
Love is comics

@relax-and-read-on / relax-and-read-on.tumblr.com

She/They, nb french canadian with a love of warhammer. Call me Math. My ao3 is at https://archiveofourown.org/users/mahaute. Im a medical worker, dont forget to stay safe during covid and wear your mask πŸ’ž Also, please yell at me in my ask or ask my headcanon about primarch because my brain run 24/7 on how I would write them if GW was insane enough to let me get my lil queer paws on them.

Heyo! Time to create a pinned post I suposse!!

Please call me Math. I'm a late 20's medical worker, with more health issues than I know what to do with. Sometime, I get very low spoon, and I may not post for a long time. I use She/They and happen to be very, very queer.

Rn i'm hyperfocused on warhammer, but I love a lot of other fandom! Star Wars, LoTR, BNHA, a lot of animes and books.... This blog is not fandom specific tho, scroll down far enough and you will probably find me yelling about comic book. I have been on tumblr for a solid 10+ years, and had this blog the entire time lmao.

I write fanfic! And headcannons!! Are they accurate? Most of the time no, and I don't care!! I'm a stranger on the internet, having fun with the backstory of the tiny plastic army people. I will 100% sacrifice entire part of canon to the altar of Better Narrative and Storytelling.

I am also 100% a chaos apologist. While I love a lot of loyalist (Roboute my beloved...), The traitors just have more FlAvOrS. I do realise that quite a few of them are problematic, but like, we are all adult here, we can appreciate a horrific story arc with solid writing. That said, Konrad is my stinky blorbo, pathetic meow meow, and no one can have him.

That said... Some of my content may not be for you. I ship a lot of things in warhammer. In a sexy, queer way. If you are bothered by astartes fuckings, or primarch getting down and dirty, because you think of it as incest, that's totally fair, and we should probably part way. I'm not here to judge your comfort level. I'm a veteran fanfic reader/writer, and as such, I often touch very dark topic in my writing. Let's call it therapy on the cheap side. I won't be offended if anyone block me.

Aside from that.... Please drop in my dm/ask! I l o v e talking to new people. I'm a super social person, lmao! Especially, drop ask/request/ideas, I will run WILD with those, even if it take me a long time to answer.

On a final note, here is a list of my most common headcanons that like.... Always apply to all my post, and give you an idea of my content:

  • Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus are together.
  • Sanguinius and Horus are also together.
  • Corvus Corax is a trans woman.
  • Most legions are chill with trans space marines.
  • A few are chill to the point of accepting women.
  • Astartes can use their dick/pussies, they just aren't fertile.
  • They have! Personalities! Like and dislikes and things they enjoy!
  • Big E is often not that bad of a dad in my writing, because letting him close to canon make his gross incompetance almost comic.
  • Sevatar made the Carcharodons don't @me my boi is a loyalist now.
  • Salamander aren't chucked in black paint oh my gooood nope I refuse.

Hey everyone! In collaboration with: https://www.instagram.com/enter.the.butcher/ Iron Butchers I’ve painted a birth of the monstrous engine created by the Dark Mechanicum. The first artwork of this creature is here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/03D2Wy

In this work I wanted to return to this creature, I guess it's a sort of deeply customized titan. And to show how it is maintained. The place of action is the warband's space ship the Iron Maw which I also happened to paint. The creature restores its power before next battle. I hope you enjoy the grim dark look of a forge deep inside the sheep.

If you want to see more of my art I have a site: https://artbrushray.github.io/ Also I'm open to commssns. Soon will be more art. Have a good time!


Trazyn is one of the best characters in 40k there’s no contest

Spooky Skeleton Robot Man who collects archaeology from across the galaxy, freezes people in time as art displays, and gets up to sitcom level feuds with other immortal robots


