
"there is nothing here"

@dez-the-butcher / dez-the-butcher.tumblr.com

Welcome to Dead!tale "the people I cared for are dead, now I'm all alone (for those who require certain types of rp styles, I can adapt to another type whether it be long or short, just send a message and tell me)

Lily was nearly finished grooming with all of the animals and the werewolf was the last one to get groomed. With a brush and comb, she enters the room.


*The section of the mansion she walks into is at worst a prison, however it can also be considered a temporary hotel. The cells are all lined up in rows and there are two floors available with ladders in between in cell door that lead up to the second floor, each cell contains either a victim of the disease that plagues this empty void, or a creature that was captured and contained either for its safety, or the safety of others, all cells have one of two doors, a wall of special glass that keeps contaminants from escaping the cell, or simple iron bars. Each cell holds something that can range from a small animal to a mutated being that kills all it touches. But at the end of the corridor lies a cell that is different from all other, the light inside has been broken and the cell's bars seem to be a lot thicker then the others, perhaps Dez thought this creature was more dangerous then the others. Walking up to the bars, Lily can see a furry figure in the corner that appears to be scratching Tally Marks into the wall, so far it is at 17*


Lily can see many of the ones she has not seen before, a bit nervous when she saw them watch her as she walks passed the cells. She then looks over to see the furred figure and seeing the tally marks.

She sighs softly and knocks against the bars a bit to get its attention, but to not spook it. “Hey...you okay?” She asked softly.

*it stirs from its rest and begins to sit up revealing that it had been scratching what could be the equivalent of a cave drawing onto the wall, it slowly crawls towards Lily before sniffing the air and growling at her*


Recovering from his stumble over the now incapacitated Dez, Grillby continued his journey towards the fridge in hopes of some salvation from starvation. Quietly tugging the door open, though who knows as to why seeing as Dez seems pretty out of it. Peering in he glossed over the various foods, and drinks before sighing softly then closing the fridge. Perhaps he wasn’t hungry, nor did he want to touch any of the liquids inside due to his dream as well as the fact he’d need to do even the slightest bit of work to identify what they all were in the span of a few courtesy glances. Abandoning the fridge he began to look through cupboards, jars, anything that yielded  any results for something. There was, on more than one occasion that he mentally confirmed he didn’t desire food but that it was a distraction from that odd dream of his. But still he continued his fruitless search before calling it then heading back into the living room (Of course minding the passed out Dez), only to lay back down on the couch moments later. 

*The lamplights outside are now slowly turning on one by one which seems to bring the dark atmosphere inside the house to a standstill, finally the mood is is no longer so thick and heavy but the feeling of dread that seems to be almost permanent is still there, the couch creaks as Grillby sits down and this seems to rouse Dez as he stands up quickly before brushing himself off and beginning the uncomfortable process of trying to figure out what happened the previous night, he fails in this endeavour then proceeds to enter the garage and begin working on some inane object*


Lily was nearly finished grooming with all of the animals and the werewolf was the last one to get groomed. With a brush and comb, she enters the room.


*The section of the mansion she walks into is at worst a prison, however it can also be considered a temporary hotel. The cells are all lined up in rows and there are two floors available with ladders in between in cell door that lead up to the second floor, each cell contains either a victim of the disease that plagues this empty void, or a creature that was captured and contained either for its safety, or the safety of others, all cells have one of two doors, a wall of special glass that keeps contaminants from escaping the cell, or simple iron bars. Each cell holds something that can range from a small animal to a mutated being that kills all it touches. But at the end of the corridor lies a cell that is different from all other, the light inside has been broken and the cell's bars seem to be a lot thicker then the others, perhaps Dez thought this creature was more dangerous then the others. Walking up to the bars, Lily can see a furry figure in the corner that appears to be scratching Tally Marks into the wall, so far it is at 17*


