


18 y/o, male, weeb, artist, and fandom trash

They’re the WORST

bdubs: (sigh) he's probably thinking about other hermits...

impulse: (trying to figure out how to spell gorgious)


Okay okay the whole crappy version of season 1 is there but like ima redesign it eventually!!

This will be the offical blog cause my other blog is filled with reposts :D


Senpai says you’re welcome

Reblogging again because I just realized that if I had this advice in high school I would’ve never made a tumblr account.

Also works for most of those news sites like WSJ or NYT that only let you read a little bit, or block adblockers. Also some disable the scroll bar but if you go to the right side of the console after hitting F12 and look for the CSS element “overflow” and change it from “hidden” to “visible” then you can continue scrolling for free. Might have to click around on different parts of the page to find it, but it should work.


We really, as a society, need to stop treating sex like a rite of passage. It hurts me so much to see people (especially high schoolers) embarrassed to say they haven’t had sex.

For some people it may take time, for others that time never comes, or they simply aren’t interested. Stop pushing your values or expectations on other people, especially those who are developing into adulthood. Stop shaming people over something that’s not your business.


to all the queer kids who have parents who aren't openly homophobic but still not Nice about their queerness. Its okay to feel mad about it. Just because you're in a physically safe place doesn't mean that it can't be frustrating and heartbreaking to not be accepted. to feel like you have to shove yourself into a box to be loved. your feelings are valid. you deserve all the proud acceptance in the world


Hey reblog this post to give the person you reblogged from gender euphoria


The girl I reblogged this from is so pretty and she's a great mutual I love seeing on my dash

Boom serotine drop


I granteth you the Euphoria of Gender

Thank you all i feel extra gender today :D

I do as well

Here have some gender :3


Enjoy your gender

Oh no

Now I have too much gender!

What do I do?

Black market


Fun History Fact: The overwhelming majority of cowboys in the U.S. were Indigenous, Black, and/or Mexican persons. The omnipresent white cowboy is a Hollywood studio concoction meant to uphold the mythology of white masculinity.

Thank you.

I will always re-blog this


I think it was high school when i overheard some white girl put on her best semi-disgusted and confused voice and go “why do so many Mexicans dress up like cowboys?” and I had to be the person to tell her.

Why do you think the whites say buckero? Cause they couldn’t say vaquero.

I dunno if I reblogged this before but fuck it, y'all gon learn today.

Teach the children.

also, cowboy culture was hella gay. like, write-poems-about-your-cowboy-partner gay.

IF people acknowledge it, they play the necessity card– there weren’t any women out on the range, so they had to “resort to men.” this claim completely erases 1) the romantic (not just sexual) writings of actual cowboys, 2) the acknowledgement of cowboys’ potential homosexual activity by writers at the time, and 3) the possibility that some men would deliberately become cowboys with the intent to seek out homosexual encounters.

no one wants to admit it, but cowboy culture was just. so inherently gay.


I love these two. I really love them so much.

Megamind is one of my favourite movie and I can’t find much about it around oof I rewatched it with my boyfriend some days ago and I fell in love again with this ship <3 I have to do at least one fanart of Megamind and Roxanne <3 _____

Megamind (Tom McGrath; Dreamworks)

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