

@summer-winchester / summer-winchester.tumblr.com

Obsessions include Dean Winchester, Harley Quinn and Music. NSFW posts happen here. I'm new to writing fanfics.

This picture on Facebook (I do not own this picture) broke me down tonight. I recently went through a break up and I've been doing my best to get through it like the emotional toll isn't trying to kill me everyday. I've cried over little things, like his sweatshirt or a pet name I used to call him, but this picture hit a little differently.

He did this for me every time I had a panic attack, every time my depression was dragging me to the floor. He put me in the shower, clean me up and get me to the bed. "Where's your brush Lovebug?" He let me cry and just brushed my hair till I finally came back from whatever mental health issue I was having, always right there, brushing and waiting.

And then one day... He left, explaining that he couldn't love me anymore or wait on me to get better and become more independent. I'm not sure if I'll every forgive myself for not being good enough for him. No matter what he did, I still love him every single day. I am afraid I will never get over him.

"Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the ONLY thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. " -Damon Salvatore

#damon quote #Damon Salvatore #when you lose someone #heartbroken #alone #justletitout

Slytherin: Murder me.
Hufflepuff: With puppies.
Slytherin: Or knives.
Hufflepuff: Or FUN.
Slytherin: Or AXES.
Hufflepuff: GLITTER.
Slytherin: BULLETS.
Slytherin: *gets home*
Gryffindor: How was your day?
Slytherin: *goes into the kitchen*
Slytherin: *comes back into the room drinking wine out of a flower vase*
Gryffindor: Well that answers that.
Slytherin: I set fires to feel joy.
Hufflepuff: That’s adorable.
Gryffindor: You should chill. You come across as distinctly paranoid.
Slytherin: Everyone keeps saying that. It’s like a conspiracy.
Ravenclaw: Has anyone told you that you’re a little paranoid?
Slytherin: Not to my face. Why? Did someone say something?
Slytherin: *looking across the room at Hufflepuff* I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be that adorable. It’s not fair. How am I supposed to conquer the world when all I can focus on is Hufflepuff’s adorable smile?

“Gotta get me one of those black bath bombs so I can dramatically emerge from the water like I’m rising from the pits of hell. You know, self care.”


“Gotta get me one of those red bath bombs so I can heroically stand up, clutching an imaginary wound, like I’ve just fought a bloody battle and saved an entire city. Makes me feel good about myself.” -Gryffindor

“Gotta get me one of those dark blue bath bombs filled with golden sparkles so I can slowly peer out from the starry sky from which I was born. Because if I don’t do it who else will?”


“Gotta get me one of those bright yellow, glittery bath bombs so I can rise up feeling like sunshine is pouring off of me”



Calling Slytherins sarcastic, edgy people who are always pissed off is all fun and games until you realize when those jokes are all you say about Slytherins or about being Slytherin is exactly what reinforces the stupid stereotypes

  • Slytherin is the whisper of “I love you” to your significant other, even if they are somewhere else.
  • Slytherin is the mumble of a “Thank you” that you’re too anxious to say any louder.
  • Slytherin is the little smile you do when you see your best friend.
  • Slytherin is the content sigh you make when you watch the moon through raindrops on a windshield.
  • Slytherin is the hum when you’re too happy to express it in any way other than humming and dancing around your kitchen.
  • Slytherin is the jokes that you make up, but no one hears them because you’re a quiet being and people don’t expect you to want to say anything.
  • Slytherin is the silent fuming under deep set, glaring eyes.
  • Slytherin is the feeling you get when an animal falls asleep on you.
  • Slytherin is the paint you somehow got in your hair after painting at midnight with your music blaring.
  • Slytherin is the tug on your heart when your so grateful for someone and can’t put it into words.
  • Slytherin is the quiver of your bottom lip when frustration bites you.
  • Slytherin is the groan when your friend makes a pun, but you secretly love those puns.
  • Slytherin is brushing you leg against your friend’s, letting them know “I’m here if you need to talk… Or need me to bury a body.”
  • Slytherin is sneaking into the kitchen with your friend at 2 am and trying not to hysterically laugh.

Slytherin’s are soft, they are not as brittle as some might think. And if you think they’re brittle just remember how easily brittle things can break. So let Slytherin’s be soft and delicate and warm.


