
@suratan-zir / suratan-zir.tumblr.com

There will be no more new sims content on this (main) blog. It's a personal/war/rat/whatever blog now. You don't have to follow me back, it's okay. I'm Katerina or Kate, she/her, 28 y/o, Ukrainian. [ts2 gameplay blog: suratanontherun] [ts2cc blog: suratan-cc] [nature photography blog: nature-scares-me]

Information for anyone who wants to make a donation in support of Ukraine:

These are the main platforms that most Ukrainians (myself included) regularly use to donate to support our armed forces. Ukraine needs military aid, because only through victory we can achieve peace. Russia's only goal is to destroy us. If Russia is not defeated, there will be no future for Ukraine.

These funds buy vehicles for the evacuation of the wounded, thermal imagers, body armor and everything else our defenders need to survive.

Any help, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. Thank you ❤️


Gronk outsmarts us every single day. Three days with improvised traps and another three days with two store-bought mouse traps. Zero results.

We're dealing with a mouse mastermind. So far we've used hot dogs, nacho chips, crackers and peanut butter to lure them in. Nothing worked. We set one trap right at the entrance to the mouse hole in the wall, and another one under the table where the mouse was spotted yesterday.

I really think we're dealing with one or two mice, not much more. If not caught, it will eventually be eaten by our cats and I really, REALLY don't want that to happen. Not to the mice, not to the cats who might catch parasites or get poisoned by eating the poor buggers.

Please, if you've had any positive experience catching mice or luring them with certain foods, share your wisdom with me. The internet mostly says peanut butter, but it's clearly not working.


Hi there, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.

The pain is caused by a Pineal Cyst. Pineal cysts are relatively common, 1-2% of the population has one, but it is not common that they cause symptoms. Few doctors on this planet even believe they do cause symptoms.

I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again. The only hospital that offers this surgery in my country, England, is deciding whether it wants to bear the risk of offering this surgery after I was on the waiting list for 6 months. I have found two European surgeons who can perform this surgery and believe I am a good candidate for it.

Needless to say, I, being a disabled unemployed person, cannot afford the surgery. I should be able to have it free on the NHS but it is not routinely offered so they won't fund me getting it abroad.

I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain. Doctors don't care about this cyst because it's not a threat to my life. Anti-depressants can only dull the pain so much.

Can people please reblog this, no matter how small your blog is, so that it can get traction?


My mother lacks basic human empathy skills. Or I am overthinking it. It happened a couple of months ago, but I still think about it sometimes. TW: mention of infidelity

Since my parents moved out from their half of the house in my hometown to Donetsk city, they rent out that half to a young family (for a very low price, mostly so that it's lived in and not stolen by russians, who live in the other half, by the way). They check on it from time to time, also visit to grab some of their things.

One day my mother calls me and says in her most cheerful, uncomfortably high-pitched voice that she has when she gets very excited: "You don't know what just happened! I'm about to tell you a funny story!" Okay, most of her "funny" stories aren't funny at all, but I wasn't expecting this level of unfunny.

It went something like this: "Your father and I went to our dentist, and on the way back we decided to go to the house to pick up some things. We knew that the door would be locked, because N. recently gave birth to twins and she and the babies are now in the hospital in X. city, they were born with some health conditions, I don't know exactly. So imagine our surprise when the door turned out to be unlocked. We go in, her husband is at home, there is a mess, women's clothes are scattered, the bed is unmade and a half-naked giggling girl quickly runs into the bathroom. Just imagine! His wife is in the hospital with his babies and he's taking some girls home!" *laughs*

I'm stunned. I ask her why the hell would she think this story is funny. I don't quite remember her response, but she genuinely didn't understand why I found the story so upsetting. And no, she didn't tell the woman that she's being cheated on. Then again, I don't know what I would do in this situation.


Baton (also known as Batonius Julius Bateasar for no apparent reason) is severely underrepresented on this blog. So here he is. He'll be two in a month and so far he somehow doesn't age at all. He and Skritch act like they're the same age, even though Baton is older. In the video, he tries to get under the blanket, fails and gets frustrated.


You know how they say that cats in the house keep mice away? It's also believed that mice will not settle in a house where rats live.

Welp, guess what. We have two cats, rats and a dog in the house. We also live on the second floor. And we have a mouse living in our kitchen wall. Assuming it's only one mouse, which is unlikely, I know.

I named the mouse Gronk. Gronk loves living on the edge. They made a hole in the wall directly by the cat's food bowl. I observed how Gronk came out of the hole, went to the bowl, most likely took some food and calmly returned to back the hole. He (she?) is beautiful, grey and tiny. If you know anything about me, I have an unhealthy obsession with rodents. My poor heart could barely handle the cuteness.

The problem is - our cat discovered Gronk first. He now knows there's mice and from time to time tries to find them. I don't want him to injure Gronk and leave him to die a painful death. We ordered some humane traps, but it will take days to get here. We used to have one, but I gave it to Savita… After that, every day she would send me photos of the mice caught in the house she was staying, untill the mice infestation on the frontlines became so bad that she got sick of trying to save them.

Anyway. I tried setting up a trap with a bucket and peanut butter. But Gronk is smarter than that. Hopefully Gronk doesn't give birth to twenty more baby Gronks in our walls while we wait for those traps…

I see likes and reblogs because of the mention of Savita, so here are some of those mice photos she sent me. Yes, that's the kind of person she was. She was fighting a war, sacrificing everything for the cause, living in hell, yet still she tried to save lives whenever she could. Even the smallest, most insifnificant lives. She was an angel. She tried her best. Forever in my memory.


