
Grazy Duran

@grazyduran / grazyduran.tumblr.com

I love Duran Duran, Johnny Depp, Sebastian Stan, Aidan Turner, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pine, Lee Pace, songs and movies from the 80's, LOTR & Hobbit, Harry Potter and etc...

PAUL MCCARTNEY THE BEATLES: GET BACK (2021) episode 3: day 21 → the rooftop concert

The greatest revelation, to a casual like me, is young Paul McCartney. My perception of him coming in was almost certainly a product of not studying the subject deeply enough, but I thought of McCartney as a sort of happy puppy dog figure, a la Mr. Peanut Butter in Bojack Horseman, a poppy contrast to the brooding, poetic/psychedelic genius of John Lennon. (…) In Get Back, I realized within minutes exactly how wrong I’ve always been. Above all, the two things that struck me most were McCartney’s sheer intensity and his ridiculous, irrepressible talent. The latter might sound awfully obvious — this is Paul McCartney, idiot, of course he’s an otherworldly talent — but watching him rehearse, riff off his fellow Beatles, and invent melody from thin air makes it clear that I never came close to understanding the scope of it. (…)
But McCartney’s intensity is something else entirely, and totally unexpected. Far from an innocent, he’s infused with pure energy; in ways subtle and overt, he can’t help imposing himself on everyone around him. Even when he’s in his “unfailingly polite” mode (…) he’s brimming with hidden force, the biggest person in the room. (…)  
What’s so compelling about Paul McCartney is that more than any of the others, he seemed to want to break free. (…) He’s a one-man army, a force of nature, pick any term you want — they’re all true.

He owns my heart.


Steve and Bucky been doing Get Help before Thor and Loki, and no one talks about it


Your face is poetry Deserving of verse.   Ineptitude my companion Shaming me, mocking me, Daring me.

Your eyes incantations Casting enchantments. Browns greens gold; the spell is e’er cast Bewitching me, glamouring me, Binding me.

Your scent is primal earth Spilling it’s secrets. The feral tang of your essence Seducing me, stalking me, Enthralling me.

Your mouth is siren song Lulling wickedness. Your sleek tongue with pillowed lip lilts Calling me, luring me, Ending me.

Ending. Me.

Well done and spot on!

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” 

If you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine. And Hydra can’t give the World the freedom it deserves. CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (2014)

Source: dicapriho
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