
@loubatas / loubatas.tumblr.com

Mediterranean artist based in Brittany. Nonbinary man (he/him). Chaotic dumbass. I came for the art and stayed for the shitposts. Art account is loubatas-art

the fact that "eco" and "ethical" are two separate concerns in the global north, and that "eco" is a much more popular concern, with many "eco" products being made in actual sweatshops, is a big part of why i am The Joker

if you think this is an exaggeration or splitting hairs where it doesn't matter:

i used to work at a Local Organic Produce store that's popular with the lefties in my city who are interested in food justice. i quit for a lot of reasons, mostly the boss, but something i will always remember is one of our suppliers coming in to drop off produce, being told her check wasn't ready, and her laughing and responding it didn't matter -- even a low bank account was more than enough to pay the migrants who picked her produce. i am not filling in any blanks here. she said this.

after quitting, this was a common story i told people about my time there. some then became annoyed at me, acting like i was a wokescold trying to undermine the store's "eco" mission with unrelated "ethical" concerns. but, like -- if food justice isn't for the people making food, who the fuck is it for?

like, don't get me wrong. my contention here is that the things go hand in hand, and that something which is unethical isn't actually eco. after all, humans are a part of the fucking ecosystem, and if a product can only be made by unsustainably exploiting humans, then it's unsustainable. doesn't matter which chemicals were used in making it, or whether or not animals were factory farmed.


they *cannot* be separated. a product cannot be either eco or ethical — it must be both. a product that is made through human suffering cannot be eco for the reasons you said; a product that causes human suffering by contributing to the destruction of the ecosystem cannot be ethical. it must be both and we must insist on both


Americans are welcome to vote obviously, but don't fucking clown about the house sparrow or the tree sparrow. It's a poll for eurasiafrican sparrows, they're both in their native range and not invasive here Presentation of the contestants:

Spanish Sparrow (left) & House Sparrow (right)

(source) Eurasian Tree Sparrow (left) & Arabian Golden Sparrow (right):

(source) (source) Saxaul Sparrow (left) & Dead Sea Sparrow (right) :

(source) (source) Russet Sparrow (left) & Cape Sparrow (right) :

(source) (source) Somali Sparrow (left) & Desert Sparrow (right) :

(source) (source) Iago Sparrow:


03 June 2024

“A Welsh publisher is to release a new translation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic fantasy novel The Hobbit in Welsh… [The] celebrated novel has never before been available in Welsh—perhaps surprisingly, given author J.R.R. Tolkien’s own interest in the Welsh language, upon which he drew for some elements of the fictional languages he invented in his works.
Melin Bapur Books, which launched earlier this year in order to take on similar projects as well as re-publishing classic Welsh-language literature of the past, has obtained a licence from the Tolkien Estate to publish the new translation by Adam Pearce, who has previously translated H.G. Wells into Welsh and works by Daniel Owen and T. Gwynn Jones from Welsh into English.
The new translation includes Welsh versions of both the maps featured in the original and includes J.R.R. Tolkien’s original illustrations.”

when i was a tiny baby queer (aka a 24-year-old), i went to my first pride festival probably three months after i kicked ex-gay therapy to the curb and came out to my parents. being the people they are, my parents came with me. they weren’t really sure about this whole gay thing, but they loved me and wanted me to be safe and happy and wanted to be involved in what was important to me, so they came along. (i also think my mother still might have thought i might get drugged or murdered or beaten by a protester of which there were plenty.)

anyway i wanted a memento of my first pride, you know, and this one vendor was selling keyrings, and i liked it, so i bought one. do you remember those italian charm bracelets that were all the rage like 10-15 years ago? it was a keychain like that, and it had a rainbow rooster, a rainbow cat, and then just a rainbow, and so I bought it.

i run into my mom a couple of vendors over and she goes oh you bought something? what’d you get? so i showed her, and i was like, “I’m not sure why it’s a rooster and a cat. Seems kind of random. But I liked the rainbows.”

and my mom, who was some form of minister’s wife for most of my childhood and teenagerhood, stares at me like she thinks i’m joking.

“What?” i say.

“…it’s a cock and a pussy, Jules,” she says flatly, and that is the story of how i died at the age of 24 while attending my first pride festival.

I love how every June this one gets dug up and passed around again, lmao.


I help my younger sibling vend at Pride and we sell buttons. There’s a pair that are “I ❤ 🐓” and “I ❤️ 🐈”. One day, a middle aged woman comes up to our booth and gets very excited about the “I ❤️ 🐓” pin, which we gladly sell to her. 15 minutes later, she returns, shamefaced and says, “oh my god, I the world’s dumbest lesbian, I just- I have nine chickens.”

We gave her a complimentary pussy pin on the house.

When we went to Swansea Pride this year my bisexual friend brought her new poodle/bichon puppy along. She wanted to get said puppy a bandana or something, so when we got to one stall, she got super excited when she saw they had these blue and black flags with a cute little dog bone on the front :) :) :)

I’ve never moved so fast in my life


My boyfriend prefers his mattresses firm, and I need a soft mattress. He prefers his food temperate while I like my food hot and spicy. This is another good reason to not have a kid, because even if the kid averages out and prefers everything in the middle, there's the risk of some blonde bitch breaking into our house to rummage through our stuff.


Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.

This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.

Please remember to vote guys! The polls are not looking good and there's a chance the far-right groups could win more seats (collectively) than the centre-right EPP for the first time.

The exact date of the election varies by country but they will all be held from the 6-9 of June. Your national electoral commission or equivalent should have more information regarding dates and candidates.

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