The primarchs having dinner together

Lion: He is a cat. He only eats the meat. Not even touching his veggies. He doesnβ€˜t really get why they are having this dinner, but Luther thought him some decent table manners and he is happy to eat the meat of everyone who doesnβ€˜t want theirs. He is eyeing the pidgeons sitting outside the window. They are gone by the end of teh evening. Fulgrim: He has some really bad allergies. Like one small bite can easely turn into a medical emergency. He really hoped to eat the same food as the others, but itβ€˜s not safe. He takes his own food with him and feels pretty bad about it. Ferrus needs to comfort him. Perty: Grumbeling the whole time. Magnus dragged him here, saying it would be fun. Maybe it kind of is. But Calliphone still cooks better. Jagh: He is very excited to try some new food, very adventurous taste. Heβ€˜s having a great time, very supportive of his brothers who are a bit more picky than he is. Offers to buy everyone drinks. Leman: He has a lot of fun too, needs to be stopped from drinking too much. He is a bit sceptical of everything more complicated than bread and meat. A chocolate dessert needs to be ripped from his hands to avoid a medical emergency. Rogal: He has ARFID, so eating in general and especially going out to eat is difficult. Brought his own food with him and when told he eats like a toddler, goes on a extended rant/presentation about ARFID. Brought some extra dino-nuggets to share with his brothers. Ends up distracted and builds a fortress for the dino-nuggets to live in. Konrad: So much food! He has no idea where to look first. Eats very fast and has no table manners. Despite this, he wonβ€˜t touch his veggies, because cat. Heroically liberates Morty from both his meat and dessert. Somehow catches the rat which he nibbles on between courses.

Sang: He has perfect manners. Tries everything on the table, does a extensive food criticism. Definetly asks for the recipies of some things, the cook is crying in joy. At some point goes on a long tangent about food on Baal and how good snakes taste. Everyone is shocked that Sang would be a fan of raw snakemeat. He isnβ€˜t very picky. Also eyeing Konrads rat and Lions pidgeons. Ferrus: Not enough stones for his taste. Attempts to also eat the plate. Very worried about Fulgrim and kind of hoovering around him. Lactoseintolerant and is carefull not to end up having a horrible stomach ache, Angron: The nails make tablemanners difficult, he has decided that everything is fingerfood. Surprisingly calm, ripping apart food probally helps. Rob: He got the menu weeks in advance to mentally prepare. Still, it is difficult to eat so much new food. He is kind of regretting that he didnβ€˜t bring his own food like Rogal. Someone notices how stressed out he is and asks the cook if they can send him some spaghetti. This helps a lot. Morty: Meat just gives him the ick. Canβ€˜t eat it, very glad to give his to Konrad. Very happy to eat Konrads and Lions veggies. Kind of intimidated by eating with so many people and very quiet. Looks like he thinks someone will take his food away any moment. Ends up hiding some food in his pockets to eat later, Magnus: He has brought his books with him, just in case. Not all that interested in the food, but keeps three conversations going at the same time. Later drinks two glasses of wine and is passed out, transforming into a blob of warp-goo. Horus: Loudly commenting on everyone else and what they are eating. Then Rogal lectures him and he is humbled for approximatly three minutes. Lactoseintolerant, which he fully ignores. Later loudly complains about his tummyache. Lorgar: His religion has pretty strict rules about what you can eat, so he is very angsty. But he also doesnβ€˜t want to cause problems and it looks and smells so good and Angron keeps handing him squished things and thatβ€˜s weirdly cute… Vulkan: He is just so happy that they are all here. Buys everyone some icecream for dessert. He has brought his mothers extra spicy BBQ-sauce with him and puts it on everything. It is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by everyone not from Nocturne. Corvus: Has some food-related trauma (specifically the hadnβ€˜t had emough as a kid) and so keeps eating pretty much everything handed to them. Evem tries Vulkans BBQ-Sauce, which does not end well. Vulkan buys them birdseed in exchange, which makes them very happy. Alpharius Omegon: Somehow got their hands on a McDonalds Happy Meal. Very happy to witness all the chaos

I am HERE for the vegetarian Mortarion! <3


First Captain Sigismund of the Imperial Fists for Marine Meat Monday. Again.

During his happy days at the beginning of the Great Crusade.


That time Mortarion called Typhon Typhus β€œstupid.” From Warhawk:

I've said it before, I'll say it again.

Calas "Regina George" Typhon

Man, he's fallen really fucking far from "Clever Calas," hasn't he.

(Also, love the part in this novel where Typhus lounges in a deck chair with a margarita while Mortarion's getting his ass handed to him by Jaghatai Khan. "Nope, can't come help y'all. I'm too busy. [Slurps his margarita] Too far away. [Is only a mile away from the Lion's Gate] Can't possibly get there in time."

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