
Tell me, can a heart be turned to stone?

@grayathena / grayathena.tumblr.com

Nothing special confirmed. 26 year old cis female, she/her pronouns. Writing blog is love-and-monsters.

The people of Gaza are asking for YOUR help today. Here are some VETTED campaigns you should donate to and share widely.

(may 23rd):

This list is supposed to call you to action. Please do not scroll past without contributing. Choose at least one fundraiser to support today. $5 can save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.



-transitioning to female = higher evasion rate

-transitioning to male = higher crit rate

-no matter the gender, stealing from kecleon will kill you if you’re underprepared


[ID: An Instagram post from bdsnationalcommittee. It is an image reading: "Boycott these companies, now. The only list of companies to boycott for their complicity in the genocide of Palestinians that you need to share. Consumer boycott targets of the BDS movement: AXA, Puma, Carrefour, Caltex, Siemens, HP, Chevron, Remax, Texaco, Ahava, and Sodastream. Organic boycotts supported by the BDS movement: McDonald's, Domino's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, and Wix." /End ID]


€330,653 raised of €350,000 goal!!!

this group distributes food, vegetables, and other cooking supplies as well as everyday essentials (clothes, water, medicine) to families in North, Central, and South Gaza!


For those not in the know, this is one of the Amanita mushrooms referred to as a Destroying Angel. Never, ever, ever, ever forage with an app. Especially for mushrooms.


By existing as a citizen in and paying taxes to the imperial core, we automatically hold complicity in imperialist oppression because we are literally footing the bill for it. That is just the basic nature of being born to privilege in systems of oppression in general. We can be disadvantaged and marginalized in every single other consideration and we still have to understand and cope with this, and ensure we leverage it as effectively as possible.

Voting abstinence/sabotage does not absolve us of our responsibility to do everything in our power to lessen harm, but it DOES show that when our personal morals aren't satisfied, we retreat into (imperialist, this time) privilege to 'wash our hands' of the situation and declare it's not our fault and it's not our problem.

In other words “I know the trolley is gonna kill more people this way but the lever is icky and it’s more important that my hands don’t feel gross than it is that fewer people die. I’m a good person, watch me continue to shovel fuel into the trolley and preach against its trajectory while doing absolutely nothing about it”.


reblogging with @azriona's tags because YES

if the candidates hold the same views on issue 1, look at issue 2, and issue 3, and issue 4. you WILL find ways to differentiate them and find that one of them is more closely aligned with your views. it's not rocket science.


Also nearly every single Republican voted in favor of sending money and weapons to Israel every time, but the majority of Democrats voted against it. The presidency also determines which of those two parties has more control overall. The majority of the Democrat party right now not only stands against genocide but also want to keep food assistance and health are for the poor and the disabled, they want to block any nationwide abortion ban, they don't want to increase martial law, and they haven't been trying to suppress the votes of marginalized groups.

No matter who Trump and Biden are themselves, Trump has a fully, unapologetically fascist party that will have more power to implement their big master fascism plan with him in that single stupid fucking seat. Both will keep war crimes going but one wants to make sure war crimes are astronomically easier to get away with and hopes their policies will just kill off LGBT people and immigrants.


I need this current EDS flareup to end. I just sneezed, braced myself to try and avoid damaging my collarbone/ribs, and subluxated my tailbone instead.

Why am I more noodly than usual? What is happening?!

If it makes you feel any better, I've likely never twisted my ankle either. I thought I was, but when I showed my physical therapist what I thought a twisted ankle was she put her hand over her eyes and informed me that's a subluxation and to please stop doing it.

In my defense, when people said they twisted their ankles, I thought, y'know, they meant it twisted. Turns out not so much...


No, as someone who needed reconstructive ankle surgery because I kept twisting and breaking it: it usually turns sideways once, hurts like a bitch, and then it keeps hurting for ages. It doesn't go... like... like twisted. Nor does it stay that way. If that's what you're saying.

Yeah. That. Also excuse me, your tags.



I'll never get over how depressing it is how most young girls are told their first time is supposed to hurt, how most teenage girls have a painful 'first time' and are just, expected to tolerate it and told it's completely normal and healthy and good. How callous the teenage boys they sleep with and give them bad painful sex are about causing these teenage girls pain and discomfort and even making her bleed from a chaffed or torn vagina. How many girls and young women push themselves into bad painful sex and tolerate it just because they're told that's normal and they need to. How fucking callous cis boys and men are to this, how cis boys and men just go "haha yeah sex is like pizza, even when it's bad it's pretty good!" because they didn't grow up being told they needed to tolerate pain and bleeding from sex, they didn't have to choke back tears of pain during their first time or first several times or during any unpleasant sexual encounter. I'll never stop being furious over how one sided sex is supposed to be in a patriarchal society.

I'll never get over how normalized coercion is. I'll never stop being furious how much I heard boys joking "50 no's and 1 yes is still a yes!" during my formative years, and hearing my friends talk about how they only had sex (that they hated and was painful) because their boyfriend wouldn't stop nagging them. I'll never stop being furious about all the coercion and pain teenage girls are expected to endure in their sex lives.