Adding on:

  • Slytherin is the friend who will watch over you and your stuff while you nap on a bench, and the friend who lets you doze off on their shoulder in the middle of a movie.
  • Slytherin is the absurd romantic who brings a bouquet with your favorite flowers, who arrives at your door groomed to perfection and with hearts in their eyes when they see you.
  • Slytherin is homesickness and a relieved shout when they see friends they’ve missed.
  • Slytherin is a forced-out “I’m scared” between gritted teeth, because admitting it is just as terrifying as whatever it is they’re afraid of.
  • Slytherin is the friend who takes your side and reassures you when the friend group starts criticizing you.
  • Slytherin is the touch on your shoulder when you ask a question that everyone laughs at or make a joke that no one laughs at.
  • Slytherin is the slow to come but painfully earnest “I love you” whispered shyly into your shoulder as you embrace.
  • Slytherin is trust and assurance and “I knew you’d come through”.

Slytherin is perhaps the House that will put the most faith in other people; certainly it takes time, but once you have earned a Slytherin’s trust they are consumed by it. A Hufflepuff believes in fairness; a Ravenclaw believes in facts; a Gryffindor believes in ideals. A Huff will play Devil’s Advocate and speak of compromise; a Raven will point out empirical evidence and the accuracy of criticism; a Gryff will challenge anyone who questions the ideal. A Slytherin is the one who most believes in the individuals they prize, and it is nigh unshakeable. A Slytherin doesn’t care if you’re wrong; you’re theirs, so they’re on your side.

Let Slytherins get the love they deserve 2K17!

  • Slytherin is scanning the crowd, profiling every stranger, searching for that one person they can trust 
  • Slytherin is latching onto their person and never letting them go 
  • Slytherin is biting back tears because you will not let anyone see you cry, but pulling anyone you see crying close and holding on tightly 
  • Slytherin is being with a friend and not needing to say anything, just being there is enough 
  • Slytherin is noticing when something is bothering your friend and giving them an extra hug, an extra blanket, an extra chocolate frog 
  • Slytherin is grit teeth and white knuckles instead of a fight 
  • Slytherin is spontaneous chocolates for no other reason than to see the other person smile 
  • Slytherin is struggling to hold back laughter at inside jokes with your friend
  • Slytherin is communicating without words because you don’t need them for what you’re trying to say
  • Slytherin is fidgeting fingers and a quick heartbeat before your first kiss
  • Slytherin is gentle touch on your back when you’re losing your nerve, saying it’s okay, I’m here, you’re not alone 
  • Slytherin is a patient smile and a small nod when you need it 
  • Slytherin is a steel stare and iron will
  • Slytherin is never ending encouragement, mixed in with honesty and motivational speeches 
  • Slytherin is listening to your two am rambles and never once judging you for any of it 
  • Slytherin is the insecurity that no one will ever understand you, listen to you, take the time to actually know you 
  • Slytherin is a choked “help me,” because if we’re asking, then we really have hit rock bottom and need you more than anything 
  • Slytherin is walking around the entire house in a blanket wrapped around you like a cloak 
  • Slytherin is goodmorning and goodnight messages every day 

Slytherin is so much more than snark and sarcasm 

keep adding!!!!!! pls!!!!!

  • Slytherin is having a mess of a house, but knowing exactly where to find everything
  • Slytherin is music blaring until three am, even if they’re alone, and singing at the top of their lungs
  • Slytherin is flowers slowly dying in vases, leaving their scent and petals behind as they depart
  • Slytherin is the tears in your eyes from laughing too hard with friends
  • Slytherin is the tears in your eyes when you have to leave something that you don’t want to just be a memory. You want it to stay, but gosh, you’re oh so tired
  • Slytherin is a child carefully tasting a meal on the stove, and darting away with laughter when their parents see
  • Slytherin is walking along a beach, gathering shells for a mobile to give to a friend
  • Slytherin is drawing on the margins in your notebook, but paying attention to what the lecturer is saying because you want to do your best in the exam
  • Slytherin is a sticky note in the corner of your mirror, a positive message in all caps
  • Slytherin is coffee rings left on every surface
  • Slytherin is making friends you’ll keep forever at a masked dance, and doing a ‘big reveal’ at the very end, and spoiling it because you can’t stop laughing
  • Slytherin is tearing yourself apart when you’ve given yourself expectations that are far too high
  • Slytherin is feeling like you’ll never quite be enough, but standing tall anyway, never letting that tear fall
  • Slytherin is that burst of inspiration, a head spinning with words, and writing them down slower than you’re thinking, so much slower

Slytherin is so much more than a feeling. It’s a life, and it’s one you love to live.

