



I currently write for the marvel characters Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Xu Shang-Chi, Druig and Matt Murdock. Find my inbox here!

Works are ordered from oldest to newest.

Want to be tagged in future fics? Join the Taglist here!


dr4cking’s 4.6k celebration

thank you so much you all for 4,625 followers! i’m so grateful to have you here with me, supporting me and everything. i love you guys and i appreciate you so much <3
HP Masterlist Recs ❞

some of them are sfw ; angst and fluff but if it’s got (*) = smut/18+

please respect their boundaries if they have nsfw content!

- Lightning/Golden Era

  • Draco Malfoy

X-Men Masterlist

Started: 4/4/2021
Last Updated: 12/27/2021
Main Masterlist
Smut indicated by •

Peter Maximoff

Your Boys (poly w/ Kurt)

Fluffy Headcannons (poly w/ Kurt)

FTM Reader Headcannons (poly w/ Kurt)

Class Headcannons (poly w/ Kurt)

Don’t Mind At All (poly w/ Kurt)

Kurt Wagner 

Your Boys (poly w/ Peter)

Fluffy Headcannons (poly w/ Peter)

Class Headcannons (poly w/ Peter)

Don’t Mind At All (poly w/ Peter)

Warren Worthington iii 

Erik Lehnsherr 

Three Dumbasses (poly w/ Charles)

Charles Xavier

Three Dumbasses (poly w/ Erik)

Logan Howlett 

Wade Wilson 

Hank McCoy 

Alex Summers 

Scott Summers


H.P. Masterlist

Hi! Migrating all of my ridiculous fanfics and headcannons here! I'm pretty new here in tumblr so low-key looking for friends to gush about my favorite characters



angst - ☾

fluff - ☼

smuts- ☆

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Fred Weasley

Writing Prompts:

Y/N Imagines:

My Youth ☾☼-Reader dreams of Fred dying and is afraid of turning that into a possible reality.

A Hundred Kilometers ☼-A week before the twins decided to leave Hogwarts in an attempt to pursue the joke shop of their dreams, Fred decided to prepare a sweet surprise for you.

My Hero ☼-You and Fred decided to have a fun night at a muggle bar, A guy starts to annoy the hell out of you and Fred decides to be your hero.

Music Box ☾☾ - Song Fic for Madison Beer's Reckless.

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George Weasley

Writing Prompts:

Y/N Imagines:

Just Five Minutes -Just a peaceful morning after the war with your favorite Weasley. (Fred is alive here so no trauma(ish) yey~!)

Eat ☼ -After spending three days without any sleep and barely finishing your requirements. George decided to do little things to help you. (Because College Sucks.)

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Draco Malfoy

Writing Prompts:

Y/N Imagines:

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Cedric Diggory

Writing Prompts:

Y/N Imagines:

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Harry Potter

Writing Prompts:

Y/N Imagines:

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More to come




Harry Potter Characters Masterlist by Heloise Daphne Brightmore

If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. <3
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series
One shots / Mini series / Series

Co-written fanfictions

A series that 5 writers decided to put together for our readers and for our own enjoyment. 5 girls accidentally end up in Hogwarts, causing the Professors and the Ministry a great headache and nothing but trouble. [Completed]
Keep reading

Good reviews and spilled potions [F.W]

A/N: this is a part of the Harry Potter writing event and I’m so excited to contribute my first fic for the event 🤍

Pairings: Fred Weasley x fem! Reader

Words: 3k

Summary: Fred’s bad day stirs up a storm when it accidentally affects you

Warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff ending, vomit mention, crying. As always lmk if I missed anything.

How could a day be so painfully awful? That thought ran through Fred’s mind, sending anger signals along to accompany it. He thought that perhaps every person who’d entered the shop had made a collective decision to be as horrible as they could be.


Hiatus Announcement

Hi everyone! Heartstopper is going on hiatus for the next few months. I have been suffering from severe stress and burnout for a very long time which has been impacting my physical and mental health, and I can no longer create the comic to the best of my ability. I’m really sorry to everyone who’s disappointed, but if I carry on, I will not be able to create something I’m proud of or happy with.

In the meantime, there will be three more guest comics, most likely one per month for the next three months! I hope you enjoy them!

Alice xxx


Saturday Night - Kit Connor x reader

Summary: you and kit connor are getting ready to bake on a rainy Saturday night. Lots of fluff and cute hand touching :)

A/N: okay, so Kit connor is my new crush, so alas this fic is born. Finally a crush that is the same age as me and not like thirty hears my senior. I hope that you enjoy this story, and if you’d like, feel free to send me a request for another. Also, I’m not too sure how the formatting of this post will be - I’m writing from my phone instead of my laptop as I’m on vacation right now, so fingers crossed! Enjoy babes -Mac :)

“I’m pretty sure I left the recipe book around here somewhere,” you said as you paced around your kitchen.

