
Depollute Me, Pretty Baby


Anonymous asked:

You know that Ada Limón poem where she’s like “i can’t help it i love the way men love”? my dad recently confessed to me that he became a shoemaker because they buried my grandma shoeless



Accident Report in the Tall, Tall Weeds - Ada Limón

“Although McCartney has lost people close to him since he was a young teenager, the death of George 16 months ago came as a shattering blow. “It was different from my mum’s and John’s and Linda’s because theirs were sudden and we knew George had been very ill for a while. “But it was very, very sad because I loved him so much,” says McCartney in his Barcelona dressing-room, still choked by the loss of the life-long pal he persuaded John Lennon to let into The Beatles all those years ago. “I’d just been through cancer with Linda and here I was going through it all over again with a mate of 50 years. He wasn’t my immediate family but he almost was. He’d always felt like my little brother.” He takes a breath, focuses on a point in the distance, mutters “What a lovely boy” then carries on. “The last time I met him, he was very sick and I held his hand for four hours. As I was doing it I was thinking, ‘I’ve never held his hand before, ever. This is not what two Liverpool fellas do, no matter how well you know each other.’ “I kept thinking, ‘He’s going to smack me here.’ But he didn’t. He just stroked my hand with his thumb and I thought, ‘Ah, this is OK, this is life. It’s tough but it’s lovely. That’s how it is.’ I knew George before I knew any of the others and I loved that man. I’m so proud to have known him. “Still, as sad as it was, you take the great bit, which was that last time you saw him, and that’s what you remember. That and all the other lovely memories.””

— Paul McCartney, interview w/ Brian Reade for The Mirror. (April 7th, 2003)

Aaaaand here come the waterworks


lmao id HATE to be a human who lives near warrior cat clans………….not only do u probably hear cats fighting like all the fucking time and sometimes it sounds like 100 cats fighting out of NOWHERE but you cant even enjoy a full moon bc if those stupid cats start getting mad at each other then clouds are gonna start appearing over it and ruin ur picture. if one of the clans falls apart AGAIN then youre gonna get a shitty rainstorm until they join paws and realize for the 2000x time that they Need To Stick Together tm. i’d fucking hate it

…this post made me realise I know absolutely nothing about Warrior Cats.


Imagine going to the Oracle at Delphi and it’s one of those days where her brain’s overshot the immediate future so all she’s doing is spouting no context memes.

Some Greek statesman: Great Oracle, will my city survive the attack from the Phoenicians?

Oracle, starring at the wall: They did surgery on a grape

Some poor fuck that’s traveled on foot for five days to get there: Might Oracle, how can I save my family from destitution?

Oracle, face down on the tile: To the left, take it back now y'all

This is quite possibly the funniest thing in existence


Why do the different peoples of Middle Earth fight each other instead of bonding over their one shared value: building dangerous architecture without handrails?

Like. Come on. Architects in Middle Earth are, irregardless of species, impractical bastards with murder in their hearts. 

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