
Burn Out

@halfpint55 / halfpint55.tumblr.com

Claudia | 22 | She/Hers | Australian
This is slowly becoming an avatar; the last airbender blog and we're just gonna let that happen

by @oldpotatoe on AO3

"Hina claps with awe at the eruption of flames from Zuko’ skin. It is yellow, yes, orange too, but there is purple in the fire, and green, and red, blue, white, pink and more, all dazzling and brilliant as they burst from Zuko’s palms.
“Cool!” she yells, but Sokka hears her as if from a distance, finds his heart catching somewhere between his throat and mouth at the sight of Zuko’s shy smile, the rainbow reflected in his eyes. The light flickers over both their faces, vibrant and ethereal.
Sokka turns on his heels slowly, awestruck at the colourful warmth surrounding them. Zuko’s taken care to keep the flames a safe distance away, but Sokka can still feel the gentle heat of the fire flowing around him. It sinks into his skin, pushes all the way through to some unknown, untouched part of him that resides deep within his chest, making it unfurl until its blossoms peek out like the first buds of spring. And when he comes to a stop right back where he started—staring at Zuko’s cupped hands, his upturned mouth, his hair shimmering a thousand different shades, the way he looks up at Sokka just then with his unscarred eye squinting at its corner, bright and effusive and striking— the blossoms spread wide in his chest, trailing up and down and throughout him, catching at his seams. Coming alive.
And he thinks, oh.
And he thinks, oh shit."

Note: This art has a very specific song to go with it!

“We’re not equal parts / light and dark / we can be brilliant”

I literally had this song on repeat most of the time that I was drawing this and this particular lyric just hoofs u in the chest as you look at Zuko SOFT AS ANYTHING bending dragon fire so pls, feel free to play it while you peruse the art.

There’s been a lot of really amazing but oh my GOD PAINFUL art from the flwogb fandom recently so in these trying times may I offer this happier piece to remind you of the magic moment Sokka fell for Zuko for the second time in 5 years. I title it “Oh Shit”

I'm such a sucker for a character realising they're in love with the italicised "oh shit" I go FERAL for that every single time and ms oldpotatoe fucking DELIVERED on that (even though she delivered an emotional sucker punch almost immediately after thank u ma’am). This moment just made my breath hitch as I read it and I was thinking “of course, of course they just make their way back to each other. of course they do”. It was such a gorgeous moment I had to put my phone down for a moment and BREATHE.

something that really inspires me to create from Ruby’s fic is the perfect clarity of the writing - I can SEE these gorgeous moments she writes as already made paintings in my head and I gotta DRAW. This one was clear as day, so I’ve spent so long trying to achieve what I saw in my head and I think I’ve come pretty close.

Not gonna lie I drew his expression and immediately got emotional about my OWN GODDAMN ART, (but I have been assured that this is completely normal).

Now I can’t post this without talking about the goddamn hair. I wrestled with his hair on this for MONTHS - I always thought that I'd struggle with hands, or even anatomy and proportions but NO. Hair seems to be my drawing nemesis and makes me wanna snap my tablet in half but nonetheless i have persevered (but for the love of all that is holy please zoom in I beg u I spent too long on the little details).

In terms of the shading and colour, the hair is very much An Experiment and I haven’t played with hair and light much before, but i was so intent on capturing the colours of the fire reflected in Zuko’s hair, i wanted it to be so ethereal. ethereal enough to just make Sokka fall headfirst down the stairs, two at a time, in love. So I gave it a go. It’s possibly too shiny and not quite how real hair would behave, and i’m probably gonna go away after posting and keep fiddling with it, but you know what I think it’s pretty, and im gonna challenge my perfectionist self to just... leave it be. 

Ruby, I love u and I offer u this humble art as a small bribe to treat my boys well in the coming chapters (please, we don’t always have to go backwards do we?). <3 <3


I love how whenever ATLA recognizes Sokka is smart enough to solve a problem but it’d be too fast they just stick him in some kind of situation. Like he COULD’VE stopped jet from drowning a town so they tied him up and dumped him in a forest. He COULD’VE figured out what that spirits deal was so they lost him in the spirit world for 24 hours.

