
I Don’t Need Your Affirmation, Clown

@reparationrock / reparationrock.tumblr.com

Starr + lesbian + they/them + about

Just thinking about how republicans are going after normie sex shit like "internet porn" and "dildos" now

we fucking told y'all

to be clear: the right views any sex that isn't purely procreative as deviant. it's not just kink, or queer sex they find abhorrent. And they genuinely believe that the better educated you are about sex in general, including about gender shit, the more deviant you are. they're legitimately trying to claw everyone down to hell with them.

Now? Before 2003 it was legit technically illegal in some states for even straight couples to have oral or anal sex, and there are still laws in some states restricting how many dildos you can own etc.

I don't really know what the goal is with putting a numerical limit on dildos, but with republicans the answer is usually "There isn't one. Die."

This is your periodic reminder that it is currently right now illegal in the united states to own porn that the average person in your community would be offended by. That's the legal definition of obscenity (a piece of media that 1. Exists to turn people on 2. has no other "redeeming" purpose and 3. would be offensive to most people in your jurisdiction) and you can theoretically be arrested and go to jail for owning "obscene" media or giving it to other people.

"But that's ridiculous," you say, "porn that the average taxpayer would think was ~offensive~ is absolutely fuckin' everywhere, on the internet and in real life, and nobody gets in trouble for it." And you'd be right about that. Realistically, this is a law that cannot be enforced: it is way too easy to break, way too hard to track, and way too many people are interested in breaking it.

Same with the pre-Lawrence v. Texas laws against "sodomy" that headspace-hotel is talking about. Yeah, it was illegal to give a blowjob in the privacy of your own home. But of course most people who like blowjobs never even thought twice about those laws, because it's usually pretty easy to Not tell a cop what you do in the privacy of your bedroom with your spouse.

"So if laws like this don't actually stop people from doing whatever sexual things they want to do, why are you concerned about it? You just said these laws don't hurt anybody, right?" Here's the thing. The purpose of laws like this is to create an atmosphere where you can get away with doing ""deviant"" things... if you hide it from polite society, if you keep it secret, if you know your place.

What you can't do is go out in public and say that actually gay people can have happy relationships, or that masturbating sometimes doesn't make you a depraved sex addict, or that it's okay to want to enjoy having sex and not just do it as your Duty To Your Husband.

You can get away with doing what you want in private if you never challenge the dominant cultural message that what you're doing is gross and immoral and people who do it are disgusting freaks. If you dare to speak up and point out that your ""shameful secret"" is actually normal, off you go to jail.

That's the purpose of laws like this. To make it impossible to challenge the rhetorical stranglehold of conservative christianity on society. To shift the Overton window once and for all to the right. And that's why we need to fight laws like this with all our strength, every time the right tries to push them forward, even when the specifics are stuff like "you can't own more than five dildoes" that might seem like a silly thing to go to war over. It's not about the specifics. It's about limiting everyone's speech to things a conservative preacher would say from the pulpit.

The other thing laws like this are good for is giving the police excuses


One thing that MASSIVELY pisses me off is how fainting is shown in media. It’s always the person sways a little, collapses in one movement, and then is unconscious for like… fucking ages??? They wake up hours later tucked under a blanket and it’s acted like that’s normal. It’s NOT. A person that’s fainted should be back with you pretty quickly, actually:

(From NHS website)

I had an experience in my last work place where I fainted, but because it looks so different to how it’s shown in film and TV my managers had no idea what had happened. Here’s a comparison of usual media vs my actual fainting that they were all confused by-

Films, TV shows, plays etc:

1) Person goes “oh goodness” or something similar whilst holding hand to chest

2) eyes roll back, gracefully falls to the floor

3) nearby people see the poor fainted person, pick them up, put them on a bed or sofa

4) person comes to hours or even days later with no idea what happened and everyone else is just like “oh good you’ve woken up 🙂”

My usual fainting experience:

1) Everything starts spinning. Incapable of making words as my sole focus is on trying to get myself to the ground ASAP

2) Stumble to floor/chair/ anything I can lean against

3) Quick violent slump as actual faint occurs. There is no dainty falling- the whole body has hit shut down. Usually smack my head on the floor if I haven’t managed to get myself somewhere soft

4) Aware of surroundings almost immediately, but takes a few seconds to fully come back round

5) Carefully sit back up and explain to everyone going “what the fuck happened” that I fainted, and no, I do not need smelling salts actually.


I joked a few minutes ago about how in internet discourse anyone over 25 is a “queer elder” but come to think of it most of these young discoursers don’t even believe such a concept exists. Gay men who watched their entire friends groups perish to AIDS are “privileged cis gays,” older trans women who use dated terminology to describe their own experiences are problematic, elders are just a conservative old guard to rebel against, and anyone over thirty who speaks to you at all must be a predator. The first time I heard the phrase “okay groomer” online, it wasn’t coming from self identified conservatives but from tiktok teens reacting against leather at Pride. You guys are ignorant and uncultured and proud of it!


