
What kind of a woman doesn't have an axe?

@a-cloudy-dreamy-day / a-cloudy-dreamy-day.tumblr.com

INTJ | Scorpio
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who are alive.”

Howard Thurman


one of the most challenging skills i've had to learn as an adult is the art of figuring out whether i'm proportionally annoyed with someone or just tired and overstimulated and looking for reasons to be pissed off

“Discipline is getting up at six A.M. in Hollywood when you’d rather be in New York waking at eleven. Discipline, too, is learning something new and strange or refusing a second piece of cinnamon toast. Discipline is not putting things off until tomorrow. If today is for buying spring clothes, you buy them. If now is the time to take singing lessons, you take them now, not next year. Next year you can take singing lessons, too, but they are next year’s lessons. There’s a time for everything.”

— Grace Kelly on self-discipline (Photoplay - February 1955)


my everyday nonnegotiable to-do list

  • drink water
  • eat comfort food
  • meditate for about an hour
  • journal for about 30min-1hr
  • spend time with the ones i love
  • make my bed as soon as i wake up
  • cuddle and playtime with my furbabies
  • ample amount of time away from my phone
  • brainstorm session : ideas for my blogs, irl tasks
  • skin care routine when i wake up and before bed
  • read a few chapters of the current book i’m reading
  • me time : time alone to think, watch my comfort shows, listen to music - dance around my room etc

Yeah it's tiring. Yeah it's draining. Yeah it's all a cycle now. But we owe it to our wide eyed 10 year old selves to try to break the cycle and try to get started towards the happy life they imagined us in. I'm not talking about those same goals, no, they must have changed ages ago. I'm talking about the mental well-being they imagined us with. For that, we'll need to achieve the life we dream of presently and good news: it can be done. And at any stage in life. It's never too late because as long as you're alive, it'll never be too late.

Even rocks are worn down by flowing water. We can reach our goal with continuous steps, regardless of the size of those steps. We just have to remember to take those steps.


You know what always messes me up emotionally with satosugu???

The fucking Toji and Geto fight where Geto realises Gojo is dead.

Like the soundtrack is incredible for Hidden Inventory but we do NOT talk about this scene enough?!? About that INSANELY beautiful part in "With Rage" which just feels like the perfect representation of Geto's breakdown and anger in song.


I remember watching this and like legit sobbing because hes so reserved but here he loses it and doesn't hold back and even then he realises it's just not enough. He's not enough. Riko died in front of him, he thinks Gojo is dead and then he loses to Toji and finds out Gojo survived but he's not right, he's changed. Like the Gojo pre and post that is very different.

Like we talk about Gojo feeling like Geto died a long time before he had to kill him but do you ever think Geto felt like Gojo had already died to him too? That it didn't matter that Gojo had come back because to Geto he lost everything that day and knew he would never be able to get it back.


I think it’s really important to write down how you feel when you actually feel good. Write about the environment, what you’re thinking, hearing, seeing–It’s necessary to take notice and be aware of that. I feel good right now because the window is open and there’s a nice light breeze coming in, and because it’s silent in my room, and not an anxiety inducing silence but a comforting one. You don’t have to pull out a notepad every single time it happens but every single one of us experiences one moment, however small, as being comfortable and safe, and I think they’re worth remembering. I think if I do this more often it’ll help with my crashes in the future. It’s not much but it’s something. It feels like a meditative state that I didn’t plan or force myself into but that the universe brought to me and it’s a nice thought.


cruelty is so easy. youre not special for choosing it

"The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain."

-Ursula K. LeGuin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas


"Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundaneness of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, I get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard." - Brennan Lee Mulligan

“Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating.”

- Simone Weil


We will NOT be stressing over people in 2024 when we could be studying and absorbing so much knowledge, learning the piano, taking up horseback riding, upgrading our skincare routines, reading so many more books, spending so much more time off our phones, giving the love rejected by some people to others who want it and return it in kind, learning music theory, taking up a language (French for me), saving up to travel, developing financial literacy, focusing on our goals, revamping our fashion sense, getting good at photography, carrying a camera everywhere w us, expanding our music knowledge, working out more consistently, and learning so many more recipes


life really is just like. you meet people you love them and then you lose them and you never see them again. and it's inevitable and it happens to everyone and there's nothing you can do about it


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but please don’t break promises you make to yourself just because it’s you the promise is being made to. You told yourself you’d go on a walk tomorrow morning? Do it. You said you’d get more consistent with your skincare routine? Make it happen. You promised yourself you would work on establishing boundaries regardless of who’s on the other side of them? Follow through with that. Don’t wake up the next day and go “well I don’t HAVE to do this” “it wouldn’t hurt to postpone this” “this isn’t a big deal” because it literally is. Every promise broken is another nail in the coffin of your self-actualization. It’s another major roadblock to developing healthy self-love and self-respect. Weigh promises you’ve made to yourself the same way you would weigh promises you’ve made to others.

I honestly tolerated such shitty behavior from other people before because it’s like. I didn’t respect myself enough to go through w things I want, so how can I expect other people to respect me enough to consider the way they treat me w care? And then it’s also so much easier to slip into the mentality of “they’re treating me horribly NOW but I’m sure they’ll do better in the future” “they’re not there yet but they will be” because that’s what you tell yourself when you don’t follow through w things. Other people’s subpar behavior towards you is acceptable because YOUR subpar behavior towards yourself is acceptable. I think this is what people mean when they say you have to love yourself in order to accept healthy love from other people. If you don’t think you’re worthy enough of following through w your own promises to yourself, why should you think that other people perceive you as worthy enough? It legitimately all starts w you.

"All of Captain Aizen's abilities are far beyond anyone else's. You're going to take precautions against Kyoukasuigetsu? Your plans aren't good enough. You're going to take precautions against everything else? Your plans still aren't good enough. Even if you gather your minds, and take precautions against unfortunate events like the sky falling or the Earth splitting, Captain Aizen's abilities are far beyond your plans."
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