
Elrond of Imladris

@thelordofimladris / thelordofimladris.tumblr.com

((WARNING: Mun has been known to cause excessive feels))  "The river flows smoothly even from troubled beginnings. Its course is set though over time it may allow others to move it, even in trouble though it is always there to be relied on. This endurance is my gift and I give of it to others for I was given it when I was in need." Mun and muse of age. Multiverse and Multiship....

//Reposting in case people missed it.

As much as I love this blog I’ve decided I just don’t have the spoons to check it super regularly. I miss this muse and the people I was rping with, but tumblr is just too many. If you want to rp with me you can add me on discord at star_child#2025. Just let me know who you are when you add me 😅.


At last– 

Heavy drapes of fabric scrapped along stone and twig against her silent steps. Emerging from behind a vine-enveloped column, Arwen appeared to join aside her father on the soundless balcony, where the evening songs had not yet reached. 

It is unlike you to withdraw from the presence of others for such a time, Ada. What task could have confined you to so deep solitary? 

Elrond looks down from the emerging stars, his eyes focusing on his only daughter. “Ah, iell nin, forgive me. I was lost in memory. A hazard of growing older, I fear.” He smiled slight, “I was watching Eärendil’s star and thinking about family. I was remembering Elros, and your mother.” He sighed, “I did not mean to let the time slip away from me.”


‘ just focus on my voice. that’s it. you’re okay. we’re okay. ’


Elrond jerked out of his reverie, his eyes snapping to focus on his Arianiel’s face. “Ah, forgive me. I was lost in thought.”


 What’s bothering you, háno? Is anything of the matter? You can talk to me. Let me help you.Arianiel approached Elrond and cupped both of his cheeks against the palm of her hands.

Elrond smiled faintly at her, “Ah, nothing you need to worry about.”

His mind was spinning but his face was calm, “Thank you for checking on me, I’m quite alright though.”



Elves have very long childhoods and are inherently magical as a race, and human children are already spooky af. So my thought is that elf children must be SO spooky. Like they must just bring up the weirdest spookiest shit all the time, it must be so wild. Like they just bring up conversations with nature spirits at the dinner table all the time.

Anonymous asked:

‘ well, i love you more. ’ (@silvercrowned)

Elrond smiled at his wife, “How can you be so sure of that, meleth nin? That seems like a very subjective thing to me.”


“I disagree, I am stating a fact.” Celebrían responded, her eyes bright.

He laughed, “Is that so? And what evidence do you have to back up your argument?”

Anonymous asked:

‘ well, i love you more. ’ (@silvercrowned)

Elrond smiled at his wife, “How can you be so sure of that, meleth nin? That seems like a very subjective thing to me.”


* soft family things

  • i love you so, so much.
  • stop putting your head down in my house. you know my rule. it’s all love and all pride in this house. ’
  • lost things have a way of turning up.
  • watch your mouth.
  • not so fast. you still have some vegetables left.
  • very funny.
  • i think you’re due for a haircut.
  • come on. bedtime.
  • and when were you going to tell me?
  • i’m glad you came into my life.
  • you were talking in your sleep.
  • come here. i’ll fix it.
  • this show sucks.
  • mom/dad, can we go home now? ’
  • you forgot something.
  • can we stay like this for a little while? it’s nice. ’
  • hot chocolate helps. and good company.
  • you’ll feel better once you take your medicine and have a nap.
  • close your eyes. it’s a surprise.
  • it’s good to have you home.
  • i’m not angry with you, just disappointed.
  • your shoe’s untied.
  • i missed this.
  • hey, hey. sit down. deep breaths. ’
  • will you tuck me in? ’
  • go to your room and stay there until you’ve calmed down.
  • i heard crying. i got worried.
  • don’t use that tone with me.
  • well, i love you more.
  • just focus on my voice. that’s it. you’re okay. we’re okay.
  • this movie is too scary. turn it off. ’
  • how long have you been sick? ’
  • don’t play with your food.
  • i’ll stay right here until you fall asleep. ’
  • don’t even think about going outside without your coat.
  • i’m not asking you, i’m telling you. ’
  • you can pick the story tonight. ’
  • everyone needs somebody. we got each other.
  • you call that a hug? ’
  • i was the same way when i was your age.
Anonymous asked:

‘  to  be  fair,  I  only  think  that  because  it’s  true  and  I’m  right.  ’ (@silvercrowned)

Elrond chuckled to himself and raised an eyebrow, “I see. And may I ask how you know it to be true?”


