
The Hex


Posts of what life throws at me while I try to dodge.

Disney nerds assemble!!

I have important information about the new guardians of the galaxy ride

The songs change! I repeat the songs change!! My first ride was to the conga line song and second was rule the world!

(Disclaimer! Those aren’t the actual song names but what I remember being song during the ride to different music) so with each ride there is a different song playing.

Thank you for reading this announcement, you may carry on with your day.


Fnaf Oc continued

Ok so I’m not great at drawing so just use imagination.

Stars outfit/appearance

Made by Fazbear to look more human like Star is a humanoid animatronic. Designed to ease kids distress with a more gentle appearance then the more bulky members of Fazbear corporation.

With her color scheme being similar to Sun and Moon, being a shining overcoat with a starry night sky dress. Hair like the night sky in her star buns. Star shaped eyes ( not shown above).

Stars voice box plays lullabies to help calm children (or animatronics) and send them to sleep. Made from a lighter material Star glides (ballet glide ) around the building rather quietly, as to not wake sleeping children or making stealth mode much easier.

Depending on your/ Gregory’s choices Star can help you like Freddy or hunt you like the other animatronics.

More in the next post!!


Fnaf Oc Idea

Ok so with the newest fnaf having been released, and watching the King of Fnaf playing it, a fanfiction prompt came to mind.

So, the daycare attendant is sun and moon, so the oc will be star. due to the various complaints against what happens when the lights go out and kids being scared of the dark, Fazbear entertainment decides to make a new character Star. to help calm children in the daycare and help them fall asleep. (Also, to make a profit off of nightlights and children’s fears, but hey more money)

Star has little helpers like Ballora did. the guiding lights/ shooting star, varying on her condition. (Helps Gregory, similar to Freddy, but if damage becomes violent)

Star helps calm down Moon when children aren’t in bed via her lullaby. which also helps kids fall asleep.

Guiding lights help Gregory find items he needs and shows the way to locations or spots to hid. Shooting stars help lead Chica, Monty, and Roxy to Gregorys location.

I will add more when I have her drawn up! 


So I watched the Jungle Cruise last Sunday and afterwards the only thing I could think of was this crossover idea.

To Frank, Lily and McGregor go from the events in 1916 to 1923 and 1926 ish. ( not gonna lie I thought the years were much further apart than they actually are because for some reason I thought it was like in the 1960s-ish range but now we’re dealing with Hitler and the money so it’s obviously going to be much earlier than that but I didn’t realize how close it was together so yeah)

As we know at the end of the jungle Cruise spoilers – not really though our trio go to London England after the events of the movie so around tennis years later would be the starting events of the mummy movie for the plot line I guess and considering all of the shenanigans that the jungle Cruise trail went through and that Dr. Lily had studied flowers she might have decided to study something else and become a doctorate within that time. So hypothetically for a crossover she might’ve done mythology legends, Egyptology or something a occultism that could place her into the events of the mummy movie that’s going on from there a crossover.

Now forgive me I haven’t actually seen the Mummy yet so I’m just spit bawling here. Like in the jungle Cruise Dr. Lily goes on this expedition/adventure that the mummy movie takes place in the long with that her brother comes along because clearly he knows better than to leave her alone and we have Frank come along with so we have i.e. a 400 year old cartographer, a doctor who is a tad bit reckless (I mean come on you went on a jungle Cruise without knowing how to swim!) and The sweetest brother gets scared at the beginning but let’s face it we all love him so much so he’s great he’s like Jiminy cricket-ish in being not a Conscience but more of the sense of telling you when you’re doing something reckless.

And then you have the Mummy crew (which I have no idea about yet I like redo the idea after I watch the movie OK I promise)

Can you imagine the shenanigans. But let’s be honest I really just want Frank to go like oh yeah I’m over 400 years old and then have O’Connell go like what!?



All star wars fans!!

We are in needed of this fanfic idea prompt.
Here it is, ikea in Star Wars.
“No general hux, we don’t have that item in stock.”
“I’m afraid that item has been discontinued”
“You are one of our best customers due to, ah… lord rens habit of slashing the base so I can give you a 15% discount on this purchase”
Kyle ren grunts in frustration. Worker responds “I’m sorry but I don’t understand Wookiee”
“How did you come to work here?”
“ the sith party wasn’t taking anymore applications and being a rebel doesn’t pay as well” “oh…”
“The first order has dental” “yeah but ikea has (lists of snacks, drinks, vacations, less chance of death)”. “ touché” 
Anyone with me on this?!?!?

What If… “Matt” interrogated Rey instead of Kylo Ren.

This was an idea that came out of a conversation I had with a Matt cosplayer at Anime North during the Saturday Star Wars photo shoot. Sadly, I did not get the real name of said cosplayer, despite running into them several times on Saturday. But maybe you’ll know who you are if you see this!

I have more to this (it gets even dumber!) but I will have to post it in parts since it would end up being a hella-long photo post otherwise.


Full credit to the original creator but have you considered this as a bones panel?

