 first aired, so here's one of my favorite images of Bellamy and Clarke in episode 1. If you can, please feel free to add to this post to celebrate the anniversary. I'm just very sad I didn't have time to make a gif for the occasion…

The sun started to shine today, and so much the better, because with all the work I have to do, my morale is at half-mast. I'm also thinking of all those for whom everything is complicated at the moment.


dear sunflowerkru, how lucky it is that we're celebrating this anniversary on a bfsn, huh? and how amazing that we're still here, wanting to celebrate? that despite the ending that shall not be named we still create.

i had plans, i must say. i wanted to finish my s7 au that's been sitting in my drafts for about two years, then when i realised i wouldn't be able to, i wanted to work on something shorter but alas, that didn't work out either. it's been nearly impossible to motivate myself to write and genuinely get a move on, last months have been stressful and exhausting. but i'm not giving up, it's a warning ;-) there will be a canon divergence at some point. i still have a couple of months left for my personal anniversary in this fandom, so anything is possible.

instead, have a couple of gifs. i haven't giffed in ages, so it's hardly polished but it's been nice to go back to it and to make a set of the defining moment in the show for me. i've known from the pilot that the show had me by the throat but this hug was me realising for sure that this ship was it for me. i was done for. and still am.

i love you all, fam. and i will always, always have a soft spot for this show and for this fandom, for helping me to open up in ways and ways.

thank you for the tag @togetherkru!

Happy bfsn and ten year anniversary, fam!!

I came into this fandom late, but I'm so glad that I finally made it. Y'all were so welcoming and really helped soften the loneliness of covid for me. I LOVED jumping on here for bfsn or bwc or to just look at all the amazing art/gifs/fanfic y'all created! Seriously, some of the most talented people are here on good ol' tumblr.com. Thankful for you guys and your continued friendships over these years!

I've been a bit MIA, but just know that I think of you all often! You'll always be my bellarke fam, my tumblrkru and I will always come back from hiatuses, but just know, when I disappear for a bit:

Thanks for the tags @togetherkru @natassakar @carrieeve


Happy belated BFSN and happy 10th anniversary of The100!

Thank y'all for tagging me! Although these first 3 months of 2024 had been and still are really tough in many ways for me, my family, some of my dearest friends and even for some of my collagues in terms of losses and illnesses, i thought it's only propriate to celebrate this BFSN and the anniversary of our beloved show with a few words. I'm very busy, so i can relate to some of you very well. There's so many things to do or to get ready that sometimes it seems overwhelming for me. And the emotional mess i'm feeling right now is not supportive... But i have to admit there's a smile on my face while i'm typing these lines. It's a wonderful occasion and opportunity to hug y'all in mind again and to say thank you to a very kind and lovely fandom, that welcomed me back in 2016! I hadn't been around when the 1st season aired, i joined the fandom during the controversial S3. But i have WATCHED the first season first, bc i got a recommendation from my best friend to watch that show back then. And so i watched it first on stream or on dvd or something like that. But i remember that it was THAT scene above, that particular man and THIS thousand-dollar-smile that catched me and kept me watching. I fell in love so hard. lol

Then all these other characters began to fascinate me as well and soon i was reaaally engaged in a certain ship called Bellarke. ;) I think it was around the time of me watching the first season, that i also read the books from Kass Morgan. (Thus my absolute disappointment about the route they (JRottentomatoe) took with Bellarke... (At least they're canon in the novels... ) The story itself, especially over the course of the first 4 (and a bit of 5) seasons was so intriguing and well thought through! I LOVED it! (Although i absolutely despise the time jump. The 2199 radio calls are a plus, but since it didn't lead to anything it was very unnecessary imo. It ruined so many things for me. In my opinion Bellarke should've become canon at the end of S4. Period.)

Despite the fact that especially that mess of a last season (that does not exist for me) robbed us of so many things and negated the very core story the show provided us with for 6 years i keep loving it for especially the first seasons of the series. And i will continue to love and to recommendate it to everyone (just not that damn last season).