Celebrían shot Elrond a look of faux seriousness. “I’m certain I’ve read it in a book somewhere.”

He smiled at her, “Ah, I see. Well I must surely be mistaken, then. If you have read it in a book somewhere it must surely be true.” His eyes shone with mirth as he tired to school his expression to seriousness.

“It must be. All of the children’s books my Father read to me were nothing but the truth.” Celebrian replied, fighting back a smile, her eyes bright.

Elrond lost his fight to remain serious and broke down in laughter, “Well then, I supposed I must admit my mistake.” He took a deep breath and pressed a kiss to Celebrían’s cheek.

Celebrían smiled at the gesture of affection, and intertwined their hands. “I suppose I shall forgive you for not believing me, if you are willing to admit your mistake.”

“Ah, I fully admit my mistake Vesseya. And I thank you for your gracious forgiveness.” He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I do love our little chats.”


“I skipped over worry and went straight to full-on panic.


“Don’t worry about it, dear. We can fix it. It’s just a flute. We can have more made for you,”


Elrond took a shaky breath. “O…okay Atya. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drop it.”

“Don’t worry, dear,” Kana kissed his forehead gently, “Would you like to make a new one yourself? It isn’t very difficult,”

Elrond’s eyes lit up. “Really Atya? Can I?” He bounced in excitement, his worry forgotten. “Will you teach me?”

“Of course,” Whittling was the only form of physical craft that he could do, “First, let’s go and pick some good wood. Down to the yard, dear,”

Elrond smiled widely and ran ahead of his father to the yard, he small feet pounding down the stairs and out onto the ground. He immediately began picking up as many straight pieces of wood of good size as he could find. Those that seemed too bent or wobbly he discarded.

His arms were full of sticks and branches of varying sizes when he trotted back up to his father. “Are any of these good, Atya?”

“They would be, but in order to make sure that the wood is resistant to damp we would have to spend a lot of time drying them off,” Kana explained, “Luckily, we have some in the storeroom,” He went over to the room.

Elrond frowned and carefully put his bundle of sticks down and followed his father. “How do we make sure they’re dry? What if it only seems dry but it’s all gross on the inside? Is that why you keep them in a special room?”

“Yes,” He nodded, “We keep it there for months, just to make sure it’s perfect,” Kana opened the door and went to the back of the room. Long boards of wood were resting in there, dry and good to be used for whittling and building.

Elrond looked at the stacks of wood. “There’s so many here, Atya. How do we pick the right one?”

“Let’s find the smallest. That will be easiest,” He replied, “And as you can see, not all of these have been cut uniformly either,*

He nodded and ran off into the neat stacks of wood. He carefully sorted through them, minding the ones that looked like they might shed splinters. He had picked three small pieces of wood that seemed to him to be suitable for the task at hand. As he went to pick up a last option it pricked him with a splinter and he frowned, putting it back on the stack and sticking the offended finger in his mouth on instinct. He carried his selections back to his father with no small amount of pride. “How do these look, Atya?”

“Perfect,” Kana nodded, “Now we need to see where the grain is. We won’t be using a lot of this wood, so we must see if any break off in a good place,”

Elrond held the piece of wood up to his eyes and squinted at it. “How do we do that, Atya?”


Lately been thinkin' a lot about Samwise "But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer" Gamgee

And Faramir: 'it's just the damp of the first spring rain. I do not believe this darkness will endure.'