  • But slytherin is also sarcasm and snarky remarks. Mumbles of sarcasric replies to proffesors’ stupid questions or obdervations.
  • Slytherin is making friends laugh even when you dont feel like it bc you love them too much.
  • Slytherin is landing your friend your glasses bc they need them more.
  • Slytherin means showing up with steaming hot coffe after a party to sober everybody up
  • Slytherin is the friend who didnt wanna get drunk but drank anyways bc why not.??
  • Slytherin will stand up for their friends. Go through thick and thin; through hell and fight satan if it will help their friends and loved ones.
  • Slyherin is the sibbling who criticises you but jumps in a fight to protect you without thinking twice
  • Slytherin is weird taste in music and clothing and attitude.
  • Slytherin is sarcasm and bad puns and laughter.
  • Slytherin is reading nietzsche until 3am and then trying to counter the philosophy bc friends are soo precious
  • Slytherins love so hard. They know what it means to be judged, to lose and they are scared to love and they wanna be mennacing sooo badly, but truth be told they are not in the slightest
  • Slytherin is the joker of the class who later you realise is actually really smart.
  • Slytherin is the loner with baggage to whom you never talk to.
  • Slytherin is the girl in the clique who laughs at 2pm and cries at 2am
  • Slytherin is binging tv shows and forggeting existence for weeks.
  • Slytherin is the stranger at the library who found the book you were looking for before you and silently dropped it in front of you.
Slytherins are pure and trustworthy and so worthy of loving. Just love them thats it..you go there and hug them and tell them how much they mean to you.

Adding on:

  • Slytherins are  the things that make you unconsciously smile  when remembrance.
  • Slytherins are when you have a painful lump in your throat but refuse to cry because you don’t want to be taken advantage of in your vulnerable moments
  • Slytherin is when your fingers fill in between the gaps of your loved one’s hands and swinging it, feeling childish but content at the same time
  • Slytherin is indefinitely and indescribably enjoying the little things in life.
  • Slytherin is being clueless about matters like your friends’ crushes because youre too busy dreaming and thinking countless scenarios to take notice of all signs of crushes.
  • Slytherin is the satisfying moment when your scissor glides across the paper smoothly.
  • Slytherin is the quick comebacks to insults and the stutter when delivering them ( god I die inside when this happens and start laughing lol)
  • Slytherin are those eyebrow raises that makes you feel guilty nonetheless if you actually did it or not.
  • Slytherin is the small nudge to get you going towards whatever you were hesitant in.
  • Slytherin is stupid competitions like typing lyrics in time to songs and fingers hurting afterwards 
  • Slytherin is the awkward smiles when someone catches you observing them unconsciously
  • Slytherin are lips quivering and the huge inhale to compose yourself before plastering a smile to the world
  • Slytherin is the tender temple kisses with side hugs.
  • Slytherin is laughing and dreaming about unrealistic futures
  • Slytherin is perverted smiles to one another after an innuendo
  • Slytherin is jamming to music and trying to learn dances with friends and collapsing afterwards from laughter
  • slytherin is trying to be subtle and badass but failing completely.

Being a sltherin doesn’t mean having to be cold, calculating and deceitful all the time. We, Slytherins, are much more than that.

Bless this post

😧…… This post just took my personality and tied it up in a pretty green bow. 🐍💚

Ravenclaw: So you don't have feelings for that Hufflepuff?
Slytherin: Psh of course not.
Ravenclaw: Oh ok, good, 'cause I heard that person from Gryffindor seemed interested.
Slytherin: I will decapitate them.
Ravenclaw: But I thought-
Slytherin: *Pulls out a machete*

Hufflepuff: What did you have for dinner? Slytherin: A salad. Slytherin: It was a fruit salad. Slytherin: It was mostly grapes. Slytherin: Ok it was all grapes. Slytherin: Fermented grapes. Hufflepuff: … Slytherin:… Hufflepuff: … Slytherin: It was wine. Slytherin: I had wine for dinner.


I’m quiet because...

Hufflepuff: strength doesn’t require being loud

Gryffindor: my actions speak 

Slytherin: I don’t owe you a response

Ravenclaw: I think too much to tell you everything

If that Slytherin quote isn't me exactly 😂

Slytherin: My mother didn’t raise a fool.
Gryffindor: She raised a psychotic cold-hearted bitch.
Slytherin: But not a fool.

Super nervous/excited!

So after months and months of reading fanfics about supernatural, I have decided to write 2 fanfics! One with A/B/O and one in an Alternate Universe without A/B/O. I don't have a lot of followers and this is terrifying so any support would be amazing. Thanks for any kind words in advance!! #nervous #learningtopost #supernatural #abo #newwriters

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