
inactive: now at @washistudies!

@inkstudies / inkstudies.tumblr.com



hey everybody! you may have noticed i haven’t been posting much recently. there are a couple of reasons for this, one being it’s the end of the year, but the other, much more important reason is that i have been working on making a new blog! i will now ONLY be posting from @washistudies so please, if you enjoy my stuff, come on over and follow me there!!

how come you’re moving? it was annoying not being able to interact with everyone directly as this is only a sideblog. as well as that, this current account is quite old and not really me anymore. i decided me, my blog and my dashboard needed a fresh start! i would really really appreciate it if you guys could follow me on my new studyblr (and maybe even reblog this to let people know) but of course neither of those are necessary at all!! i just thought it was only fair that i let people know why i was going to stop posting here. thank you so much for reading and for following me on this blog for the past year, i’ll hopefully see you over on my new blog!


4.17.17 - 15/100

i’ve consumed so much apricot peach tea lemonade this quarter it’s literally running through my blood now


hey guys!!!

so this entire past month has been extremely, extremely stressful for me because i had so many exams and i only realised how hideously unprepared i was for them on the day before the exam, which was really really awful. so in the middle of september i created a studyblr to keep myself motivated + get some helpful tips from the studyblr community on how to go abt studying for tests. the results proved to be super helpful and ive resolved to keep running this blog for as long as i can, because it really helps me stay motivated and i’ve already learned so many things from the community, despite the fact that i’ve only been here for around a month.

but anyways, i decided to create this masterpost in order to help others stay motivated + keep studying not only well but also properly i.e. not necessarily studying for exams but life in general, if that makes sense.

~ staying motivated + focused

~ staying organized

~ note-taking

~ research techniques

~ essay writing

~ free online resources & courses

~ languages

~ survival tips + advice

~ mental/physical health

~ stress reliefs

~ music

i think that includes most of the best resources i could find!!! feel free to message me in case 1) any of the links are broken, 2) u want me to add on to something, 3) u have a suggestion for a masterpost [i would love that so go ahead and ask if u do] or if u just wanna talk! also, feel free to reblog and add ur own comments/resources. hope this helped!! 

- mli


Hi there (: Before reading this post, I recommend sitting down with a hot mug of tea/coffee and a packet of biscuits because this post is going to be quite long! I stumbled upon one of my very old blogposts from my fetus blog and there was a very extensive “study + exam tips” post, so I thought I’d repost it on here with some of the information tweaked (that is, fix up my grammar mistakes and make the language sound somewhat more sophisticated and structured):


Making notes: Every exam that I study for, I always write a set of notes and summaries. Personally, they’re quite useful for me because as I write notes, I also remember what I write. It depends on what types of study methods you prefer but for note-writing, here are a few tips:

  • Making it visually appealing: I recommend writing notes in a set of different colours and font sizes since it’d be easier to remember. For example, write all the main headings in capital with a highlight, and write the subheadings in red. By using a wide range of colours, you’re able to remember and visualise it easier later on.
  • Picking out what to write: Something that I struggle with whenever I write notes is choosing what to write. I’m a major word-hoarder, meaning that I’ll write everything in my notes, which is really bad since it’s not actually summarising. It’s more of copying the text word for word. Over the past few exams, I’ve learnt that in my notes, I only need the “super” main points like topic sentences at the start of each paragraph in a textbook. In text book paragraphs, most topic sentences summarise everything that will be discussed in the paragraph. Don’t go through the trouble of summarising everything because the rest of the paragraph will most likely contain examples, context, and definitions. I recommend taking small notes on these and expanding on the topic sentence.
  • Media, images and diagrams: As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words” and in notes, that is quite true. Diagrams and charts can show the same amount of information as two or three paragraphs of text. In my notes, I always aim to draw as many colourful diagrams, charts and cycles as possible. Since they’re colourful, they’re easier to visualise and remember during the exam and also, the points in which you’re meant to be studying are basically explained in diagrams.

You’ve written notes; now what? Well, after writing notes, you’ve got to start studying them. I find it good to find points that you have no clue about, and remember and practice those.

  • Create/Take quizzes: A great way to see how much of the content you’ve remembered is taking or creating quizzes. During 8th and 9th grade, I remember creating tons of quizzes for myself about the points I was meant to study. The questions were very general but they did help me to remember my notes. I recommend creating them on Powerpoint and scrolling through the slides to quiz yourself. If you aren’t bothered to create quizzes, there are always many online. Tons of educational websites have quizzes about a wide range of subjects from maths to science. At my school, my teachers used to give us past exam papers to do. If possible, you can always ask your teachers for those, or search for some online. I recommend marking down the questions you get wrong, so you can study them later.
  • Read through them: Another studying technique is also skimming through a section of your notes then reciting them aloud to test your memory. 
  • Study with other people: Your classmates are probably cramming and studying for the exam like you are, so wouldn’t it be a good idea to study with them? I recommend joining Skype calls or chats with your friends who are also studying. It’s a good way to share and examine content, as well as learn new material.

How to prepare for your exams: Okay. Now this section, I learnt through ALOT of experience. When it comes to preparing for exams physically and mentally, I absolutely suck at it. But through experience, I’ve learnt essential things that you should do to prepare for them.