This is the optimistic kind of shit I consume LOTR for



  • “ i find your lack of faith disturbing. ”
  • “ she’s fast enough for you, old man. ”
  • “ the force will be with you. always. ”
  • “ never tell me the odds! ”
  • “ do. or do not. there is no try. ”
  • “ no. i am your father. ”
  • “ pass on what you have learned. ”
  • “ just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes. ”
  • “ there’s always a bigger fish. ”
  • “ in time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view. ”
  • “ you can’t stop the change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting. ”
  • “ i sense much fear in you. ”
  • “ the day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it. ”
  • “ i’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe. ”
  • “ power! unlimited power! ”
  • “ the garbage’ll do! ”
  • “ you know, no matter how much we fought, i’ve always hated watching you leave. ”
  • “ oh, my dear friend. how I’ve missed you. ”
  • “ i’m one with the force. the force is with me. ”
  • “ judge me by my size, do you? ”
  • “ you have hate. you have anger. but you don’t use them. ”
  •  “ if you define yourself by your power to take life, your desire to dominate, to possess, then you have nothing. ”
  • “ your focus determines your reality. ”
  • “ be careful not to choke on your aspirations. ”
  • “ in my experience there is no such thing as luck. ”
  • “ fear is the path to the dark side. ”
  • “ be mindful of your thoughts …they’ll betray you. ”
  • “ we’ll take the next chance. and the next. on and on until we win …or the chances are spent. ”
  • “ stay on target. ”
  • “ laugh it up, fuzz ball. ”
  • “ but only you can change yourself. ”
  • “ i’ve seen your daily routine. you are not busy. ”
  • “ get your head out of your cockpit. ”
  • “ page turners, they are not. ”    
  • “ this is not going to go the way you think. ”
  • “ let’s not have a scene. ”
  • “ impressive. every word in that sentence was wrong. ”
  • “ i believe he’s tooling with you, sir. ”
  • “ my disappointment in your performance cannot be overstated. ”
  • “ wipe that nervous expression off your face. ”
  • “ work your magic, buddy. ”
  • “ i need someone to show me my place in all this. ”
  • “ and here comes the parade. ”
  • “ we have them tied on the end of a string. ”
  • “ i wish i could put my fist through this whole lousy, beautiful town. ”
  • “ we’ve pulled crazier stunts than this. ”
  • “ you’re just a child with a mask. ”
  • “ that was a cheap move. ”
  • “ your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them. ”
  • “ fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. ”
  • “ let go of your hate. ”
  • “ who’s the more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him? ”
  • “ so this is how liberty dies…with thunderous applause. ”
  • “ great, kid. don’t get cocky. ”
  • “ that is why you fail. ”
  • “ we’re gonna do this… ”
  • “ these are your first steps… ”
  • “ i assume you need something. desperately. ” 
  • “ i thought he was a myth. ”
  • “ stop taking my hand! ”
  • “ i’ve got a bad feeling about this. ”
  • “ i never ask that question until after we’ve done it. ”
  • “ women always figure out the truth. always. ”
  • “ the light – it’s always been there. it’ll guide you. ”
  • “ princess – general, sorry. ”
  • “ you still want to kill me? ”
  • “ that’s what happens when you’re being hunted by a stranger in a mask. ”
  • “ is there a garbage shoot? trash compactor? ”
  • “ we’ll see each other again. i believe that. ”
post - trauma sentence starters  blood, death mention.
  • “don’t do that. don’t shut me out.” 
  • “you’ve been crying. i can tell.”
  • “we need to change those bandages and get some food in you.”
  • “you want me to rub your back ’til you fall asleep?”
  • “that was a brave thing you did today.” 
  • “shh, that’s okay, get everything out.”   
  • “there’s something on your shirt. you – that’s blood!”
  • “need some space?”
  • “you should lay down.”
  • “there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.” 
  • “shh, shh. you were having a nightmare.”
  • “we can talk through the door.” 
  • “let’s clean you up and get you to bed, okay?”
  • “you almost died.” 
  • “i brought you a blanket.”
  • “you’re home. you’re safe.” 
  • “i’m worried about you.”
  • “is everything okay?”
  • “tell me how to make it better.”
  • “it’s been a tough few days. how are you holding up?”
  • “you have to stay awake. come on, give my hand a squeeze.” 
  • “you’re in the hospital.” 
  • “think you can make it to the bathroom?”
  • “no, no. don’t close your eyes.”

