
To me, you are magic.

@cozy-like-autumn / cozy-like-autumn.tumblr.com

25. The Mary Jane to a Peter Parker. Pastel/goth/pinup. Gamer, reader, & movie lover.

why you should reblog and support content creators

i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and became a content creator in 2014/5, so i’ve been here for years and I can confirm that: people barely reblog posts now and it’s becoming an issue. yes content creators make stuff mostly for them, but if we post them it’s so people can see and enjoy it. and this happens when you hit “reblog

the likes/reblogs ratios is a big disaster. when I first started, the reblogs were like 70% of a post with 30% of likes. now it’s 10% reblogs and 90% likes. likes are good, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t give us visibility.

reblogging = sharing posts to your followers. it’s easy and quick


  • reblogs are important because it motivates people to create stuff and create more
  • it’s a great way to introduce your followers to a show/an artist/sports. i don’t wanna throw myself flowers but a few of my followers got into motorsport because I was reblogging posts about it (and also creating gifs and edits)
  • reblogs are a great way to make new friends because your followers/mutuals will see you have stuff in common and it will help to engage a conversation and start a friendship.
  • content creators spend a lot of time editing and a reblog shows that these hours weren’t lost 
  • reblogging helps us making our work be seen as tumblr’s tags are sometimes broken and they don’t appear in tags
  • it encourages people to create more and. i’m posting graphics and reblogs are encouraging me to keep posting them and creating more
  • top bonus is when you leave nice stuff in the tags. we see them and we love it and we love you
  • reblog because it’s free and the button exists for a reason
  • there is many more reasons but i won’t spam you


  • we are nice
  • we provide stuff for free
  • we take requests and make stuff you ask for
  • we share our resources: colorings, writing tips, where to get pictures, where to get fonts, tutorials, links for softwares
  • because we struggle a lot with tumblr’s tags
  • because people are sometimes rude to us and send rude asks (ex: writers - to publish their writings sooner)
  • because our work is being stolen by people claiming it’s theirs
  • because our work is being reposted on other social medias without asking us and crediting

i’m not pointing a gun to your face screaming “REBLOG”, i’m just telling you that if you like a post, you should think about reblogging it so your followers can see it and you’ll make one person happy <3


invite me to your discord server so i can immediately become overwhelmed, mute it, and never interact with any of you ever again

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