
日本語 lazy langblr

@littlelazystudyblr / littlelazystudyblr.tumblr.com

/ 27 / F / Studying linguistics / dyslexic / idc if my grammar is bad / ON HIATUS

Vegan vocabulary: Mandarin Chinese

Vegetarianism   素食主义者   sùshí zhǔyì zhě

Veganism 纯素主义   chún sù zhǔyì

I am a vegetarian.   我是一个素食者。   Wǒ shì yīgè sùshí zhě. I do not eat meat.   我不吃肉。   Wǒ bù chī ròu. I eat eggs and dairy products.   我吃鸡蛋和奶制品。   Wǒ chī jīdàn hé nǎi zhìpǐn.

I am a vegan.   我个是纯素者。Wǒ shì gè chún sù zhě. I do not eat eggs or dairy products at all.   我根本不吃鸡蛋或乳制品。   Wǒ gēnběn bù chī jīdàn huò rǔ zhìpǐn.

Do you have any vegetarian (vegan) dishes?   你们有素食(纯素食)菜吗?   Nǐ men yǒu sùshí (chún sùshí) cài ma?

纯素主义是一种生活方式,志在尽可能排除对动物的所有剥削虐待。 Chún sù zhǔyì shì yī zhǒng shēnghuó fāngshì, zhì zài jǐn kěnéng páichú duì dòngwù de suǒyǒu bōxuè nüèdài. Veganism is a way of life, aiming to eliminate all exploitation and abuse of animals as much as possible.

动物产品 包含所有形式的   Animal products include all forms of Dòngwù chǎnpǐn bāohán suǒyǒu xíngshì de 肉   ròu    meat 禽   qín   birds 鱼   yú   fish 贝   bèi   shell 蛋   dàn   eggs 乳制品   rǔ zhìpǐn   dairy products 毛皮   máopí   fur 皮革   pígé   leather 毛料   máoliào   wool 昆虫产品   kūnchóng chǎnpǐn   insect products 丝   sī   silk 蜂蜜   fēngmì   honey 副产品例如   fùchǎnpǐn lìrú   by-products such as 明胶   míngjiāo    gelatin 凝乳   níng rǔ   curd 乳清   rǔ qīng   whey



It’s not difficult to learn a foreign language; it’s just like making friends. These friends become more and more familiar after meeting each day, and then nothing can come between them.

-Gao Shiqi


LGBT Chinese vocabulary

同性恋- homosexuality

同性恋者- homosexual person

同性婚姻- same sex marriage

双性恋- bisexuality

双性恋者- bisexual person

变性人- transgender person

我支持同性婚姻- I support same sex marriage

Literary phrases referring to mlm:

分桃- left over peach - comes from a story where a guy offered his noble lover a peach he had already eaten from, which would normally be seen as super out of line for a commoner to do, but since the noble loved him he was cool with it.

断袖- cut sleeve - comes from a story where a guy’s lover was asleep on his sleeve so he cut it because he didn’t want to wake his lover up



How to be polite in Chinese

Phrases to say in response to 谢谢:

不客气:you’re welcome

不谢/不用谢:no need

没事: no problem

这是我应该做的:I’m just doing what I should

小事一桩: it’s no biggie (unlike my translation, this phrase is actually really formal)

乐意之举: it’s my pleasure (formal)

举手之劳,不足挂齿: no need to say anything, it was a small thing (very formal)

Phrases to use in response to someon praising you:

哪里哪里: literally translates to where where but people say this when complimented

过奖过奖:your praise is too high!

不敢当: I don’t deserve it

谢谢你的夸奖,我会更加努力: thanks for the complement, I’ll keep working hard. (For when teachers/bosses compliment you)



それは 「しあわせとはー」 。






LGBTQ+ Vocabulary in Korean

엘지비티 - LGBT 동성애 - homosexuality 동성애자 - homosexual 동성 - same sex 여성 동성애자 / 레즈비언 - lesbian 남성 동성애자 / 게이 - gay 성전환자 / 트랜스젠더 - transgender 양성애자 / 바이섹슈얼 - bisexual 양성애 - bisexuality 범성애자 / 팬섹슈얼 - pansexual 범성애 - pansexuality 무성애자 - asexual 무성애 - asexuality 넌바이너리 - nonbinary 성정체성 - gender identity 성지향성 - sexual orientation 동성결혼 - same sex marriage 커밍아웃을 하다 - to come out 동성애 혐오 - homophobia 동성애 혐오자 - homophobe

Happy pride month!




How to use the water 

1.) 左手を清める。


Purify left hand.

2.) 右手を清める。


Purify right hand.

3.) 左手に水を受け、口をすすぐ もう一度左手を、清める。

ひだりてにみずをうけ、くちをすすぐ もういちどひだりてを、きよめる。

Put water in left hand, sip and once more purify left hand.

4.) 柄杓をたてて,柄に水を流し、柄杓を伏せて元の位置に戻す。


Stand up the ladle, Flow the water through the handle, lay the ladle faced down and return it the original position.



Do not put your mouth on the ladle.

Do this before you enter a shrine, guys!


Different kanji for numbers

大字「だいじ」 alternative kanji for numbers are used mostly in legal documents, official records and such with the purpose of making it harder to alter and falsificate numbers (this also explains why they don’t use 弌 弐 弎 at the same time). Some of these characters also appear on currency (弐千円、壱万円) and mahjong tiles (伍、萬). And even without going anywhere near legal documents I randomly encountered enough alternative and archaic kanji that I felt the need to dig a little deeper into this.

Common kanji: alternative used in documents (archaic/outdated versions). Info and image from wiki.