Everybody who wears The One Ring in LOTR starts to refer to it as ‘My Precious,’ and Tolkien’s right that is super creepy, but what I really love is that everybody does it, which says to me that this super powerful scary evil sentient ring has a favorite pet name and just, like, will not respond to anything else.

Hey uhh @piyo-13 you cant hide brilliance like these in the tags


look i’m just saying, even as educated as frodo is, would he really KNOW the true name of sauron? like shit, of any of the elves left in middle earth by the time the events of LotR actually happen, only círdan and galadriel are old enough to remember that sauron existed in valinor (not counting old sindarin/avari elves because iirc sauron was never called mairon on the shores of ara [except possibly by melkor wink wonk]), let alone what his name was. so to everyone in ME, he’s always been sauron, and there’s no connection to “precious” in any linguistic sense… but mairon remembers.

no you’re a hundred percent right!! no one would know, and it wouldn’t make sense to anyone except maybe Gandalf, but that shredded little piece of sauron’s souls remembers


Oh, wow.   


this is why i love lotr fandom. this right here


so what you’re saying is there’s a tiny piece of sauron’s soul tucked smug into the Ring just going around introducing itself as “i’m babey”


This post has justified every second of every minute, hour, and collective day I have ever spent on Tumblr. It was all worth it for this.


“I skipped over worry and went straight to full-on panic.


“Don’t worry about it, dear. We can fix it. It’s just a flute. We can have more made for you,”


Elrond took a shaky breath. “O…okay Atya. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drop it.”

“Don’t worry, dear,” Kana kissed his forehead gently, “Would you like to make a new one yourself? It isn’t very difficult,”

Elrond’s eyes lit up. “Really Atya? Can I?” He bounced in excitement, his worry forgotten. “Will you teach me?”

“Of course,” Whittling was the only form of physical craft that he could do, “First, let’s go and pick some good wood. Down to the yard, dear,”

Elrond smiled widely and ran ahead of his father to the yard, he small feet pounding down the stairs and out onto the ground. He immediately began picking up as many straight pieces of wood of good size as he could find. Those that seemed too bent or wobbly he discarded.

His arms were full of sticks and branches of varying sizes when he trotted back up to his father. “Are any of these good, Atya?”

“They would be, but in order to make sure that the wood is resistant to damp we would have to spend a lot of time drying them off,” Kana explained, “Luckily, we have some in the storeroom,” He went over to the room.

Elrond frowned and carefully put his bundle of sticks down and followed his father. “How do we make sure they’re dry? What if it only seems dry but it’s all gross on the inside? Is that why you keep them in a special room?”

“Yes,” He nodded, “We keep it there for months, just to make sure it’s perfect,” Kana opened the door and went to the back of the room. Long boards of wood were resting in there, dry and good to be used for whittling and building.

Elrond looked at the stacks of wood. “There’s so many here, Atya. How do we pick the right one?”

“Let’s find the smallest. That will be easiest,” He replied, “And as you can see, not all of these have been cut uniformly either,*

He nodded and ran off into the neat stacks of wood. He carefully sorted through them, minding the ones that looked like they might shed splinters. He had picked three small pieces of wood that seemed to him to be suitable for the task at hand. As he went to pick up a last option it pricked him with a splinter and he frowned, putting it back on the stack and sticking the offended finger in his mouth on instinct. He carried his selections back to his father with no small amount of pride. “How do these look, Atya?”

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