There were certainly feelings about this, the anxiety welled up in his chest as he walked inside. This murder-house just didn’t settle with him, it felt familiar yet every detail was completely alien to him. Just looking around made him…nervous. Everything seemed alright, well beyond the bugs, and void of anyone lurking in the shadows as far as his light could show him. While walking around, and attempting not to die in his forsaken place, he noted something. A pot, specifically one that looks worn if not faded somehow, and it rests upon..well he’s not sure but he knows what’s fueling the process of cooked..erm whatever it is. Coals, coals that burn brightly yet with no starters in sight. To say this was disturbingly creepy was an understatement, it’s down right terrifying as who or what would leave this in such a state? Why was he even bothering to question this? It’s a dream, Grillby get a hold of yourself.  Taking a breath, and with some newfound bravado, Grillby took a step forward before kneeling just beside the pot to inspect the fire then the contents within the worn thing. No smell, and a blurred image of what could be inside. Maybe he should eat when he wakes up, it seems his dreams are trying imply it’s been long enough that he’s forgotten what food now looks like or he’s not taking this seriously enough, honestly who knows. Tempting fate, he looks around for something to taste the stew. He manages to find a spoon that seems abandoned on the floor, gross but it will do. Drowning  the utensil in the stew, Grillby moved it towards him before pausing, it actually tasted delicious..not only that but he could smell it now as well! Weird.. why would.. huh. Blinking as he stared down at  the still blurred soup, he tried to rationalize this moment. How could he though? Dreams are always cryptic with what they want to convey or otherwise are complete nonsense summed up over an extended time while unconscious. That is to say, it’s just been far too long since he’s gotten adequate enough sleep. Still that didn’t stop his dream self (or is it ‘real self? Eh questions for another time) from jerking at the creak thus alerting him to…himself? What? Looking the copy over he blinked before motioning a wave, because why wouldn’t he? As the events slowly unfolded he couldn’t help but be a silent witness to it all, what did this even mean? Well for one it meant he wasn’t about to die to killing himself, thankfully. But still. with the paper in hand he pocketed it just on a whim really, and from there he opted to just leave the house. It’s creepy, it’s creepy, and He just witnessed some version of himself poisoning some food so yeah it’s about that time to check in.. or is it out in this case?  Eh..  Like a taking his first breath all over again, Grillby woke to the darkened living room. Swiftly he sat up before frantically patting his chest to locate his glasses, they hung just off the collar of  his shirt before being pulled off then placed back in their proper location. Blinking once, twice, thrice… he was awake. Oh thank Asgore it was a dream, a weird dream but still. Grillby sat in relative darkness bar from his flames causing the shadows to retreat towards the darkest corners of the room, and far from his personal space. He sat there looking to his hands before flexing them a few times, he felt them do so which did assure him he wasn’t dreaming any longer. A few more minutes pass before he shifts to get up from the couch then move to stretch as he heads towards the kitchen area, perhaps getting something to eat might be a good idea, when had he last eaten? Not too long ago surely. 

*The air inside the house seems heavy, it's as if the once normal atmosphere was sucked out and replaced with a poor copy that had been set on fire and burnt to a crisp. Walking to the kitchen, Grillby trips over Dez who is passed out on the floor with a alcoholic beverage still clutched in hand, continuing forward into the kitchen Grillby can find the fridge has a sticky note on the front that gives a brief summary of how Dez hasn't had many breakthroughs and how he went for groceries then proceeded to get absolutely wasted on alcohol, it ends stating that Grillby can have anything in the fridge that he likes. The fridge looks as if it has been restocked for the first time in what is probably a while, inside are various drinks and foods*


While the crack certainly wasn’t an enjoyable experience to hear, it was at least one comforting sound to hear while he was attempting to sleep. As the electrical means of a light source fades, Grillby’s natural born illumination allows shadows to dance along the walls as his flames slowly melt down towards the underbody; a molten core form that normally is hidden beneath the flames. It takes little effort on Grillby’s end to enter the unconscious state of Valhalla, though his eternal reward of a calm yet uneventful sleep was just not meant to be. Slowly the dark abyss of his unconsciousness formed for him a picture perfect nightmare zone, all around him stood dark foreboding trees with an army of overgrowth. Quickly turning left then right as the alarm of crows sound off one by one into the nearly silent night, Grillby shudders as the dream mimics an old recurring one he used to have during his time spent down with the core. Regardless, it has begun. Armed with the knowledge of this being a dream he marches forward, crunching of the brush below him, coupled with the silent night’s air only puts him more on edge. 

