
une dernière enigme, cher ami

@agownofcoalandglowingflame / agownofcoalandglowingflame.tumblr.com

the nancy drew games are ok i guess.

the amount of toxicity in the fandom nowadays is so disheartening?? just now looking through someone’s blog to find something i saw a nasty post from last year that i’m 90% sure was about me written by someone i’ve never even personally spoken to. we’re a house divided with all the shit about the new game, and it’s really sad for the people who are nostalgic for the good ol’ days when the size of the fandom made it a cozy little community based on respect for each other and love for these games. now it’s like you have to make your camp with one group of bloggers or another. this place used to be a safe haven, and sometimes i don’t even recognize it anymore.

hiatus until further notice


hey i know we’re all disappointed about MID and the lack of information, but please lets not be dicks to random Her employees. Most of them are just doing their jobs, and it really doesn’t help anything to be rude because Her obviously doesn’t want to release information yet. idk just think about other people because Her employees are probably really annoyed and tired of the flack they are getting for things that are out of their control


a while ago i made a post wondering why it seemed like so few of the adult characters were married. during this past playthrough of cry i noticed that lamont wears what appears to be a wedding band on his left ring finger. he never mentions a spouse, but just that one little detail is a pretty major insight into his life. gotta love little touches like that!

.........that means he just abandons them at the end when he goes to look for bernie.....oh no......


a while ago i made a post wondering why it seemed like so few of the adult characters were married. during this past playthrough of cry i noticed that lamont wears what appears to be a wedding band on his left ring finger. he never mentions a spouse, but just that one little detail is a pretty major insight into his life. gotta love little touches like that!


I know everyone is really impatient about MID - but honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it yet. They probably want to release it around October, right? That would fit their usual production schedule from before the hiatus (May/October) and the game seems to be Halloween-y/spooky so that makes sense too. With that being said, we usually don’t get information on October games until mid-August. So it’s still really early. I honestly wouldn’t worry unless it gets to September/October and we still haven’t heard anything.

Also, I’d honestly rather wait longer for a decent game than for them to release another crappy one bc I don’t think I could handle that disappointment

(also as someone who’s basically majoring in game dev, it takes a LOOONNNGGG time to dev 3D games and they probably have to do much more beta testing this time around bc theres probably a higher chance of glitches)

Exactly! Most series don’t get TWO games a year. We’ve only waited a year so far - not a big deal in the slightest considering they’re switching engines. Think about the new Zelda game - it’s been delayed a handful of times now and was originally supposed to be out in 2015 but won’t be released until 2017. This isn’t unusual at all.


deirdre is this fascinating anomaly i mean she has every appearance of your typical mean girl archetype and endeavors to uphold that kind of sassy ‘keep your boyfriends close’ kind of persona and yet she shows that she’s so much more layered than that and she’s capable of being vulnerable and she harbors feelings of insecurity and loneliness and actually really does admire nancy and maybe even secretly considers her a friend

not to mention she’s incredibly smart?? like she’s a gd criminology major and she casually uses words i only ever encountered on the sats like girl can get it academically


when replaying a game, does anyone else sometimes kinda procrastinate finishing it? 

you have the objects/knowledge to go and solve the final puzzle or to confront the culprit, but you kinda just hang around, talk to all the suspects to make sure you don’t have anything more to say, play the mini game and win some more money, find an easter egg or two, all because you’re not quite ready to leave the atmosphere and the music and the characters behind until you click ‘new game’ again?

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