Thanks again and again for letting me join and for sharing all the awesome (and even the not so very awesome...) moments, scenes, story arcs, characters and their relationships and the discussions after every episode on here. It was a blast (well, mostly, but that is not your fault of course ;)!

Oh and thank you for reminding me of the anniversary! There's SO MUCH going on in my RL at the moment... But none of it is so very positive like this occasion and you people on here.

Lots of love! And happy beginning of the spring! May the rest of the year be kinder to us. God, please...

(Please continue to be so creative! I still love to scroll through my dash and see your edits and words, although i may be not on here very often anymore! (Sometimes it's one of the very few things that keep me sane and positive. Looking at you, Clarke. ;) <3<3<3))

See you on the other side! Always! Anne


Happy Bfsn !

Today marks 10 years since The 100 first aired, so here's one of my favorite images of Bellamy and Clarke in episode 1. If you can, please feel free to add to this post to celebrate the anniversary. I'm just very sad I didn't have time to make a gif for the occasion…

The sun started to shine today, and so much the better, because with all the work I have to do, my morale is at half-mast. I'm also thinking of all those for whom everything is complicated at the moment.


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing fine!

Happy BFSN ~ 10 years of the 100 celebration! WoW! It's mind blowing we're still talking and celebrating the 100. And I am so glad we are. Long live our fandom! Once again I am forever grateful for our content creators (meta writers, fiction writers, gif & aesthetics makers)!


21. Clarke Griffin (The 100)
A teenage girl who naturally gravitated to a position of authority, in charge of keeping her people alive, Clarke Griffin is the person who steps up to make the decisions that would cripple most people. As she fights for survival, she tries to stay the good, loving person while going down a dark path riddled with impossible choices that often end in death and destruction, but the darker her character became over season 2, the more interesting she became to me. She isn’t forced to always do the morally right thing because there is no obvious moral right and there is no easy, manufactured, television solution to all her problems. This is a young woman who is allowed to both fail and succeed, sometimes at the same time. And she remains the hero not in spite of it, but because of it - because of how she learns, grows, and keeps fighting through it all.

At first I was WTF?!, and then I saw the site and the full title!

"All 7 Seasons Of The 100, Ranked Worst To Best"

Altho, my ranking from worst to best would be somewhat diferent:

7, 3, 5, 1, 2, 6, 4

Worst to best? Harder to rank than I thought.

7... long distance in quality... 3, 5, 4... small jump in quality... 1, 6, 2 tied.


Hmmm. Tough. I’ll say…

5, 3A, 1, 3B, 6, 4, 2

I debated switching 4 and 6, but, if memory serves, 4’s got some heavy-hitter episodes/scenes that’ll knock one off their feet.

(There’s also a bizarre outlier of a data point so further out on the tail end of “Worst” that it vanished off the face of the Canon graph entirely, circa 13 episodes in. Shame.)

favourite thing about them: his big heart, and how unstoppably loyal that made him to the people he loves 💛 (his love of books & history being a very close second!)
least favorite thing about them: when he was a total player & kind of a dick, for a hot minute in S1 (literally all I've got lol)
favorite line: this whole inspirational speech on S1, it was so good for being early in the show especially!!
brOTP: Murphy, Miller, Madi & RAVEN
OTP: y'all know that answer already 😉
notp: Maybe Raven? Which is funny, bc they slept together in S1 LOL... I just love them as friends so much, it's tough for me to imagine a romantic braven?
random headcanon: he and Clarke had a bunch of kids & they have spacekru & Octavia over for dinner every week 💞
unpopular opinion: he was GREAT in S5!
song i associate with them: radioactive, for obvious & unoriginal reasons lol
favorite picture of them: here's a gif!


Reading that dumb tweet was weirdly cathartic. It made me realize, as awful as Bellarke's ending was, I wouldn't trade their S1-6 journey for the brief speedrun CL had.

Bellamy and Clarke loved each other, and naturally, I wanted them to have a happy ending together. But, if nothing else, against the backdrop of a bleak narrative that did everything in its power to break these characters, including tragic relationships like CL - by continuously challenging them and having them find a home in each other before saving the day time and again, the show dedicated nearly its whole run on clarifying that the (yes, familial AND romantic) soulmate relationship of Bellarke = love = unity = strength = victory.

