

@imzxdii / imzxdii.tumblr.com

TNG deanna troi by court - read rules and about

Reblog if you’re a roleplay blog for a canon or original character from the Star Trek franchise, or if your muse has a Star Trek verse.


Non-Verbal Venting Starters

Send me a number to find my muse trying to vent some emotions on their own. Send Reverse + a Number to have my muse find yours in such a state:

  1. Angrily sparring alone.
  2. Frustratingly attempting to read.
  3. Pacing back and forth.
  4. Going for an incredibly late night walk.
  5. Failing at being productive.
  6. Tossing an object at a wall repeatedly.
  7. Sitting alone, head down on a desk.
  8. Attempting the same task over and over to no avail.
  9. Scribbling furiously on a piece of paper.
  10. Tapping against a table.
  11. Ignoring the problems with a scowl on their face.
  12. Exercising with intensity.
  13. Hitting an inanimate object over and over.
  14. Trying not to cry.
  15. Working on an assignment for the last few hours without a break.
  16. Looking like they need someone to listen.
  17. Yelling into the sky thinking no one is around.
  18. Staring at their phone, hovering over an unsent message.
  19. Listening to music in a quiet space.
  20. Finding them in a secluded, out of the way place.

Perfectly Platonic Starters

  • “You look like you could use a coffee.”
  • “Is that something you want to talk about?”
  • “Come on, sit down. It’s break time.”
  • “I needed that, thanks…”
  • “Here’s a blanket. You looked cold.”
  • “Thank god you’re back, I need to rant.”
  • “Is my sweater ever going to be returned?”
  • “Bad day? Emergency plans are in order.”
  • “Alright your ride has arrived, where to next?”
  • “I’m brushing your hair, it’s a mess.”
  • “You happened to go get lunch and ‘bought too much’ huh?”
  • “Your hugs are the best.”
  • “Hey. Hey. Heeeeeey. Come on. We’re gonna be late, get up.”
  • “I’m late, yes. You should be used to that by now.”
  • “How long as it been that we’ve known each other? Feels like ages.”
  • “There was something on your face, I had to get it off.”
  • “You’re sure people think we’re dating?”
  • “I think it’s hilarious people assume they’re dating just because they’re nice to each other.”
  • “I need to hang out with someone I like, can we pretend to be working for an hour?”
  • “Tea and coffee? What happened?”
  • “Here you go, one forgotten, left it at home in a rush, lost item!”
  • “I’m going for a walk, you want anything?”
  • “… sorry I took a nap on you.”
  • “I suppose I am now requisitioned to being a napping spot.”
  • “We could pretend we’re dating, but that might confuse your significant other, and then that might be a waste of petty effort for the sake of rumors.”

Fordie (20 years old; he/him; central standard time) back at it again, this time with a multimuse RP blog for a number of characters I enjoy from all across Star Trek!

I have been writing ever since I learned how to read & write pretty much and I have been roleplaying across a number of platforms for 11 years! I am non-selective and therefore willing to RP with anyone, mutuals or not! Also multiverse, multiship, crossover-friendly, etc. etc.!

If you’re interested in interacting, leave a like, and don’t forget to hit that reblog to spread the word!!


Planets' Classifications as Defined by Star Trek

Class A, B and C 

Typically small, young planets whose class depends on their age and solidity of their cores.

Class D 

Class D objects are planetoids like asteroids and some moons.

Class E, F and G 

Typically, Proto-Earth-sized planets whose class depends on their age and solidity of their cores.

Class H 

Class H planets appear in the series as harsh desert worlds.

Class I 

Class of gas giant, larger than Class J, and smaller than Class S and T.

Class J and T 

Class J and Class T planets are gas giants. Class J are smaller than Class T which are considered “super”, or “ultra”, gas giants.

Class K 

Class K planets are barren worlds with no native life. They do not possess breathable atmospheres, but have reasonably tolerable gravity, thus they can be colonized with atmospheric domes. However, through terraforming, they can be made into Class M worlds.

Class L 

Class L planets are barely habitable worlds with primitive ecosystems. 

Class N 

Class N planets have a reducing environment and are barren and rocky with extremely high surface temperatures caused by thick atmospheres containing carbon dioxide and corrosive sulfides.

Class M

From the Vulcan term “Minshara," is a fictional classification for planets and planetoids in the Star Trek science fiction media franchise.

Their atmospheres are composed of nitrogen and oxygen and have an abundance of liquid water necessary for carbon-based life to exist. Extensive plant and animal life often flourishes; often, a sentient race is also present. Earth is a textbook example of a Class M world.

Class O and P 

Planets covered almost completely with water (class O), or water–ice (class P). 

Class Q 

Planets with continually changing environments caused by peculiar orbits, an orbit around a variable output star, or some other factor which causes conditions to drastically change over time.

Class R 

A rogue planetary body, which is one that does not orbit a star but drifts freely in space. However, not all rogue planets are classified as Class R.

Class S 

Class of gas giant smaller than Class T and the next larger size up from Class I.

Class T 

The largest class of gas giant. Smaller gas giants are, in order of decreasing size, Class S, I, and finally J.

Class Y 

Class Y planets are referred to as "Demon” worlds, where surface conditions do not fall into any other recognized category. Such worlds are usually hostile and lethal to humanoid life. If life develops on these worlds they usually take on many bizarre forms, like living crystal or rock, liquid or gaseous physical states, or incorporeal, dimensional, or energy-based states.

Class X and Z 

Reserved for other designations of “demon” planets.


Star Trek Roleplayers Directory

Several of these have been going around, but none of them seem to be updated regularly anymore, so here is a new one. It includes filters for sorting so it’s easier to find people. However, in order to make this directory work as intended, I’ll need your help in getting information.

The directory is HEREIf you follow this blog, you can also get updates when new people are added.

Who can be added?

  • canon Star Trek characters
  • Star Trek OCs
  • fandomless OCs with a Star Trek verse
  • OCs from other fandoms with a Star Trek AU verse
  • characters from other fandoms with a Star Trek AU verse

To be added to the directory:

Reblog this post!

Either add a comment or put in the tags:

  • your character’s name
  • whether they are canon, canon divergent, OC, or from another fandom
  • what series they are from
  • Original and Reboot are considered separate; tell me if you write both or only one
  • OCs and crossover characters – if you have no specific series, put what series you primarily want to interact with (can be multiple)

Multimuse blogs! This will be set up by character, so if you want to be on the list, I’ll need this information for every Star Trek muse you write, please. (If you have too many to reasonably add in a single comment, feel free to reblog the post and message me instead.)

Please spread this around so we can help people in this roleplay fandom find each other!

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