
too cool for school

@crybabystudy / crybabystudy.tumblr.com

He-his/ravenpuff /studyblr/India /break/ /check #mine for original content /i track #studyruels #yo chi/studygram - @demetriastudy/ my ask box is always open!! cred-some tumblr user

Day 89 • 100 Days of Productivity

i finally got an answer from my macroeconomics professor about how to do my final from last semester (i had taken an incomplete grade because of illness) and instead of having to do a 60 minutes timed multiple choice and four 10 minute timed writing prompts, she’s just giving me a document to do on my own time to answer 15 essay questions. it’s literally not even due until over a month. i am BLESSED. i also have been studying my ass off for biology and it’s paying off because i got a 90% on a lab quiz that a lot of people struggled with. you can see the screen that my study group did some quizlet questions on.
the food pictures are last nights dinner with a philly cheesesteak and this morning’s coffee. i’m completely out of rhythm with my food intake but not in a disordered way just in a too focused to eat and then when i am hungry it’s in classes where i can’t eat. at least i ALWAYS have a structured dinner with my family because we meal plan for the week on sundays. i’m trying to get into eating breakfast before school which is going well, especially because my club sandwich bagel tastes better than anything in the cafeteria on campus lol
anyway, back to studying so i can relax this weekend!

🎶 what a time to be alive - fall out boy 🎶


September 28th:

I officially hit burnout today after going strong for three days in a row. But that being said I still got in four hours of studying. I'm going to have to start shifting gears soon as I'm fully out of time. I've come to the realization that I'm someone who is just going to have to take these exams multiple times until I pass and that I can't pass on the first try. I can read this material as much as I want and go through the flash cards over and over but it doesn't sink in. I can tell you what it says but I cannot apply it. I think I just need to work with the material for a much longer time than one month to truly absorb it. This fine but doesn't help me for Wednesday. I can give you a broad idea of what I've learned but I can't go into details and this exam is all details. Anyways I've hit my stage of acceptance.

Today's accounting topic: Creditors use debt covenants in their lending agreements to protect their interest by limiting or prohibiting the actions of the debtor that might negatively affect the position of the creditor.

Other activity: after having an absolute meltdown, I went to the gym for about 45 minuets and had a really good work out and then was able to come back and focus.


08.25.23 | 14/50 days of productivity ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ

  • studied for psych
  • socio assignments
  • psych assignments
  • studied for SAT
  • reviewed for bio
“In an experiment revealing the importance of having friendships, social psychologists have found that perceptions of task difficulty are significantly shaped by the proximity of a friend. In their experimental design, the researchers asked college students to stand at the base of a hill while carrying a weighted backpack and to estimate the steepness of a hill. Some participants stood next to close friends whom they had known a long time, some stood next to friends they had not known for long, and the rest stood alone during the exercise. The students who stood with friends gave significantly lower estimates of the steepness of the hill than those who stood alone. Furthermore, the longer the close friends had known each other, the less steep the hill appeared to the participants involved in the study. In other words, the world looks less difficult when standing next to a close friend.”

— my new favorite psychological study, done by Schnall, Harber, Stefanucci, and Proffitt and published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.


hey! saw you followed hs-2017 - haven't seen that blog pop up in a while! were you a c/17er? what are you up to now? didn't know that there were still some of us around :)



Sorry for the late reply. No, I'm not c/17er but I started my studyblr around that time, it was I think 8th grade, many of my favourite accounts were from that time. I followed hs-2017 due to that nostalgia and to bring some resources back to these new studyblrs. I'm in college now, time really flies!

Hope you're doing well 😊


Decided to deep clean my room and set aside my exam materials because I wont be needing them in the near future. Also found my paint palette with acrylics adherent to them for over 6 months, I have soaked them in water. Any ideas to peel them off faster?


since some of yall (mostly racist white people and c**ns) got upset with me the other day about supporting black fanfiction writers, i decided to explain to you all about why i said what i said. 


Cuz as important as it is to tell the truth about our history,

Quite frankly,

I’m tired of seeing the same slave narrative or equally excruciatingly painful Jim crow experience or Major Blatant Racism

And would like to see fun imaginary adventures with black people being black without stereotypes. And that shouldn’t be be a political statement or a lot to ask for.


We know so much about our history through the slew of books, films, and shows that there’s no point in us reading the white washed history textbooks we’re handed in school.

People will say we’re much more than our history but continue to display it and received prestigious awards for it. That’s why I appreciate films like Get Out, Black Panther, Us, and What Men Want. They all were a change from what we’re usually given as a black audience.

Anonymous asked:

yasemin selam, kaç saattir sosyal medyaya niye giremediğimi düşünüyorum senin postu görünce anladım. neden kapandı nasıl olabilir böyle bir şey ya 1984 te bile yoktu bu tarz olaylar. simülasyonda gibiyiz. seçime sakin bir şekilde giremeyeceğiz belli oldu tırsıyorum ufaktan, ne düşünüyorsun seçime kadar bu tarz olaylar artar mı sence :(

Merhaba, vallahi artık seçime kadar ne olacak bilmiyorum ama bu seçimin ne kadar kritik olduğu belli, herkes elini vicdanına koyup seçim günü geldiğinde oyunu kullanmalı… Bugün yaşanan olay gerçekten korkunç, görüntüleri ilk gördüğümden beri kendime gelemiyorum, bugün orada olanlar huzur içinde yatsın


GCSE Spanish lessons/Spanish for fun lessons

Hi lovies would any of you be interested in some GCSE spanish lessons during the summer? They would be completely tailored to you and I will help you improve your speaking, writing, reading, listening and translation skills.Message me if you’re interested!

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