Finally it seems he’s arrived in a place just waiting for him, an old shack that seemed to be calling for him to enter. With a mind that continued to race on how cliche this all was, he took a few steps forward before boldly accepting whatever fate would meet him inside. With a single hand he gave the tiniest of testing pushes towards the door itself only to have it give, and open for him. recoiling his hand he opted to clutch it close as his flames illuminated the darkened building. With a breath in then out he stepped forward into the shack, whatever lay in wait was expecting him, and he knew not to stray away for when fate calls upon you. “H-Hello? Is anyone here?”  There wasn’t any surprise when nothing replied to his question, after all if this is a murder-house as he suspected then the killer wouldn’t be coming to greet him with a warm hug. Then again who is to say this shack  is necessarily a ‘bad omen’ it could be a plethora of things. 

*The moment he opens the door a plume of dust escapes into the dim moonlight, its thick, musty and smells like death itself crawled inside and died. But of course it doesn't last forever, once the dust clears out and the room clears up a bit revealing that it appears to be a reletively normal room save for the occasional cockroach that crawls out of a corner and dissapears once again, a pot sits in the middle of the room, it's worn, faded and somehow the coals underneath it are still burning brightly after such a long time, inside is a liquid that actually smells quite good, it makes him think of simpler times, back before chaos erupted into his life and brought him into a hell that he can't escape,taking a spoon from the side and trying the liquid shows that it is indeed as delicious as it smells. The rest of the shack looks decrepit, once upon a time it seems that a family lived here, and it feels oh so familiar, as if Grillby had been here before and had perhaps even stayed here but the memories just wont surface into his fiery mind. Something suppresses these memories and keeps them locked away from him as his desperate mind claws and tries to bring them out of the depths of his fractured subconcious. Finally a creak from the door snaps Grillby out of his stupor right as the door opens, instead of a monster, a person stands in the doorway, it appears to be Grillby himself but this alternate version of him does not recognise or even notice him. He walks inside and sits down infront of the pot and begin to stir. waving a hand infront of this alternate version of him produces absolutely no reaction from the copy, however the copy does produce a bottle of unknown substance from a pocket and begin pouring it into the liquid. The copy stirs for a while longer before standing up and walking towards the wall before stepping straight through it, before dissapearing a piece of paper drops out of his pocket and lands on the floor, the paper reads as a recipe for cyanide, it would seem that this liquid is a meat stew and this copy of himself just added the final ingredient, if this wasn't a dream, Grillby would have just dodged a bullet*


Walking back felt much longer than marinading forward down this exact hallway prior, perhaps it was just fatigue setting in that threw him off. Regardless Grillby moved away from the opening as to allow Dez to step out with him into the homestead once more. Pausing as he watched the other make his way towards the couch, he figured the other was likely going to watch television–no wait. Was there power? Surely, yes. Definitely. Lord he couldn’t be bothered to think right now, these past…day? days? Who knows - these past events have had Grillby’s head reeling from every which-way. So much so that seeing Dez preparing the couch for him he simple shrugged then moved to claim his bed for the night, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s slept on an uncomfortable surface before, then again his only ‘bed’ back before all this was a netted hammock.  Laying his head back against the soft cushion before kicking his feet up, of course taking the loafers off prior to putting his feet up on the opposing cushion. “I’ll see to it all tomorrow, Dez. For now I am going to sleep to gain back some energy, though of course I could easily just absorb some wood or burnable object, even some lesser flames but.. I just don’t want to in the current moment, I’m just tired.” He said pinching the bridge of his none-existent nose before letting out a sigh. “But yes I’ll question the wolf monster I aided in the raid tomorrow, that is if I wake up to a tomorrow with how everything seemingly enjoys trying to kill,infect, or just utterly destroy life as we now it.”