  • Get enough SLEEP!: I 100% recommend you get a full night’s sleep before your exam. I used to stay up until 3 or 4am just writing notes, reciting them and repeating the procedure over and over. I would only have 2 or 3 hours sleep, having to wake up at 7am to prepare for school. The hours leading up to the exam were torturous. I was tired, groggy, and couldn’t keep my eyes open. Not to mention, I was also in a grumpy and foul mood since I was too tired. When the time to actually do the exam came around, I remember my mind just going blank as I sat there and tried to remember my notes. But I couldn’t! Because I was way too tired to remember anything! So yeah, get a good night’s sleep!
  • Eat all your meals! Back then, I used to skip meals frequently since I couldn’t afford to lose or waste time that could be spent studying. So I would go from the afternoon till the next morning with little to no food or meals. Thinking back, that probably was extremely unhealthy since I’d go to school with no food or energy in my system. I recommend taking regular food breaks, just to get your energy back up, and to make sure that you’re staying healthy!
  • Study early! Most people lose sleep and don’t eat because they have NO time at all. Study early and write your notes early for your exam. It definitely pays off in the long run and you don’t have to stuff up your sleeping patterns at all. I believe starting to write your notes when you get your assessment notification is good. It may be hard to start, but remind yourself that it’ll be beneficial in the long run!
  • Calm yourself down: Most people, including myself, panic or develop extreme nerves before an exam due to a number of reasons. The main one would probably be the idea of failing the test. I believe eating some food, drinking something warm like tea or coffee, and just ignoring the fact that you have an exam are some good ways to calm yourself down or cope with the knowledge of having an exam. It’s easier said than done, but trust me, once you persuade yourself that you’re prepared, and that you’ve studied as much as you possibly could, you’ll be much more calm. Talk to some friends about an interesting or controversial topic in the media. Or repeat to yourself that you’re going to get it over and done with, and then you’d be able to relax. 

Those are some of the study + exam tips that I’ve learnt from experience for studying for exams and coping with the bucket of nerves that come with it. Good luck studying (:


ʚ 14th mar 2017 ɞ : blue or black ink

black ink! with blue highlighter normally i use blue ink for school work, but if it’s taking notes or writing something else, black ink works with me more♡


Studying for an exam (or it is called revising in some parts of the studyblr community) can be stressful. When is studying for an exam fun anyways. Everyone tests and studies differently but here are some tips that have helped me with studying for exams and passing the exams.

Before the Exam Date (~2-3 weeks out from the exam):

  • I tend to study at least two weeks out the material that will be on the exam. If the exam covers chapter X-Z, I break up the chapters and review everyday.
  • I DO NOT cram all my material in a day or pull all nighters. This has never worked for me and plus, I value my sanity and sleep too much.
  • I review and do my homework problems as soon lecture get out.
  • Any questions I have about the material, I go to my professor’s office hours during these couple of weeks before the exams because MOST students wait the day of the exam and I don’t have time to deal with people who waited last minute to ask questions.
  • I do not study ALL day. Nope. I hate looking at the material all day and I spend about 2-4 hours on the material per day.

1 Week Before the Exam Date:

  • All homework should be completed by this time and the only problem solving I will do is for practice exams/quizzes.
  • I begin reviewing my material by either teaching it to other people, writing it all out, or rewriting important concepts over and over again.
  • I begin winding down on material. I do not let up on studying, but I also don’t spend hours reviewing/studying

Night Before the Exam Date:

  • I review a little bit that day and I try to relax that day. I have lots of test anxiety and I have to make sure I am stress-free on exam day.
  • 1-2 hours before bed, I put my books and material down and do something fun before bed such as reading a book for fun.

The Exam Date:

  • By this point, I hate looking at my material for the exam and I am so sick of looking at it so a lot of times I don’t bring it with me.
  • I listen to music before the exam, something calming.
  • I do not like to be near people before the exam. My chemistry friends were so negative and mean, I just didn’t bother with them during exam day. So I would isolate myself.
  • I do a lot of deep breathing exercises to calm my nerves and think positive thoughts. It works so much for me especially with my test anxiety.

After the Exam:

  • I go home or do something constructive like exercise after the exam. I do not like to think about the exam at all and I vacate the testing area as soon as possible because I do not want to hear about how people did.
  • I do other assignments for other classes if I have homework, but I won’t do anything for that class I took a test in. Again, I don’t like to look at the material after an exam.

Things to Think About:

Exams are hard and sometimes you won’t always get perfect grades. And that’s perfectly ok! I didn’t and I failed quite a few exams, I still passed the courses. But I didn’t let failing exams derail me completely. I had moments of doubt, but then I realized it is not worth stressing about an exam that only tests your ability to regurgitate a textbook or lecture notes back onto paper. Always have positive thoughts and NEVER second guess yourself. Good luck my peeps with exams and I hope this has helped!


Busy, busy month ┐(´д`)┌ 
Constellation inspo: Amanda Lee💫


March 🌰 week 12

The weeks are getting busier and busier hence the simpler-than-usual spread. This week I transitioned to teaching high school. Subjects: biology, chemistry and English grammar 😭


there’s nothing i love more than snacking whilst i’m studying although i’m quite frankly terrible at cooking. hence, this is a masterpost for study snack ideas as well as other recipes you might find enjoyable! [inspired by @studiyng​‘s food masterpost ily lucia!!]

study snacks

foods with benefits

hot beverages



special diets

for when you’ve got a sweet tooth

natural remedies

+ my masterposts

this is all from me today, hope you guys enjoyed it + are ready to cook up some nice stuff [try the grapes + bananas if you like them at least, you will not regret it!] 💟

-helena xx


{13.03.17} i did up a study schedule for my one week of march break!!! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و ok ngl… i’m not sure if i’m gonna follow everything strictly (cause u know, procrastination), but i’m gonna try my best!!!

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