
One More Thyme

@onemorethymenjr / onemorethymenjr.tumblr.com

Trial and Error with an Amateur Gardener

Six on Saturday - 17 December 2022

Six on Saturday – 17 December 2022

In Scotland, November was a month of near constant rain, and the start of December began with a severe cold snap. Despite being prepared this year and having onion sets and spring bulbs since September, the weather has prevented me getting these in the ground. If the weather warms I hope to plant them before the end of the month; if not, I’ll plant them in Spring and hope that they will still…


Six on Saturday - 5 November 2022

Six on Saturday – 5 November 2022

It has been pishing down in Glasgow for almost a full month. I actually like rain, but at the moment the ground is sodden, any remaining plants are completely battered and my garden task list for autumn severely delayed. I have had onion sets and garlic ready to plant since the end of September, but have held off for fear of them rotting in the overly wet ground. Has anyone planted onions and…


Six on Saturday - 20 August 2022

Six on Saturday – 20 August 2022

Only a few garden tasks done today, as I am conserving my energy for tackling more to-dos tomorrow. Perhaps some tidying, seed-sowing, digging and maybe, some propagation. As ever, if you’d like to explore other gardens head over to The Propagator’s blog and enjoy reading through the comments. The participant’s guide is here. The Un-sown Today I am focusing on plants around the garden that…


Cauliflowers - An Experiment

Cauliflowers – An Experiment

Hurtling into the second half of the year, June was very dry. The beginning of July is trying to make up for it! Last year I had some success with Romanesco cauliflowers and this year decided to try ‘All Year Round’ variety, but with a little soil experiment. I was not organised enough in 2021 to mulch and reinvigorate the soil with manure, so I have been using a mix of fish, blood and bone,…

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