*Dez attempts to stand tall and produces a loud spine-tingling crack from some part of his body, he walks over to a lighswitch and flicks it to the off position causing some lights in the livingroom to turn off. walking to the kitchen and opening up the fridge floods the room with a sickeningly sweet smell, Dez reenters the room and exits once again towards the workshop with a jar of liquid in hand. The door closes slowly with an audible creak before the room begins to fill with darkness....... neverending darkness. Sleep overtakes Grillby soon enough and he begins to dream, unsurprisingly enough it appears to be a relatively nightmare that begins with him waking up in a massive forest that is absolutely overtaken with vegetation, the sound of crows cawing and noises are everywhere and Grillby's flame is the only lightsource in this moonlit senatra. Walking forward a few steps silently, he steps on a tree branch which creates a loud crunch, Grillby realizes just how much he stands out in this forest, nearly impossible to hide and nowhere to go as it seems. In the distance a wooden shack can be seen, its aged, heavily, as in it's been sitting in this godforsaken forest for a century with absolutely no one to take care of it, but the building itself gives off an uncanny feeling, as if Grillby himself is meant to enter this hellhole and find out just what's inside*

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at Hunter and nods. “Well, where I am from, there are creatures that I feed but they all are passive thanks to a friend of mine.” She looks at his injuries.

“....if you like; my house is not far from here and we can treat your wounds there if you like.” She offered.

*Looking up at Lily the man stands up and reveals his leg which has now healed*

"The flame sustains me, and I have fought beasts bigger then your Bloater, I imagine that I have no true reason to come to your sanctuary"

She didn’t know how to offer him sanctuary. “No life ever survives out here in the void. And the creatures that roam here won’t hold back and they’ll keep coming. Me and my dad are safe at my friends home, he’s the only one that can leave this place, so you’re stuck here.”

*Stepping away from the fire, the man snaps his fingers and the flames begin to dissipate, he steps over the embers and walks towards the bloater before taking a finger and poking the creature*

"What is this creature, how does it fight with such large girth?"

“He’s a Bloater. He’s the biggest and strongest of its kind that roams the void. And....I’m not sure how it fights because I’ve never seen him fight before. Unless I did and just forgot.”

*Pulling his hand back immediately from the poke, the man looks at his hand as the black goo sticks and begins to burn straight through his skin*

"Too bad I can't feel this, how did you ride on its shoulders if this mass is acidic?"

She tensed when she saw the hand getting burned by the slime. But then was relieved he couldn’t feel it.

“We think he’s able to control its slime and keeps itself from harming its kind or those likes. I’ve been giving him walks while I play music to keep him calm. He really like guitar music.”

*pulling his hand away and beginning to bandage the burns, the man speaks up in a quiet voice*

"Perhaps they recall things from before they're affliction, maybe they even could be revived?"

“....well, that’s what Dez is trying to find the solution for that. From what he told me, this place was filled with life until something bad happened. He won’t tell me what though.”

*Pointing at the house lights in the distance the man begins walking towards the beacon of light*

"I assume that must be the home, I will make my way there, hopefully I can find my way out of this place as well"


“There really isn’t anything else to be done down here? Shame, I was beginning to enjoy being hunted, and nearly killed. Well I suppose in the morning I will start my search for those individuals who may way to venture onward, and technically speaking upwards towards the  surface world above us. Hopefully the ones I choose to join the makeshift party are proficient in weapons or at least have something to offer up as an advantage for later use.” Shrugging, Grillby turned towards the long hallway as to give it a glance before sighing. “I need to sleep, Dez. I will speak with you breifly tomorrow before moving back towards the center of town as to round up a few folk, till then however I’m off unless there is something further you, and I need to discuss.”   Grillby allowed for a pause to give the other ample time to come up with anything that may be pressing enough to discuss at the current moment, and if nothing had come up when the unseen timer’s limit was up, Grillby would move back towards the hallway as to prepare to head back up to the main level of the home, and hopefully to a cozy bed.

*Opening the exit door, Dez stands tall with a curious look before standing aside and allowing Grillby to leave through the long hallway and reentering the house once again, Dez begins making making up a comfortable cushion on the couch for Grillby to lay on whilst he continues to speak*

"I will continue my work with the infection while you sleep, perhaps I can find something useful for our excursion. When you go to find fighters, might I suggest you ask that Wolfman you saved for his help? I'm sure he would be happy to return the favor since you saved him."

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at Hunter and nods. “Well, where I am from, there are creatures that I feed but they all are passive thanks to a friend of mine.” She looks at his injuries.

“....if you like; my house is not far from here and we can treat your wounds there if you like.” She offered.