One time they just stuck him in a hole in the ground for a whole episode.


best comparison I can think of for the pope thing is. imagine an ESL bishop said the word “dykery” instead of “lesbianism.”

now. as a dyke, I'm not cool with straight people using it. obviously you don't need to be a native speaker to know slurs, but “dykery” is NOT a commonly used word if you're straight and want to insult queer women. it's the kind of derivative word you're way more likely to hear in a queer context. if a straight person randomly said “dykery” in the middle of a serious conversation, and a non native speaker at that, I'd be like... where on earth did they hear THAT from?

that's why I'm laughing my entire ass off at the pope thing. ofc the catholic church is homophobic. fork found in kitchen. but why is the pope using slang from drag race


Crammed together like heaps of flesh in tents that feel like scorching ovens, our days have regressed to a more degraded version of those of the earliest humans. From morning till night, we search for the same things Abel and Cain sought to survive: water, food, and fire. We endure long hours in queues to get a meager amount of water, and the food consists of old, low-quality canned goods. We sleep and wake to the sounds of savage airplanes, unsure of where they will strike next or who among us will be turned into scattered remains. Here in Gaza, we are living the worst existence humanity has known since its very beginning, You are our only hope for escaping Gaza and its oppression. Please help my siblings and me find a safe place to live💔🇵🇸

hey everyone, this is a legit fundraiser vetted by fallahifag here, among other fundraisers and donation links. if you can donate even the smallest amount, please do so. if you cant just reblog their posts.


unsung benefit i think a lot of ppl are sleeping on with using the public library is that i think its a great replacement for the dopamine hit some ppl get from online shopping. it kind of fills that niche of reserving something that you then get to anticipate the arrival of and enjoy when it arrives, but without like, the waste and the money.

bonus it ALSO fills that dopamine hit of in-person shopping. “oh I didn’t go in looking for this but hmm, I’m tempted… I can’t resist… oh ho ho I have made some irresponsible decisions at the library today [carrying my stack of ten random books]” and then it doesn’t even matter if you don’t like them because a) free b) you’re gonna give them back anyway

Librarian here! Please please please please PLEASE do this! We don’t have any way to know if you read them, and we don’t care! We’re happy to see those books go out because that helps our stats. And that affects how much money we can get.

So grab that silly paperback romance, and maybe this new YA fantasy, oh and check for the new movies too! And don’t forget to check Libby and hoopla for music and ebooks and e-audio.


"he would not fucking say that" but about injuries. he would not fucking recover that quickly. those scars would not fucking heal like that. he would not be fucking able bodied after that. he would not be fully lucid after that.

[ID copied from alt text: Two drawings of Zuko from the live action series. In the first drawing, he's posing, smiling with one hand on his hip and another putting up a peace sign. The text next to him says "just got back from trying to kill defenseless people cowering on the ground again. #justzukothings." In the second drawing, he's sitting proper with his hands in his lap with a wide grin on his face. The text next to him says "watching a 12 year old fall to his death when i break his glider." End ID]

rewatched the live action series with some friends a bit ago. now i know what happens i've been able to focus more on characterization and zuko cracks me up. i can't tell if they were trying to make him more or less sympathetic. ep 1 he shares that hes banished and dad doesn't love him etc etc but also he tries to fry sokka immediately. he doesn't burn down kyoshi island but he's about to fry katara. there was a moment in ep 1 where aang is falling from his glider and it just kept cutting to zuko widely smiling as he plummets - literally cannot tell if he's aiming to capture or kill aang. the dissonance its so funny to me.


having a king bed sounds scary what if you try to put the fitted sheet on and get lost in there and die like a caver

hi this is andys roommate he got snatched up by a big hawk in the park and now hes gone forever do U feel good that this comment was the last thing he ever got to see on the computer


This far more damning than just releasing the report, to me.

It's basically confirmation they found uncontrovertable evidence of Israeli war crimes and are going to sit on it to try to cover it up, full stop.

If there was even a gray area they would have released it, but do it quietly and then formulate a plan for excusing the crimes.

If the IOF's record in this war was clean they would have leaked it at least a week ahead of time and would be screaming about from roof of the White House and on every major cable news channel 24/7.

They did this shit with War on Terror "accountability" reports that we get 5-10+ years after the fact when people forgot and moved on to the next thing to be outraged at them about.


regardless of a myriad of other AI discourse talking points i'm not touching with a 10 ft pole, i think it should always be disclosed when i'm looking at something AI generated. like that's a basic level of societal courtesy, right. AI images more than any new technology that has changed the course of humanity seem to be inseparable from a purposeful obfuscation of their origin. the gimmick is to deceive human perception, their entire purpose is to make you believe you are looking at something created by sentience. AI is at its core a tool for deception and i mean that as a neutral statement. it's a mimic, a pantomime. impersonation. and that is, ethics aside, annoying as all fuck

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