Basically “Matt” doing this gif about the resistance

Reblog and I’ll draw a character based on your blog aesthetic 🌸

If this somehow magically blows up I’ll randomly select people daily or so and keep this ongoing 💗


Akdhaklajsdhaklqdjehaikqhe I can't wait to see it!! 💖💖💕💖💕💖


I’m dying of curiosity now and a little worried



[witty quip]

[fandom reference]


[unneeded response]

[controversial comment]

[random comment that has nothing to do with the original post]

[unnecessary lengthy response in emojis]


[porn bot]

[remark about post getting out of hand]

[ask if we’re gonna acknowledge the porn bot]

[doesn’t acknowledge the porn bot]

[dying in the background]


[someone saying ‘get out’]

[someone being confused about the original answer]

[comment on how I’ve been looking for this post for months]

[remark on how the post has changed since they last saw it]

[a comment questioning everyone’s sanity]

[a statement of how they’re gonna reblog this version]

[comment tagging @hellsite-hall-of-fame to send you all away]

[an excited reblog on how they’ve seen this post only in screenshots ]


[an unexcited reblog because this post is back for the umpteenth to disgrace their dash]

[meme to describe your reaction]

[op is something problematic]


[you reduced tumblr to it’s base components meme]


[ asking what on earth is going on]


Calling all supernatural and Ghost hunt fans!!!!

Yes I am referring to the shows/anime.
Can some pretty please write a fanfic where Sam and Dean Winchester are sent into the shoe ghost hunt?!!
Like Gabriel sent them there as a prank and they say fuck it and just continue through the world as usual family business, hunting things saving lives.
You can either start this in the first episode of ghost hunt like they are hired for the old school house case and meet everybody else at the same time or they are hired at the mansion house episode and are dealing with the demon.
And as usual Sam is a sweet heart, probably complaining with Mai and Dean is sassing Naru. Is anyone does this pretty please tag me or let me know where to find the fic. Thanks everybody!



the first post ever on tumblr



World Heritage Post

like actually though. i’m in AWE of the notecount.


Reblog for good feelings


Do you ever think that Toph never had a life-changing adventure with Zuko was because she had a life-changing moment with uncle Iroh? if given the option I think I would take a life-changing moment over tea ☕️ with uncle Iroh rather than some dangerous 💥adventure with Zuko.


Holy Shit Miraculous Ladybug fanfic idea!

Okay so hear me out. If you’ve been here before you know of the crossover idea for MLxNatM.
Here is a different route on the same idea ish.
Instead of Larry becoming the night guard and dealing with all the events of the movies, it’s marinette.
What I’m thinking is Mari either leaves due to all the pressure from everything (hawk moth is dead in both of these routes FYI) and moves to New York. Or chat goes crazy, possibly kills maris parents and she grabs the miraculous and ports to New York. Yet she can’t use her identification for fear of chat finding her so she lays low during the day when there’s people and finds a night job to support herself as she needs time to clear and restart her designing commission in a way that won’t link her to herself.
Something pulls her toward the museum ( possibly the tablet) and she takes the job, chaos ensues, you decide from that point on.
So yeah, if anyone’s interested feel free to message me, I would love to be tagged if someone ends up writing this😋

Okay so I was looking up posts about finals, cause you know that’s what happening now, and why WHY is everything just photos of clean rooms with a organized desk.

What person has a calm attitude and clean well organized, none chaotic desk for a finals post!?!?!?!

This is the time where we are procrastinating till the last possible moment ( me avoiding my 8 page paper for English due tomorrow that I haven’t even started yet) where we are pulling all-nighters, drinking coffee as though it’s what runs through our veins instead of blood, and overall are just in a constant state of anxiety till vacation kicks in!!

I mean come on!


Why do we procrastinate? 10/05/2020

Have you ever had a paper due for class? You are told about it two weeks in advance, yet you put it off because, well why not you have plenty of time to do it so why start it now? Time goes by and you still have not completed or even started the paper, now its the day before its due and you are freaking out. You are rushing to complete a paper that you knew about in advance and had plenty of time to due so why wait till the last possible moment to do it?

In simple words, Procrastination. 

Now what exactly does that mean?

 Procrastination is the act of unnecessarily delaying or postponing a task.

This normally occurs when there is something you don’t want to do. That’s the simple version at least. Most people assume that it is a choice or a matter of will power but the actuality of it is more complex then that.

What causes procrastination to happen is no simple answer though, as there are many causes.

  • ADHD
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • lack of energy
  • lack of motivation
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • feelings of failure and so on

When all of these negative factor out weigh our self control and our motivation to get something done, we tend to either leave it to the last possible moment or eventually forget about it till its too late and over with.

Now how to work around it as we try to break the habit of procrastination. 

  • making a schedule, to manage time better
  • understanding what it is that you are trying to accomplish
  • breaking the task into smaller more manageable pieces
  • having help, wither from a friend or a teacher

Remember that this isn’t the end of the world. Its something we all do and we can work with it to be better. 


Has anyone seen this?

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