


Passionate teacher and pianist at day, loves to read and write BBC Sherlock fanfics at night. Randomwordsonpaper on AO3

Rock Out With Your Lock Out, vol. 11

Mary OBLIGE by helloliriels

TJLC - CraZySeXyMeTa by helloliriels

The Secret Life of John Watson - by helloliriels

'Maybe the missing piece of your life, was right in front of you the whole time.' (Should I make this a fic???)

Mycroft Holmes - No Umbrella Required by helloliriels


The moment I realized…

Hey loves,

I almost can’t believe I’m writing this, my fic “The moment I realized…” is finally done! Thought you might wanted to know 🙂

When John decides to take residence at 221b Baker Street, he is happy. But after a couple of months, some of Sherlock's habits are starting to annoy him. He wants to confront his flatmate about it, but he isn't sure how well he is going to take it. Deciding that talking about their feelings is already hard enough as it is, John asks Sherlock to meet him down at Speedy's café so the discussion can't escalate. It turns out to work pretty well for both of them, and so a new tradition is born.


Five times where Sherlock and John needed the neutral ground of Speedy's Café to clear the air between them, and one time where they came to the place for other purposes.

Chapter 6:

From the beginning:


A year ago I posted my Christmas fic “Hallelujah”! It’s probably one of the fics I’m the most proud of, and it’s definitely the one that’s the most dear to my heart! Not only is it inspired by my mom’s favorite song, it also brought me a great friendship!


John didn’t know if it was the sight of the dark-haired man with the sharp cheekbones, the dexterous, long fingers on the violin, the beautiful notes he played, or a combination of all three, but he was utterly mesmerised the moment the man started playing. A shiver ran down his spine, and he was unable to look away.

Suddenly the man looked up, straight into John’s eyes, and their eyes locked. The man’s eyes were ice-blue, almost glistering in the warm light that surrounded them, and John swore he’d never seen such remarkable, gorgeous eyes before. The man gave him a small smile, and that was it. John felt how his knees went weak; his heart skipped a beat; his lungs refused to take a decent breath. If he didn’t know better, he would’ve sworn he’d just fallen in love with a complete stranger.

But that couldn’t be possible, could it?

Did I peek your interest? Or are you in the mood for a sweet Christmas fic? Click here!

A fan of podfics and can’t get enough of @ohlooktheresabee’s marvelous podfics? Click here!

Merry Christmas 🎄❤️



Cover art by helloliriels Inspired by this beautiful piece of music! by @randomwordsonpaper composed for 'Between the Fall and the Creation' by @shelleysprometheus &@7-percent (7percentsolution on AO3) This was such an honor to make!!! Art inspiring Art inspiring Art!! Haha, so much fun! 💋Much love!

Absolutely stunning @helloliriels ❤❤❤❤. The perfect imagery for the perfect composition by @randomwordsonpaper.

I am eternally grateful that I found myself in this fandom with such extraordinarily talented artists.

Oh my oh my! Just look at this! I enjoyed composing for @shelleysprometheus and @7-percent’s “Between the Fall and the Creation” so much! And then, this happened! Thank you so so so much @helloliriels for making this beautiful artwork; it fits PERFECTLY!

Wanna hear the music? Listen here:

Wanna read the story? Click here!


omfg that is just too adorable

This will always be one of my favorite comics ever. It gives me warm fuzzies~

This is the most perfect.

This kitteh having a little halloween adventure is one of my favourite posts of all time :)


Every fall like clockwork this photo set pops up and we all must reblog it




Come along for an exciting ride while John is Sherlock’s hero.  Whump, angst and a lovely resolution from the pen of @holmesianlove, together with fantastic music from the keyboard of @randomwordsonpaper.  What’s not to love?

Please spread the word - it’s a great story and well worth a listen. 🧡

Yesssss I was beyond excited when I heard @podfixx had won my commission for @holmescon… it’a honestly a dream come true! Stay tuned for the podfic of this incredible story by @holmesianlove!

Only want to hear the music? Here’s the SoundCloud playlist for you as well!


Kaleidoscope: WIP Wednesday

This fic is written for @t-dalo as a gift to @thegirlfromthesouth: two angst-hounds, bless them, whereas I am a fluffpuppy. It’s fun trying to live up to the request for angst, over the protests of my fluffy muse.

Kaleidoscope starts with a classic fic premise: after Mary shot Sherlock, John moved out on Mary and back to 221B.

In HLV, all the main characters were apparently in suspended animation until Christmas Day, never talking about … anything, and John’s t-shirt mantra was “I don’t understand.”

In Kaleidoscope, while Sherlock’s out of commission John has to work out what happened: why Mary fetched up in his clinic in the first place, why Sherlock is lying about her “surgical” shot, why Mycroft is protecting Magnussen–and what to do about Magnussen, for that matter. Since John can’t trust any of them to tell him the truth, he’ll have to play them all against each other.

So yes, once again, in this fic John Watson is Pretty Damn Smart. Smart enough to put one over on Sherlock Holmes–even though There Was Only One Bed.


“Sherlock’s been rattled since he came back, really. Seems… off-balance. Of course, even on a bad day he’s faster than most brains on stimulants. But he’s missed things he never would have missed. And maybe the fact that someone was willing to toss me into a bonfire to get his attention, distracted him from what he would normally have been paying attention to.”
Hm. Not bad. Just a bit further, goldfish, you’re getting there. “Such as?”
“Well, from whoever might still be out there from Moriarty’s mob? Whoever might have planted Mary in my surgery? Whoever might have put her there to keep tabs on him? Whoever might have wanted to keep tabs on him because they knew he wasn’t dead?

Starts posting in mid- to late October; do say if you’d like to be tagged or untagged. And thanks in advance if you reblog!



Sounds SOOOO good! Please tag me!

Oeh, this sounds interesting! Love a Pretty Damn Smart John! Sign me up!


That ’Oh’ 😭😥💔

John Watson, were you blind and deaf not to see and hear the pain?!?!

Oh and BTW haha I’m going to be dead in 6 months oh wait actually less because I’VE ALREADY TAKEN A F-TONNE OF DRUGS haha anyway here’s a lil’ joke about my name, tootles!😀👍

You poor, poor man… this is killing me! But, then again, it makes me want to write yet another tarmac scene (not that that’s never been done before, but hey) 🤭




“Do you know what day it’s today?”

“Hmm … Friday?”

“Yes, just. But do you know the date?”

“Hmmm … January … something. Is it my birthday again?”

“No, you berk. It’s the 29th.”

“Okay … Oh, is that your birthday?”

“You’re hopeless or playing dumb on purpose. It’s our anniversary.”

“Of what? We’re not married.”

“Of the day we met.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Yeah. Thought you’d like to know.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“We could be, though.”

“Could be what?”

“Married. If you like.”

“Is that a proposal, Sherlock Holmes?”

“Perhaps. Probably.”


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