“This book?” Kit asked you, holding up your grandmothers heavily worn sage toned notebook in between his hands.

You turned to face him, to see him standing there with a navy apron over his tee shirt and jeans. “There it is!”

You walked over to the table and picked up your apron, which was identical to Kit’s, just in a lighter shade of blue. You put the neck strap over your head and brought your hands to your back to tie the bow.

Kit walked over, noticing you struggling, “need a hand?” he asked.

You nodded, turning your body around so he could have access to the back of the apron.

Kit brought his strong hands up to the small of your waist and lightly tied the two apron strings in a neat bow. His fingers pressed lightly against your waist, you could feel the warmth through your flannel shirt.

After a bow was neatly tied, Kit brought his hands up to your neck and used his hands to fix your hair which was tucked below the neck of your apron. You could feel his fingers graze the tender skin on the back of your neck ever so slightly. Like a nervous butterfly, gracing your skin, leaving just enough of a touch to remember, enough to cling on to, but not enough to feel the grooves of his fingers up against your skin.

“Better?” Kit asked, returning to his spot on the opposite side of the kitchen counter.

You nodded, smiling at him lightly, “thank you.”

The soft hum of the radio played in the background, pop tunes and quiet night time music, as Kit and you baked shortbread cookies.

Ad you mixed in the sugar, Kit used another spoon to help add in the butter. Your hands grazing one another gently, made you look up, only to find kit’s gaze already on you. You smiled and looked away quickly, hands still touching, a warm feeling throughout.

The cookies were all mixed and rolled out on the counter. Now it was time to use the cookie cutters to cut them into the desired shape.

“Where did you get all of these from?” Kit asked you as he took down your bag of cookie cutters from their place in the kitchen shelf.

You looked at them, taking the heart shaped one out of the bag, “some were my mums and then the more interesting ones are mine. I found them at the market.”

Kit pulled the dog shaped one out of the bag, “definitely making this one,” he said.

You chuckled, noticing how content Kit seemed to be by a dog shaped cookie cutter.

Kit came over to the same side of the counter as you, standing beside you, his hip brushing up against yours. You could smell his cologne and feel his warmth up against you.

You took the heart shaped cookie cutter and placed it atop the dough, “let’s do this one together,” you said to Kit.

Kit brought his arms around you and placed his hands over yours. His hands were soft and strong, resting over yours, guiding them down into the dough, leaving the perfect heart shaped imprint.

You looked up to Kit, meeting his eyes with yours. How you loved his dark eyes, pools of evening brandy, hints of honey throughout.

The oven beeped behind you, telling you it was at the right temperature, making both Kit and you startle. You giggled into Kit, and smiled at him, “I guess we better finish these off then.”



** Indicates Smut

Early Morning {PP Character of choice x F!Reader}

The Mandalorian:

Muffled Sounds ** SLIGHT NSFW

Prey  ** NSFW

Chemical Feelings ** NSFW   (Sex Pollen)

Body Heat ** NSFW

Gut Wrenching ** NSFW   (Sex Pollen)

Secrets ** NSFW (Virgin!Mando)

Tradition ** NSFW

The Cave ** NSFW   (Sex Pollen)

Unusual Situation ** NSFW {Mando x Reader x Ezra}

The Box ** NSFW

The View ** NSFW

Riduurok ** NSFW

Riduur ** NSFW (Part 2 of Riduurok)

Bred ** NSFW Alpha!Din

Needs ** NSFW

Me’dinuir (Share) ** NSFW {Din Djarin x Reader x Paz Vizsla}

The Deal ** NSFW {Mando x Reader x Cobb Vanth}

Kar’ta ** NSFW

The Path (Soulmate AU) (3000 Follower Give Away Fic) 

The Throne ** {King!Din AU} NSFW

Le Trio de Fleur ** NSFW {Din Djarin x Reader x Paz Vizsla}

Aliit ** NSFW {Mando x F!Mandalorian Reader} NSFW

Beskar Bordello ** {Mando x F!Mandalorian Reader} NSFW

Dreams vs. Reality** {Mando x F!Reader} NSFW

Blue Crush ** NSFW

Do It Now ** NSFW

The Mand’alor ** NSFW {Mando x Mando!F!Reader}

Carbonite Cyar’ika ** NSFW {Mando x F!Reader x Poe Dameron}

The Mand’alor’s Riduur ** NSFW {Mando x F!Mando!Reader}

“Catfish” Frankie Morales:

Addicted ** (Part 2 of Endorphins)

Friendly Competition Series {Catfish x Reader x Pope x Will x Benny}

No Smoke Without Fire ** (Sex Pollen) {Catfish x Reader x Pope x Ironhead x Benny}

