
everyone forgot about the past, right?

@gredegi / gredegi.tumblr.com

kia the anime dudebro 19 • she/her • intro post the tomato cultivator to your desperate effort rana pratap singh x venugopalan COUPLE GOALS

Level 1: I didn't assume that these two words with similar spellings and related meanings share a common origin because I don't think about things like that.

Level 2: I'm completely certain these two words with similar spellings and related meanings share a common origin because it's fucking obvious just from looking at them, you absolute simpleton.

Level 3: I didn't assume that these two words with similar spellings and related meanings share a common origin because I know what a false cognate is.

Level 4: I know all the common patterns of historical sound shifts, which means I can spot non-obvious cognates, and I'm completely certain that these two words share an origin. It's hard being a genius.

Level 5: I've learned the actual sound shifts that historically occurred in this specific language family, and it turns out those two words weren't related after all. Whoops.

Level 6: I mean... if you think about it... all words share a common origi*deafening gunshot originating from the anthropology department*

official linguistics post


Maybe stop dating in general if you feel the need to break things your partners enjoy


I'll never understand the people who date someone with a specific hobby that they hate.

Like, if I hated gardening enough to pull my wife's plants, why the fuck would I date a gardener?

I have a theory about this: A number of people think hobbies (some hobbies more than others) are what people (certain kinds of people especially, but could be anyone) do to fill the space that will eventually be occupied by a romantic partner. So they don't care about the hobby, because they expect to supplant it

I hate that that makes sense.

Or, to put it another way: "Why are you paying attention to that other thing when you should be paying attention to me?"


Where's my Jewish phrase for when you people are being irrevocably horny?

“This, too, is Torah, and I must learn!”

None of these words are in the Bible: This is a very strange concept to an outsider and possibly even to me. I probably understand what this is saying but it’s kinda weird. Let’s bring attention to that.

By Allah, you people are dogs. I will reblog as always: This is gross and possibly not an appropriate thing to say publicly but I mean that in the most lighthearted and unserious way possible because clearly I found whatever you said or did entertaining enough to platform it.

This, too, is Torah, and I must learn!: Nobody asked me to look at this or platform this, I don’t have to look at this, perhaps I shouldn’t be looking at this, but I’m going to double down anyways for the bit. <-speculative analysis, needs more data of natural usage of phrase in the wild

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