

@dirthera-blog / dirthera-blog.tumblr.com

"and the WAR came with a CURSE and a CATERWAUL."
independent / Dalish Origin WARDEN of Dragon Age Origins.
Read RULES and ABOUT before interacting.
Piloted by KADIAN.
Anonymous asked:

How would you like someone to talk about your gods that way?


“What way? You mean that they have healthy and respectable sex lives? I don’t know how much you know, grey-cloak, but two of my gods are parents of most of the others. That Elgar’nan and Mythal are stunning sex machines is canon to the scripture, if only implied parenthetically.

I don’t see why Andrastians have such a stick up their ass about seeing their religious figureheads as people, who have desires and are worthy of desire from their followers. Didn’t Andraste’s entire crusade hinge upon the Maker wanting to possess her as a bride? Really, I’m amazed they’re all so scandalized by my pointing it out–”


look, i’m not about to blame any andrastian for what they make of their lady, or what they want her to do to them, or see done to her. she’s a beautiful woman, according to all the statues i’ve seen. even the heroic shartan fell for her feminine wiles. by all means, assume the position to show your devotion -- but don’t bullshit me that’s not what it looks like!


oh, sure when andrastians pray it’s wonderful and soothing and good affirmation, but when i pray to elgar’nan before battle it’s ‘barbaric’ and ‘a waste of time’ and ‘stop calling your shots, show-off--’

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