The Last Mission ** {Catfish x Reader}

The Cabin and the Coup ** {Marcus Moreno x Reader x Catfish}

The Hunt {Catfish x Reader} **

Oh, Brother ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope}

Happy Birthday, Mr. Garcia ** {Pope x Reader x Catfish}

Money, Money, Money ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope x Will x Benny}

Fangs & Fur ** {Werewolf!Catfish x Reader x Max Phillips}

Moonlight Madness ** {Werewolf!Catfish x Reader x Benny}

The Baby Making Team ** {Catfish x Reader x Pope}

A Very Dirty Christmas ** {TF boys x F!Reader}

Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels:

Blossoming ** (Part 2 of First Time)

Whiskey ** (Part 2 of The Mission)

Fera Flores ** (Sex Pollen)

Experimental Love ** (Sex pollen)

Pero Tovar:

The Spaniard Series (Oberyn Martell x Reader x Pero Tovar)

Where Am I? Series {Time Traveling Tovar}

Xìngjiāo **   (Sex Pollen)

Javier Peña:

Deseos Profundos ** (Sex Pollen)

Deseos Admitidos ** (Part 2 of Deseos Profundos)

Everything She Wants ** (Maxwell Lord x Reader x Javier Peña)

Oberyn Martell:

The Spaniard Series (Oberyn Martell x Reader x Pero Tovar)

Ménage à Quartre ** {Ezra x Reader x Oberyn x Ellaria}

Hotel Dorne ** {Modern!Oberyn}

Ezra (Prospect):

Laced **   (Sex Pollen)

Heat ** Alpha!Ezra


Unusual Situation ** {Mando x Reader x Ezra}

Starvation ** (Sex Pollen)

Ménage à Quartre ** {Ezra x Reader x Oberyn x Ellaria}

Marcus Pike:

Lujuria **   (Sex Pollen)

Halloween Party ** (Sex Pollen/Breeding Kink)

What Happens at the Cabin, Stays at the Cabin ** {Dave York x Reader x Marcus Pike}

Sell My Soul For You ** {Possessed!Marcus Pike x F!Reader}

Max Phillips:

Birthday Treat **   (Sex Pollen)

Noaptea Vampirului (Night of the Vampire) ** TRIGGER WARNING

Chains ** 

Unholy Sacrifice ** (virgin reader)

Fangs & Fur ** {Werewolf!Catfish x Reader x Max Phillips}

Dave York:

What Happens at the Cabin, Stays at the Cabin ** {Dave York x Reader x Marcus Pike} 

Family Fun Series {Dave York x F!Nanny!Reader x Carol York}

Ghost of a Lover ** {Ghost!Dave York x F!Reader}

Marcus Moreno:

Libidine ** (Sex Pollen)

The Cabin and the Coup ** {Marcus Moreno x Reader x Frankie Morales}

Max Lord:

More Than A Wish ** (Sex Pollen)

Everything She Wants ** (Maxwell Lord x Reader x Javier Peña)

1985 **

Zach Wellison:

The Alewife (Co-written)


🎃 💟 ✨FLUFFTOBER 2021✨ 💟 🎃

lalright y’all, I needed very little convincing to participate in Flufftober this year!

(list heavily adapted from @flufftober2021​!! thanks for putting this together!!)

I won’t guarantee that I will actually post every day, and some will be short (less than 1000 words). I still have PAPAM going, but a lot of these I changed to fit fics I already have written/fleshed out!

Expect to see some PAPAM, the Falling Slowly series conclusion, some Impression, Sunrise content, and more! I will take requests/suggestions, but please understand I already have some in mind (bolded prompts available for requests), so I may not accept all of them! All Pedro characters welcome, but I prefer Marcus M/P, Mando, Whiskey, Javier, and Frankie. No RPF.

I hope everyone’s as excited as I am! Half combining this with a 500 follower celebration which I somehow missed, so thanks fam 💖

Masterlist below the cut! Starts tonight with the next PAPAM chapter!


masterlist — followers' version

( aka. a big masterlist for the amazing ideas you guys send in my inbox :D )
more tba — !!
Anonymous asked:

I just found ur account omg Ily <3

Could u do a rlly stressed female reader and she’s used to bottling up her emotions and she lashes out at will? And she breaks down into his arms and tells him she loves him


(Not shipping) Wilburs S/O I would say also female bc it kinda goes along with irl is jelly at niki for making will laugh and spending sm time with him when he streams etc and they get rlly upset and will? Will tells them it’s nothing and he’s rlly sorry he wasn’t paying attention to them?

ahhhh thank you so much ily2 <3 !! i love both of these so I’m going to write the first one but I might write the second another time !!

Stressed | Wilbur Soot

pairings: cc!wilbur x fem reader

cw: breakdown, food mention

0.8k words

angst -> fluff (kinda?)

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