*Looking up at Lily the man stands up and reveals his leg which has now healed*

"The flame sustains me, and I have fought beasts bigger then your Bloater, I imagine that I have no true reason to come to your sanctuary"

She didn’t know how to offer him sanctuary. “No life ever survives out here in the void. And the creatures that roam here won’t hold back and they’ll keep coming. Me and my dad are safe at my friends home, he’s the only one that can leave this place, so you’re stuck here.”

*Stepping away from the fire, the man snaps his fingers and the flames begin to dissipate, he steps over the embers and walks towards the bloater before taking a finger and poking the creature*

"What is this creature, how does it fight with such large girth?"

“He’s a Bloater. He’s the biggest and strongest of its kind that roams the void. And....I’m not sure how it fights because I’ve never seen him fight before. Unless I did and just forgot.”

*Pulling his hand back immediately from the poke, the man looks at his hand as the black goo sticks and begins to burn straight through his skin*

"Too bad I can't feel this, how did you ride on its shoulders if this mass is acidic?"

She tensed when she saw the hand getting burned by the slime. But then was relieved he couldn’t feel it.

“We think he’s able to control its slime and keeps itself from harming its kind or those likes. I’ve been giving him walks while I play music to keep him calm. He really like guitar music.”

*pulling his hand away and beginning to bandage the burns, the man speaks up in a quiet voice*

"Perhaps they recall things from before they're affliction, maybe they even could be revived?"

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at Hunter and nods. “Well, where I am from, there are creatures that I feed but they all are passive thanks to a friend of mine.” She looks at his injuries.

“....if you like; my house is not far from here and we can treat your wounds there if you like.” She offered.

*Looking up at Lily the man stands up and reveals his leg which has now healed*

"The flame sustains me, and I have fought beasts bigger then your Bloater, I imagine that I have no true reason to come to your sanctuary"

She didn’t know how to offer him sanctuary. “No life ever survives out here in the void. And the creatures that roam here won’t hold back and they’ll keep coming. Me and my dad are safe at my friends home, he’s the only one that can leave this place, so you’re stuck here.”

*Stepping away from the fire, the man snaps his fingers and the flames begin to dissipate, he steps over the embers and walks towards the bloater before taking a finger and poking the creature*

"What is this creature, how does it fight with such large girth?"

“He’s a Bloater. He’s the biggest and strongest of its kind that roams the void. And....I’m not sure how it fights because I’ve never seen him fight before. Unless I did and just forgot.”

*Pulling his hand back immediately from the poke, the man looks at his hand as the black goo sticks and begins to burn straight through his skin*

"Too bad I can't feel this, how did you ride on its shoulders if this mass is acidic?"

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at Hunter and nods. “Well, where I am from, there are creatures that I feed but they all are passive thanks to a friend of mine.” She looks at his injuries.

“....if you like; my house is not far from here and we can treat your wounds there if you like.” She offered.

*Looking up at Lily the man stands up and reveals his leg which has now healed*

"The flame sustains me, and I have fought beasts bigger then your Bloater, I imagine that I have no true reason to come to your sanctuary"

She didn’t know how to offer him sanctuary. “No life ever survives out here in the void. And the creatures that roam here won’t hold back and they’ll keep coming. Me and my dad are safe at my friends home, he’s the only one that can leave this place, so you’re stuck here.”

*Stepping away from the fire, the man snaps his fingers and the flames begin to dissipate, he steps over the embers and walks towards the bloater before taking a finger and poking the creature*

"What is this creature, how does it fight with such large girth?"


At a glance this seemed impossible, Dez was breaking so many laws of physics and generally any law it seemed as his hand phased right through the glass to pet this beast. However Grillby, ever so keenly observing the other did assume the glass was perhaps enchanted or made by the other. After all there were creatures here that weren’t exactly impossible to create or to just exist, but they really shouldn’t be alive down here if they came from the above ground area. Yet in the end Grillby accepted what he was seeing, and just rolled with it for the time being. “I’m sorry, that this has happened to a beloved pet, to everyone even. I know I’m not the cause of this, how could I be? But i’m just sorry all of this has happened, and I wasn’t able to help where I could have were I awaken earlier than the last time we’ve met. I can accept things being out of my control for the most part but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of it all, I do wish I was here during the first wave of infected, perhaps we could have sealed all ways into the underground or even prepared an evacuation from the first strike zones where the infected toppled down into our society.” “Ah, but yes. I agree. The best we can do from out current point is to try and scramble for a cure, it’s what can be done for the moment. I also stress to raise the exigency for more defense in towns all across the underground.” A pause then perhaps a shot in the dark but one that could aid in some retaliation of these creatures. “Dez, you’ve studied these creatures for some time, tell me. I also apologies for the mad ramblings but I forget some details, it gets spotty. If there are PA systems or perhaps any type of alarms across the Underground, perhaps if we play a specific frequency it could drive the shamblers away from the towns or even cause some type of eruption within the infected creatures that could draw the maggots or whatever they are out of the host, and then have the frequency kill it completely.”