  1. 一:壱(壹、弌)
  2. 二:弐(貳、貮)
  3. 三:参(參、弎)
  4. 四:肆
  5. 五:伍
  6. 六:陸
  7. 七:漆(柒)
  8. 八:捌
  9. 九:玖
  10. 十:拾、什
  • 百:陌、佰
  • 千:阡、仟
  • 万:萬

Now, some of the above kanji may seem familiar, because THEY ARE. Here are some words with them:

  • 陸「りく」 land, shore
  • 参る「まいる」 to go, to come (humble); to visit
  • 参加「さんか」 participation
  • 漆「うるし」 lacquer, varnish
  • 捌く「さばく」 to handle well, to deal with
  • 玖馬「キューバ」 Cuba (ateji)
  • 拾う「ひろう」 to pick up, to gather

手/”hand” expressions

(hope you find these handy)

手が上がる・てがあがる to improve at something 

手が空く・てがすく to have a hand free [i.e. to be available to do something]

手が込む・てがこむ to be intricate; to be something to keep one’s hands busy with [crafts, chores, intricate tasks, etc.]

手がかかる to be a handful; to require a lot of attention and care [as in a child]

手が出ない・てがでない to be impossible

手がふさがる to have one’s hands full with something [i.e. to be preoccupied/busy]

手が離れる・てがはなれる to distance onesself from something

手を拱く・てを(こまねく or こまぬく*)  to fold one’s arms  [i.e. to stand by and do nothing]

*I think both readings are interchangeable, but as always I defer to a native speaker.


Japanese English | 和製英語 Hey guys, so most Japanese learners would know that katakana is used mostly for words that have been borrowed from other languages. However, I’ve come across many Japanese words in katakana that appear to be of English origin, but are in fact not. This is called 和製英語「わせいえいご」, which can be translated as “Japanese English/Japanese-made English”. Below are a list of 和製英語 that I have come across a lot during my studies! If you know of anymore please feel free to reblog this post and add to it! Japanese English・和製英語・わせいえいご: Arcade・ゲームセンター・Gemu senta Autograph・サイン・Sain Apartment Complex・マンション・Manshon Bikini Model・グラビアアイドル・Gurabia aidoru Bread・パン・Pan Celebrity・タレント・Tarento Chips/French Fries・フライドポテト・Furaido poteto Complaint・クレーム・Kuremu Concert・ライブ・Raibu Dress・ワンピース・Wanpisu French Kiss・ディープキス・Diipu kisu Key Chain/Key Ring・キーホルダー・Kihoruda Laptop・ノートパソコン・Notopasokon Office Worker・サラリーマン・Sararii man One Size Fits All・フリーサイズ・Furisaizu Part-time Job・アルバイト・Arubaito Petrol Station・ガソリンスタンド・Gasorin sutando Plug Socket/Power Outlet・コンセント・konsento Reception・フロント・Furonto Roller Coaster・ジェットコースター・Jettokosuta Thong/G-String・Tバック・T-bakku Zipper・チャック・Chyakku


Ok, I’ll add some from my anki deck:

アイメイト (eye mate) guide dog アットホーム (at home) cozy オートバイ (auto bike) motorcycle ガッツポーズ (guts pose) triumphant pose, fist pump シスターボーイ (sister boy) sissy スキンシップ (skinship) physical contact  スリーサイズ (three size) bust-waist-hip measurements チャームポイント (charm point) most attractive feature of a person ポリタンク (poly tank) plastic container マイペース (my pace) doing things at one’s own pace レジャーシート (leisure sheet) picnic sheet ワンパターン (one pattern) predictable, repetitive ワイドショー (wide show) talk show

Guess I add some abbreviations too, they are pretty cool.

アメフト American football エアコン air conditioner エンタメ entertainment​ ドンマイ don’t mind ポテチ potato chips マスコミ mass communication ラノベ light novel リモコン remote control

I’ll add a few too I suppose, some I found, and some I was already aware of.

アイスキャンデー (ice candy) a popsicle

アンチ (anti) a hater

アフターサービス (after service) service under warranty

オムライス (omlette rice, but shortened) an omlette w/ a mixture of ketchup and fried rice as a filling

オーダーメイド (order made) made-to-order/ custom-made

オーライall right, OK

エンゲージリング engagement ring

キャッチホン (catch phone) on hold

キャッチボール (catch ball) to play catch

ベビーカー (baby car) a stroller

レベルアップ get better/ improve (also obviously can be used the same as level up in English)

電子レンジ (electron range) microwave

スレチ ( thread and ???) an off-topic thread on a forum

ラブコメ rom-com

パーカー hoodie

リサイクルショップ (recycle shop) second-hand store

バックミラー (back mirror) rearview mirror

ホチキス stapler

シール (seal) sticker/ seal

シュール(な) surreal

アメリカンドッグ (american dog) corndog

モーニングコール (morning call) wake-up call

サービスエリア (service area) rest stop

ペットボトル plastic bottle

カンニング (cunning) cheating

サマータイム (summertime) daylight savings time

ゼミ seminar

ゲーセン game center (shorter ver.)

オーブントースター(oven toaster) toaster oven

レントゲン写真 (roentgen photograph) an X-ray

Also, as far as I’m aware, アルバイト comes from the German word Arbeit, so it isn’t really 和製英語. Cool list though!

Quizletでフラッシュカード作ったよ!一緒に勉強で頑張ろう( ´∀` )


ゆたか‏ @yutaka7

冷凍バナナそのまま凍らせてかてぇ~ってなりながら齧ってたたんですけど、 潰して冷凍すると食べやすいということを近年ネットで知りました。 インターネット100ばんめのサル

Source: twitter.com
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