
Reylo gives me life


AO3 is imtotallystoked, currently working on Reylo fic, Schism. If I follow you, it'll show up as my main blog, imtotallystoked. Art tagged as reyxkylo art, writing tagged as reyxkylo writing. Original posts tagged My Post. Header image edited by adanceofdragons. I've shipped pretty much everything at one point or another, no hate here

Sibling asked how ppl in star wars dance to jizz music and I had to give her an example

its literally not a typo,,,, thats what the genre of the music in the video is called in star wars canon


Well, when you put it that way. 🤯


then when Vader meets his son in law (!) the next time for a nice meal he gets shot at and he's like okay I'm freezing this son of a bitch for later


Going absolutely insane bc Obi Wan literally gave up the rest of his life for Anakin. He spent over a decade wasting away in a desert to protect Anakin’s children from Anakin. He saved Anakin’s daughter and watched over Anakin’s son, all while having raised Anakin himself when he wasn’t ready. He stayed with Anakin’s wife when she was alone in one of the darkest moments of her life and stayed with her as she died. Everything he did can he tied back to Anakin. He gave everything for Anakin and loved him so much, even when anyone else would’ve given up, and in the end, Anakin was the one who killed him.


And even then he still didn't give up on Anakin, even after Anakin killed him, he still spent his afterlife watching over Anakin's son, he still was there to help him over to becoming a Force Ghost. Not even literal death itself could stop Obi-Wan from loving Anakin.

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