*puling his hand back from the glass causes it to warble as if a liquid of some sort,Dez looks at Grillby with a grimace for thinking hard about what to do, he opens a door and walks inside for a moment before exiting with a rack that holds several liquid-filled bottles. taking the rack to the glass and sitting one inside causes the infected animal to immediately run over and sniff it before drinking the liquid, a moment passes before finally the dog backs up and begins to cower in front of Dez for a moment before reverting back to a pissed-off state. *

"its a start but its not a good one, I had to grind up the echo flowers to make this and so only two flowers are left, i havent tested them but the results i got are quite promising from what ihave seen moments ago, perhaps i could stay here for the time being and work on a cure whilst you rally a group of people and go to the surface for supplies and medicine, I'm sure people would jump at the chance to leave this place, maybe you could find something useful up there, only problem is that you'd need climbing gear of some sort to get up that high, and you would find people who can fight or are atleast proficiant with weapons"

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at Hunter and nods. “Well, where I am from, there are creatures that I feed but they all are passive thanks to a friend of mine.” She looks at his injuries.

“....if you like; my house is not far from here and we can treat your wounds there if you like.” She offered.

*Looking up at Lily the man stands up and reveals his leg which has now healed*

"The flame sustains me, and I have fought beasts bigger then your Bloater, I imagine that I have no true reason to come to your sanctuary"

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at the bag, not doing anything at first before she placed the bag beside her, not grabbing one right now.

*Dez sits down and covers his face for a moment before finally speaking*

"So people have been disappearing from real worlds and waking up in the void"

She looks at him. “H-How? There’s no opening to the void...is there? She asked, holding onto Tigrex.

*sitting down and pouring a glass of tea Dez sighs then hands both Lily and David a glass*

"There are no ways in or out of this place, no entrances or exits, you can't come here unless your taken here and these people arent being taken, They're simply appearing"

“....is there a way to stop it?” David asked, Lily sipping her tea slowly to ease her nerves.

*Standing up again and opening the door to the room Dez takes a step outside before turning back to face them both*

"I am and always will be the only person who can leave this dark hell and come back as I please, there will never be any way to fix this problem as even I have no clues as to how this place works or how to stop people from arriving. I'm afraid that this is a permanent problem so it would be best for us to look out for anyone who wakes up here"

They both nodded.

It was later as Lily took a deep breath as she leads the Bloater on a walk, using the CD player to play guitar music to keep it calm as she leads it with a leash.

*Walking along the dark abyss brings a calming silence, the bloater stops however and looks up with its swollen head as a man begins plummeting from the obsidian at an obscene speed, the man is dressed in a strange outfit decorated with both blood and beautiful carvings, the outfit seems to consist of both metal plates and thin leather which would most likely is meant to be used for dexterity over defence. At the mans sides are a pair of daggers that are also adorned with both blood and intricate carvings, on the mans back is a large sword that is probably used for larger enemies compared to the daggers. As he hits the ground a sickening crack is heard from what is most likely a shattered bone, or several.*

Lily noticed how the Bloater’s head suddenly perked up and looks over to see what it was looking at. She saw something fall into the void and saw it was a man. She promised Dez she wouldn’t go out there, but that man needs her help.

She looks at the Bloater. “Please take me to him. I know you won’t let anything attack me.” She asked to it.

