
Negshin's Scrap Yard

@negshin / negshin.tumblr.com


Um I'm sorry to bother you, but are you the artist of the one piece called "Will you join me?" (i believe that is the name, it's the one of a man with silver hair with half his face covered with a mask) I've been trying to find the artist for awhile and wanted to ask who the character was and all that.


Hello XD Yes I'm the artist who painted that picture. It's of my original character Mikalo who used to be from the main cast of a very old online comic I hosted years ago called Redemption. The comic is no longer up I'm afraid, I am working on developing other comics of mine for now. I still occasionally draw Mikalo and the other characters now and then as I hope to one day, redo and finish Redemption ^-^


UPDATE [March 2019]:

I am sad to say that ProjectX has now been dropped by me due to my busy schedule.

Never the less, I am super proud of the levels of complexity I was able to achieve here - creating a believable division in the human race to tackle all the meaningful and important issues to me such as discrimination and prejudice, set within a world rich with history that still resonates with ours.

While I may no longer be involved with further developments, I am glad that vision will not completely die out as my partner on the project will continue to use these settings and premises to implement her characters and stories around it.


These all drafts but ProjectX is a big world building concept/illustration adventure I have planned with @nikittysan , revolving around our two characters Nova and Kizami , their lives, struggles and hopes through the span of time.


I know you prob don't cuz ur famous and busy and all, but if you ever did commissions! Count! Me! In!


Thank you so much (again). I’m definitely not famous but sadly, I am often busy just trying to catch up with things and life. If I ever do open commissions again, I’ll be sure to announce them properly ^^


your shiro is amazing!!! you should do speedpaints! i’d love to watch the magic unfold 🤗


Thank you very much. I plan on doing recordings again and will upload them on YouTube once I'm a little bit more settled ^_^

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