I agree that being told to expect pain during your first time is traumatising, and being expected to endure pain during sex is horrible. Sexual education should include information about everything that might cause discomfort to the person who is on the receiving end of sexual penetration, and advice on how to prevent it.

Tons of articles and also many people in the comments on this post say that foreplay can prevent pain during penetration - and of course it's true that people with vaginas require sufficient arousal, which leads to lubrication and relaxation of the vagina, in order to have comfortable sex.

However, one of the factors that affect whether the person is able to have comfortable vaginal penetration is the character of their hymenal tissue, which is rarely talked about nowadays because it seems like sometimes even mentioning this anatomical structure is seen as perpetuation of the inaccurate and heteronormative social construct of virginity. So I want to assure you that I do NOT believe in the concept of virginity and I am only talking about human anatomy here.

The hymen, also called the hymenal ring or the vaginal corona, is skin-like tissue that frames the vaginal opening - typically it is a few millimetres behind the vaginal opening itself. The thickness and elasticity of the tissue, and the size and shape of the opening (sometimes multiple openings) are extremely diverse: some hymens are fragile enough to tear during completely non-sexual activities such as exercise, some are stretchy enough to accommodate even penile penetration without tearing. Some people with vaginas are born without any hymenal tissue at all, and on the other end of the spectrum there are hymens that prevent menstrual fluid from leaving the vagina so a surgery is necessary to create a sufficient opening.

Just like tearing any other innervated tissue in our bodies, tearing the hymen might cause significant pain in some people. Thankfully, many people have the kind of hymenal tissue that doesn't hurt when stretched slowly and gradually, for example with tampon use or masturbation. Therefore people with vaginas who want to start having penetrative sex should be encouraged to get used to penetration with one or more fingers before trying to put anything thicker inside their vagina.

I think it's a little problematic that the diversity of genital anatomy and its effects on sex are so often forgotten. People who have comfortable and painless first times tend to say that foreplay and being turned on helped them but the truth is that they also very likely had sufficiently elastic or sufficiently stretched out hymenal tissue as well. And people who experience pain are usually told that they weren't turned on enough or their partner wasn't careful enough (that often is the case I'm not denying that at all), but in some cases, the reason for the pain might have been actual physical tissue stretching or tearing regardless of how much they wanted to have sex or how gentle their partner was, and the pain could have been avoided If only they had been told that the hymen was a thing and there were ways to prepare it for penetration in advance.

That's why we shouldn't just say "your first time shouldn't hurt and if it does, your partner is doing something wrong". We should say "there are several things to ensure that your first time is comfortable, and getting used to penetration beforehand is one of them." This attitude also increases the probability that people notice if they have an atypical hymen (such as the microperforate, septate or cribriform type) before attempting penile penetration, and instead of suffering pain and possibly significant bleeding from tearing the tissue, they can go talk to a doctor instead (sometimes a quick surgery in local anesthesia is enough to solve the problem).

*waves* I would also love it if medical professionals could consider examining hymen tissue for atypical development as part of their jobs because I went through nine motherfucking years of attempted Pap smears including a transvaginal fucking ultrasound before anyone noticed that I had an imperforate hymen. I could have done without that source of medical trauma please and fucking thank you.


ghost kitchens being legal is weird to me. like why does chick e cheese have a side hustle as a fake restaurant

doordash drivers need to leak the ghost kitchen locations


here are the ones i can think of:

apps all around, conviction chicken, wow bao, krispy rice, stonie bowls, kumi: tgi fridays

the burger den, banda burrito, the meltdown: dennys

hootie's burger bar/bait and tackle, chase elliot's chicken tenders: hooters

pasqually's pizza: chuck e. cheese

bird dawgs, wild burger: buffalo wild wings

pardon my cheesesteak: bertuccis

thrilled cheese, super mega dilla: ihop


Every episode of house be like:

A small child is visibly ill. They start coughing and clutching their throat, but whips out an inhaler and they’re fine. Oh shit! The man across the street just started bleeding out of both of his eyeballs!

Cut to house grimacing in pain and swallowing too much Vicodin.

Differential! Go! Shut up chase you’re an idiot.

They do a bunch of tests, everything is inconclusive!

We need to biopsy the patients eyeballs!

Cut to foreman explaining to the family about how invasive and dangerous a biopsy is.

Biopsy is inconclusive. Cut to house and Wilson. Wilson gives a long introspective dialogue about how houses addiction is deeply rooted in his own self hatred and that he pushes people away to further punish himself.

Epiphany time! Give the patient the medicine drug!

Patient is saved. House and Wilson eye fuck each other while going out for drinks.


This is how you get blocked. I am very passionate about my love of hated species and very petty about online bug vitriol.

Reasons mosquitoes are good:

  • Mosquitoes pollinate
  • Mosquitoes can repopulate and restore dead wetland because their larvae don't need oxygenated water. A mosquito boom is step #1 in restoring wetland
  • Mosquitoes drive caribou migrations and prevent overgrazing and overpopulation
  • Mosquitoes are an unbelievably important food source for birds, amphibians, and predatory insects like dragonflies and diving beetles
  • Mosquitoes are able to feed on megafauna (like deer), and can move nutrients from the top of the food chain down to the bottom of the food chain without killing megafauna. Mosquitoes allow birds and bats to eat deer, and no deer has to die in the process
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