*turning its head away for a moment the bloater almost looks as if its thinking before it slowly begins to jog towards the mans location, it is quite obvious the bloater has never ran before as its pace comparable to speed walking. Getting closer to the mans location, the bloater stops and sits Lily on the ground behind it before walking towards what appears to be a bonfire, within minutes the man has already created a bonfire and is sitting by watching the flames crackle and pop as he slowly forces a shattered bone in his leg back into place*

Lily held onto the Bloater as soon as it was running towards the location. She smiled when she felt it placed her down and saw the man. She certainly seemed strange as she stays behind the Bloater.

*Walking forwards and regarding the man with a smile does not stir him from his trance, he continues to stare into flames until finally looking up at Lily. A hood covers his face with darkness and his features are obscured. He finally stands up and looks Lily*

"What is this place, who are you and what in the hell is that giant thing?"

Lily held her hands up in defense to show him she means no harm. “It’s okay. So to put it all in a nutshell, you’re in the Void and many people don’t survive out here. My name is Lily and this is a Bloater. But he only listens to me as far as I know.” She commented as she pets the side of its head.

*Petting the bloater requires some work as it nearly twice the size of Lily but she still manages to do so after it lowers itself further towards her size. Sitting down once again the man pulls off his hood to reveal a human albeit scarred face, something about the man is off but he seems to be honest and most likely safer to be around then anyone else you could meet in the void*

"I don't exactly have a name but I guess you could call me Hunter, I kill man and beast alike, mostly beasts. I come from a land with no name that was shrouded in flame and light"

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at the bag, not doing anything at first before she placed the bag beside her, not grabbing one right now.

*Dez sits down and covers his face for a moment before finally speaking*

"So people have been disappearing from real worlds and waking up in the void"

She looks at him. “H-How? There’s no opening to the void...is there? She asked, holding onto Tigrex.

*sitting down and pouring a glass of tea Dez sighs then hands both Lily and David a glass*

"There are no ways in or out of this place, no entrances or exits, you can't come here unless your taken here and these people arent being taken, They're simply appearing"

“....is there a way to stop it?” David asked, Lily sipping her tea slowly to ease her nerves.

*Standing up again and opening the door to the room Dez takes a step outside before turning back to face them both*

"I am and always will be the only person who can leave this dark hell and come back as I please, there will never be any way to fix this problem as even I have no clues as to how this place works or how to stop people from arriving. I'm afraid that this is a permanent problem so it would be best for us to look out for anyone who wakes up here"

They both nodded.

It was later as Lily took a deep breath as she leads the Bloater on a walk, using the CD player to play guitar music to keep it calm as she leads it with a leash.

*Walking along the dark abyss brings a calming silence, the bloater stops however and looks up with its swollen head as a man begins plummeting from the obsidian at an obscene speed, the man is dressed in a strange outfit decorated with both blood and beautiful carvings, the outfit seems to consist of both metal plates and thin leather which would most likely is meant to be used for dexterity over defence. At the mans sides are a pair of daggers that are also adorned with both blood and intricate carvings, on the mans back is a large sword that is probably used for larger enemies compared to the daggers. As he hits the ground a sickening crack is heard from what is most likely a shattered bone, or several.*

Lily noticed how the Bloater’s head suddenly perked up and looks over to see what it was looking at. She saw something fall into the void and saw it was a man. She promised Dez she wouldn’t go out there, but that man needs her help.

She looks at the Bloater. “Please take me to him. I know you won’t let anything attack me.” She asked to it.

*turning its head away for a moment the bloater almost looks as if its thinking before it slowly begins to jog towards the mans location, it is quite obvious the bloater has never ran before as its pace comparable to speed walking. Getting closer to the mans location, the bloater stops and sits Lily on the ground behind it before walking towards what appears to be a bonfire, within minutes the man has already created a bonfire and is sitting by watching the flames crackle and pop as he slowly forces a shattered bone in his leg back into place*

Lily held onto the Bloater as soon as it was running towards the location. She smiled when she felt it placed her down and saw the man. She certainly seemed strange as she stays behind the Bloater.

*Walking forwards and regarding the man with a smile does not stir him from his trance, he continues to stare into flames until finally looking up at Lily. A hood covers his face with darkness and his features are obscured. He finally stands up and looks Lily*

"What is this place, who are you and what in the hell is that giant thing?"

