


(Inactive) [They, Them] My names Ash and I sometimes make art.

🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️

What part of “I am not the one” do you not understand? 

And what the fuck do you mean “before you say something about Kyle Rittenhosue these are two different cops”? Like yeah, asshole, that’s KIND OF THE WHOLE FUCKING PROBLEM? The police system is built off racism and white supremacy so cops are more than willing to put their life - and the lives of others - on the line to keep from killing white people, but black and brown lives aren’t held to the same value and don’t get the same treatment. And it’s so fucking pervasive it is happening EVERYWHERE. That’s the whole fucking point. Cause who cares if it’s a black kid that dies right? 

This man killed 2 women and a child then chased a cop and only got maced:

“But he’s naked!” You cry. “And he doesn’t have a weapon!”

OK bitch, this fucker is literally just standing there while this guy waves around a machete:

This dude actually got stabbed IN THE NECK:

And STILL managed not to shoot him dead. In fact, he pocketed his weapon and exchanged it for taser. You wanna tell me he wasn’t a threat? That he couldn’t have injured an innocent bystander after running away from the cop he literally JUST STABBED?

Those men are alive, but Ma’Khia isn’t. 

Why four bullets? 

Why four bullets TO HER CHEST?

They could have fired off warning rounds either into the car or the ground around their feet. The could have shot her in the foot, in her leg, her arm. They didn’t. Because their instinct isn’t to protect black and brown folks and preserve their life, like they do with white people. 

And I don’t believe for a second that they were yelling “get down” at Ma’khia, they were yelling at the other teenager so their bullets wouldn’t hit her. They’d already decided to shoot Ma’khia by then, and they preferred one dead body over two.

You can shake your head and say “it was sad but necessary” all you fucking want, but that doesn’t make it true.

And I’m honestly getting to the point in my activism where I see little difference between people like you and the ignorant fuckers who say she deserved it. Because the outcome of both attitudes is the same: black people continue to be unjustly killed and you move on with your life, unbothered.

And just as a side note? Anytime someone rolls up saying “that’s not exactly the same thing” or “the two situations can’t be compared”, this is what I think of:


What’s happened with the origins' name conflict, from a fan of both of these:

- The Origins community is a minecraft roleplay community that’s had this name for quite a few years now and consists of many content creators, artists and such.

- The Origins SMP's name was started today, named after the mod that the SMP has, which is a major point of it

- This could be a problem because the DreamSMP and MCYT community are a LOT bigger and can drown out the Origins Community VERY easily, which would stop the community from growing

- Because of this, the creators and fans of the Origins Community are anxious, as they don’t want the community to stop growing and potentially have to stop because of it.

- One of the creators, Kaykrae, has been attempted to contact some of the creators in the new SMP to try and sort this out, though from what i’ve seen the community's already starting to get drowned out by clips channels

switching the name to something like Powers SMP would be great so we can avoid drowning out the MCRP Origins.

Reblogging is very appreciated, the more that know about this the better!

OH SIRCUTIEYUKI’S ORIGINS?? oh my god i would never want to drown out their content or anyone else involved.  I completely forgot about that.. Thanks for the info! Everything i’ve posted about it so far is being changed to Powers SMP.


Hey I dont see anyone talking about this moment in the stream today yet. Tubbo's doing a QnA and seemed to imply he's uncomfortable with fanfics, even about the rp, so thought mcytumblr should know. Respect the cc's boundaries

Edit: I wasnt watching today's stream but apparently he ended up saying he's fine with fics as long as they're not sexual. I feel like it should be a given to not write sexual fics about minors tho


Reblog art guys. Seriously.

Always reblog art! No one sees it if it’s liked. Help circulate an artist’s hard work!


True tho

Liked this, and then did a double take. Please reblog, it means so much to artists. This includes writers too





(If you see this on your dash. Reblog)

This is so relatable

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