I haven't seen anyone talking about Jordan Gray yet, which is absolutely insane. For those who don't know (and I'm assuming that's most of you)

[Image Description: a news headline that reads "Jordan Gray: Trans comedian strips naked on Channel 4 for Friday Night Live" /end id]

[Video Description: Jordan Gray is on a blue-lit stage wearing a pink suit, playing the keyboard. She says to the audience, "You know the best thing about live tv? I can do stupid stuff like this." She stands up from the keyboard, moves over to be completely unobscured from the audience, and in one movement tears her suit off, revealing herself naked underneath. The nudity is censored with pixelation. She returns to the keyboard and continues playing. She says something indistinct to the cheering audience. /end id]

and this is so fucking important. There is, of course, the expected negative reaction. However, a lot of positive support too, including the audience for that show, and from the company in charge of Friday Night Live, who approved the stunt beforehand. But even so the bravery required for this is insane, and doing it on terf island no less.

But in addition to being a good bit of shock value, I think it's a genuinely amazing piece of performance art. Cis people think they're entitled to know everything about our bodies, and this is a parody of that idea.

There's an uncensored version of this clip which also shows her striking the final note on the keyboard with her penis before dancing around the stage a bit more and leaving, as well as an audience reaction shot or two.

This version of the clip also more clearly shows something that I think is important; Gray is very attractive. The video isn't really "sexy," but still, she's clearly an attractive woman and I think that's also very important to the art. Cis people expect trans people to be hideous or mutilated, but Jordan Gray looks like a model. I could keep talking forever but I'm ending the post here.


anyway q*eer is a slur and privileged liberals made everyone believe its OK to call everyone that cause they watched a Ted talk in 2017. and if you don't know why at this point that's a you problem. look it up. or better yet, go the fuck out and talk to a LGBT person older than 30. unacceptable.

just to clarify, cis asexuals have no place in a conversation about slurs used for violence against gay, bisexual and trans men and women (apparently not obvious), and if you believe they do you're delusional, out of touch with reality and have clearly never been in violently lgbt-phobic areas of the world.

hope this post has been enlightening for those of you who have only seen the outside on the reflection of your screen, happy holidays bigots ❤️



Jesus fucking christ

the original historic photo is of a white woman who has hung a giant banner stating "j*ps keep moving this is a white man's neighborhood." you can still see the sign in the window that blatantly states "j*ps keep out" in this meme.

im begging you all please stop using this photo to meme. it's racist as hell and brings up a lot of pain for a lot of people and their communities. shame on you if you use this.



it's indigenous ppls day, give me money because I'm pretty and I make pretty things!!!!!!!

I'm a local community organizer, youth activist and indigenous artisan who's going to school full-time. I got a $750 medical bill to pay off for (checks notes) seeing a doctor about a neuroma in my foot so y'know


Image Description: tweet from MsShaniqueLee says "Black Lives Matter even if they do resist arrest. Black Lives Matter even if they did commit a crime. Black Lives Matter even if they disrespect a cop. Black Lives do not matter conditionally. Black Lives Matter, period. All of them.

End description



Pretty much everyone said this would happen. One ticked off parent can throw a tantrum and get any girl investigated because their kid didn’t win. Gross.


Some things you need to know if you really want to be an ally to Jews:

-There is no such thing as a "Semitic people", and if there was, only Jews would be considered "Semitic people", since "antisemitism" was coined specifically as an alternative to the word Judenhasse, which means "Jew-hatred", and specifically to refer to Jews. If "Semites" was a legitimate identity, the only "Semites" would be Jews. People from the Levant who are not Jewish are not "Semitic", and are still very much capable of being antisemitic. In linguistic sense, "Semitic" only refers to a language family, not a cultural identity.

-"Goy" is not a slur. It means "nation", it's literally a word that means "non-Jewish person."

-Only Jews get to define what is and isn't antisemitic. If Jews are saying that something is antisemitic, listen to them.

-Jews are not White People Lite. There are Jews of every skin colour, and even light-skinned Jews can still be subject to racialized antisemitism. Listen to Jews when they say they experience racialized antisemitism.

-Judaism isn't just a religion. It's an ethnoreligion, a tribe, and a peoplehood. There are non-religious Jews. There are atheist Jews. And all Jews experience antisemitism.

-Judaism is a closed practice. Yes, we allow conversion, but it is a long and difficult process, and we do not allow prosletizing. It's like a locked gate where getting the key is extremely difficult.

-Judaism is not Christianity-Lite. Judaism came first, it is an ancient identity and peoplehood independent from Christianity. Christianity appropriated and butchered elements of Judaism.

-There are Jews of every sexuality and gender identity, and we have a long history of gender diversity and non-heteronormative sexuality. Include LGBTQ Jews in your activism.

-The Holocaust isn't your metaphor or comparison tool.

-The Jewish community is a diverse, multi-faceted community. There are so many ways to be Jewish and so many ways to express one's Jewish identity. No two Jews are the same, but we are united by our shared history, heritage, and identity.

Thank you for taking the steps to being a true ally to Jewish people.


a 17 year old black girl in my state was just sentenced to 5 years of probation, gps monitoring, placement at a “women’s center” (which is still a correctional facility), 600 hours of community service, and ordered to pay $150,000 to the family of her rapist, who she stabbed to death in self-defense. there is no fucking justice.

her name is Pieper Lewis, she is a survivor of sex trafficking, and this is the full statement she gave at her sentencing hearing today

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