Humanity wins when Bellarke is united, however bittersweet the victory, and it fails when Bellarke is in discord. No other ship on that show held the power Bellarke did to bring the story's objectives of survival and living a good life to a full-circle close. A S1-6 canon-compliant version of Bellarke with their fully actualized ending would represent everything the show endeavored to teach its audience about love saving the world, exemplified by the complete scope of their seven-season evolution.

The CLs wouldn't have wasted a decade attempting to shut down support for Bellarke if they didn't know a romance for Bellarke was unfolding before their eyes with an integral purpose for the larger narrative and craved both for their ship. What Bellarke had in those first six seasons, the bitterest of their rival fandom wish it had rerouted to CL.

Anonymous asked:

From a writer's persoective, what are your thoughts on how a show like the 100 could come to an end? I'm new to both sifi and post apocalyptic stories so I'm just dumbfounded as to how it could play out.

JR has said that he has a vision for the end of the series, and no matter how long he has to get there, he can make it happen, he just gets to take different paths and tell different stories to get them there.

This is a really dark show with lots of struggle and suffering and death.

But I think at the heart of it, the show is about love and hope and family and an ideal of a better world. 

Post apocalyptic science fiction ends one of two ways. The world is shit and we are all doomed, or Despite the world being shit, we can work together to create a better world. 

I believe that JR’s premise is the later. Hope in the darkness. And that was confirmed for me with this season tagline, “From The Ashes We Will Rise.”  That is about the phoenix, rebirth, renewal. 

I also think that Clarke, Wanheda, is supposed to represent this rebirth. I know that most people seem to connect the name “Wanheda” with trauma and killing, but I see it as something different. I see it as the mythic concept of death, which is actually about the cycle of life, death and rebirth. 

So to me, as a writer who loves sci fi and post apocalyptic science fiction, what I could see as the ending is actually about starting the cycle OVER. The world is gone. They’re taking everyone down even farther. They have to reboot society. I think Clarke and Bellamy are the “cosmic Adam and Eve” that Kane talked about. I mean I don’t think they will be the only two left, but it’s the concept of the paired creators who start the world over again. 

I think the end of the show will be about the start of the world. This show is an origin story about how the heroes who restarted society came to be. 


Boo. JR went with ‘the world is shit and we are all doomed.’

I do think that he intended to go with the hope in the darkness storyline but something happened between season 6 and 7 that made him toss that plan overboard. I don’t think it was REALLy Bob needing time off, but I think he used that as an excuse to kill bellarke, turn clarke into a power mad mentally unstable virago, turn bellamy into a cultist, and change the essential point of the story from “I’m trying to make sure we deserve to survive” to “oops nevermind nazis are good, humanity is bad, and clarke is to blame for the sins of humanity.”

Season 7 gave me whiplash.


Seeing the recent cancellations of a fraction of the few cable network television shows I watched makes Jason's errant actions astounding for the umpteenth time. Not every writers' room is fortunate to complete their story to its fullest extent and go out on their terms. It's becoming increasingly difficult for new programs to achieve such a milestone. Fortune smiled on Jason, and he squandered it. Heartlessly.

For a guy who had always implored his audience to stick to the story - in the end, at the narrative's most crucial final hours, no one betrayed The 100 as he did.


I have always thought that if Bellarke ever confess, it's going to be in such silence, then suddenly, they are all like, "You know I love you, right?"

I don't really want any fighting-confessing. They fought many times already. And I don't want it to be dramatic because all their lives, they have too much drama already.

I just want their confession to be quiet, in peace, while waiting for the rain to stop, inside the dropship (RIP the Dropship, u will be missed) and they just look at each other, smile and just... know. Because that's what makes them them. They don't need any words to communicate, they just... know.


francesca by hozier

When the heart would cease, Ours never knew peace...I would not change it each time, Heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I.

Wishing all you lovely people a Happy Day 2,199! ↴

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