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at the bag, not doing anything at first before she placed the bag beside her, not grabbing one right now.

*Dez sits down and covers his face for a moment before finally speaking*

"So people have been disappearing from real worlds and waking up in the void"

She looks at him. “H-How? There’s no opening to the void...is there? She asked, holding onto Tigrex.

*sitting down and pouring a glass of tea Dez sighs then hands both Lily and David a glass*

"There are no ways in or out of this place, no entrances or exits, you can't come here unless your taken here and these people arent being taken, They're simply appearing"

“....is there a way to stop it?” David asked, Lily sipping her tea slowly to ease her nerves.

*Standing up again and opening the door to the room Dez takes a step outside before turning back to face them both*

"I am and always will be the only person who can leave this dark hell and come back as I please, there will never be any way to fix this problem as even I have no clues as to how this place works or how to stop people from arriving. I'm afraid that this is a permanent problem so it would be best for us to look out for anyone who wakes up here"

They both nodded.

It was later as Lily took a deep breath as she leads the Bloater on a walk, using the CD player to play guitar music to keep it calm as she leads it with a leash.

*Walking along the dark abyss brings a calming silence, the bloater stops however and looks up with its swollen head as a man begins plummeting from the obsidian at an obscene speed, the man is dressed in a strange outfit decorated with both blood and beautiful carvings, the outfit seems to consist of both metal plates and thin leather which would most likely is meant to be used for dexterity over defence. At the mans sides are a pair of daggers that are also adorned with both blood and intricate carvings, on the mans back is a large sword that is probably used for larger enemies compared to the daggers. As he hits the ground a sickening crack is heard from what is most likely a shattered bone, or several.*

Lily noticed how the Bloater’s head suddenly perked up and looks over to see what it was looking at. She saw something fall into the void and saw it was a man. She promised Dez she wouldn’t go out there, but that man needs her help.

She looks at the Bloater. “Please take me to him. I know you won’t let anything attack me.” She asked to it.

*turning its head away for a moment the bloater almost looks as if its thinking before it slowly begins to jog towards the mans location, it is quite obvious the bloater has never ran before as its pace comparable to speed walking. Getting closer to the mans location, the bloater stops and sits Lily on the ground behind it before walking towards what appears to be a bonfire, within minutes the man has already created a bonfire and is sitting by watching the flames crackle and pop as he slowly forces a shattered bone in his leg back into place*

Anonymous asked:

Lily lazily rest her head and arms on Tigrex’s head, just watching the scenery as she occasionally scratches under his chin.

*Dez walks in holding a clipboard before he walks over and begins petting Lily*


She looks at the bag, not doing anything at first before she placed the bag beside her, not grabbing one right now.

*Dez sits down and covers his face for a moment before finally speaking*

"So people have been disappearing from real worlds and waking up in the void"

She looks at him. “H-How? There’s no opening to the void...is there? She asked, holding onto Tigrex.

*sitting down and pouring a glass of tea Dez sighs then hands both Lily and David a glass*

"There are no ways in or out of this place, no entrances or exits, you can't come here unless your taken here and these people arent being taken, They're simply appearing"

“....is there a way to stop it?” David asked, Lily sipping her tea slowly to ease her nerves.

*Standing up again and opening the door to the room Dez takes a step outside before turning back to face them both*

"I am and always will be the only person who can leave this dark hell and come back as I please, there will never be any way to fix this problem as even I have no clues as to how this place works or how to stop people from arriving. I'm afraid that this is a permanent problem so it would be best for us to look out for anyone who wakes up here"

They both nodded.

It was later as Lily took a deep breath as she leads the Bloater on a walk, using the CD player to play guitar music to keep it calm as she leads it with a leash.

*Walking along the dark abyss brings a calming silence, the bloater stops however and looks up with its swollen head as a man begins plummeting from the obsidian at an obscene speed, the man is dressed in a strange outfit decorated with both blood and beautiful carvings, the outfit seems to consist of both metal plates and thin leather which would most likely is meant to be used for dexterity over defence. At the mans sides are a pair of daggers that are also adorned with both blood and intricate carvings, on the mans back is a large sword that is probably used for larger enemies compared to the daggers. As he hits the ground a sickening crack is heard from what is most likely a shattered bone, or several.*

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