
not those who inflict the most



Lads I’m going to be in Switzerland for a few days next week. One day is earmarked for a day-trip to Davos for Research Purposes but other than that my friend group and I have zero plans. Anything in Zurich or close to it that the tumblrinas would recommend for 4 gals on a jaunt to do?


Fandom Discourse

I have many special interests, and so my blog is very eclectic. But, I wanted to stand in support of a couple of folks who are having a hard time in the fandom belonging to one of my special interests. 

I don’t usually like to pile on, but ableism in this fandom is rampant, and it’s time I said something instead of just feeling sorry for myself. 

More on this under the cut.


So I’m swallowing my pride.

As you all may know by now, I’m going to be moving out to my own apartment. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but the pandemic and the fact that I make minimum wage made it difficult to see any point when it would be a possibility. But my living situation has gotten rocky and I made the rush decision that it’d be best for me and Phyllis to find a place for ourselves.

I did find a place and I should be moving in soon, but I have very little to my name as far as simple supplies and necessities, and these sorts of expenses really add up when you need them all at once.

All this to say, I hate to ask, but if you want to help a queer idiot get her living situation in order, I’ve made an amazon wishlist of some of the things that would make my life leagues easier:

Every little thing would be a huge help and you’d have my eternal gratitude, and every signal boost would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance, I love you all. 💖


There’s this gallery down the country that’s had an exhibition that I really wanted to go to because of Reasons but with the restrictions they’ve been closed and the exhibition is due to finish in April so I’ve been living vicariously through what people posted to Twitter during that brief period when galleries were allowed open again, but the absolute *beauties* have had their whole gallery *digitised* so that people can take a *virtual tour* of it and I opened it up and *right there* was the exhibition I wanted to go to and I might have actually cried seeing the face of this man that died 100 years ago

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