You know how they say that cats in the house keep mice away? It's also believed that mice will not settle in a house where rats live.

Welp, guess what. We have two cats, rats and a dog in the house. We also live on the second floor. And we have a mouse living in our kitchen wall. Assuming it's only one mouse, which is unlikely, I know.

I named the mouse Gronk. Gronk loves living on the edge. They made a hole in the wall directly by the cat's food bowl. I observed how Gronk came out of the hole, went to the bowl, most likely took some food and calmly returned back to the hole. He (she?) is beautiful, grey and tiny. If you know anything about me, I have an unhealthy obsession with rodents. My poor heart could barely handle the cuteness.

The problem is - our cat discovered Gronk first. He now knows there's mice and from time to time tries to find them. I don't want him to injure Gronk and leave him to die a painful death. We ordered some humane traps, but it will take days to get here. We used to have one, but I gave it to Savita… After that, every day she would send me photos of the mice caught in the house she was staying, untill the mice infestation on the frontlines became so bad that she got sick of trying to save them.

Anyway. I tried setting up a trap with a bucket and peanut butter. But Gronk is smarter than that. Hopefully Gronk doesn't give birth to twenty more baby Gronks in our walls while we wait for those traps…


russia is making advances in the Kharkiv region which was already liberated from russian occupation back in 2022. Situation in the east of Ukraine is also dire. People are losing their lives and homes every day.

Please consider donating to Hospitallers, they're a volunteer organization of paramedics that work on the frontlines. Even 1$ is a good donation.


also isn’t the eurovision song sung by israel literally also sung by a russian permanent resident??? and in 2015 eurovision let a known proxy of putin perform a song about peace and holding hands for russia???


Yep and yeah. Russia also tried to send a girl who supported the occupation of Crimea to the Eurovision 2017 held in Ukraine - right next year after Jamala won the contest with the song 1944 about the deportation of Crimean Tatars.

And we were getting so much shit for not allowing that girl entry into Ukraine because she broke the law.

So yeah, Eurovision is a big bag of dicks, I'm certainly not telling anyone to watch, much more to support Israel entry this year. But god, these "Eurovision banned russia immediately" when it's not only not the case, it shows how little people know or care about Ukraine unless it's for making it a rhetorical device.


Yeah, about the "Eurovision banned Russia immediately" line, this is extremely not true.

They literally introduced anti-booing technology in 2015 because in 2014 the Tolmachevy Sisters (Russia's act for that year) got booed to hell and back (possibly because of Crimea, possibly because of Putin's anti-LGBT law, possibly both). They specifically introduced that element EXCLUSIVELY for Russia, because they had no issue with the crowd booing every time the Greek and Cypriot juries exchanged high points. They are most likely gonna use the same technology for Eden Golan's performance this year.

When the Ukrainian broadcaster protested Russia's participation in 2022, the EBU most certainly did not "ban them immediately" and they said they were allowed to participate just fine.

It was only after six other broadcasters (I think it was Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Estonia, Sweden and someone else?) that they banned them. They gave the fact that the russian broadcaster was spreading misinformation and propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine as the official excuse but this is clearly either not their actual motive or they cherry pick when that's an issue because they now INSIST that the Israeli broadcaster is not doing the exact same thing the Russian one did. They claim that the Israeli broadcaster is not like the Russian or Belarusian one and is not directly being manipulated by the Israeli government so it therefore doesn't breach their rules.

So no, the EBU most certainly did not ban Russia immediately, they didn't do it because of the annexation of Crimea or the full-scale invasion of Ukraine (or Georgia, for that matter, they were even allowed to host in 2009 and Georgia was forced out because of their song that year) they only did it because six other broadcasters threatened to leave and take their money with them, something the same or other broadcasters, unfortunately, refused to do this time.


It is honesty really hurtful to see this being spread everywhere, it shows how little people know about russian aggression before 2022. Since 2014 russia not only continued to participate in esc, but was in fact quite succsesfull.

Tolmachevy Sisters 2014 - 7th place in the final Polina Gagarina 2015 - second place, with a score of whopping 303 points Sergey Lazarev 2016 - third place, he was really a fan favorite that year and a lot of fans were angry he didn't won Sergey Lazarev again in 2019 - third place again

All these years russia waged its war againts Ukraine. Crimea and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions were annexed, pro-Ukrainian activists were imprisoned, tortured or killed. Russia has been killing both military and civilians in Ukraine, often in false flag attacks. No one in the ESC gave a shit. They wouldn't have banned russia in 2022 either, if it weren't for the threat of the withdrawal of a bunch of other countries.

By the way, all the afforementioned russian eurovision artists now support putin and the war. I keep seeing comments like "they are probably threatened / they are afraid for their families/ etc." No, they are just like this. Nothing bad happened to those artists (or their families) who did not support the war and simply left the country. Those who stayed don't care if their money from daddy putin is soaked in the blood of Ukrainians.


I cannot express how much waking up from explosions at 4am fucking sucks. I guess it's better than waking up under rubble.

Perhaps this mass attacks was congratulations from putin on his inauguration, after putin won the election of putin to the post of putin. Or congratulations on the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War. Russia makes sure we can't forget.


Your assistance, please!

Hi everyone,

I've mostly finished collecting almost everything Savita wrote since the invasion began (250,000 words!), and now I'm trying to figure out the best way to tell her story.

I could just push ahead with my own ideas for how to structure, build, publish and market the book, but I'd feel a LOT better getting advice and help from an actual expert in the industry (nonfiction book publishing). At the end of the day, I want her story to be compelling to an otherwise neutral reader (hopefully also people who can exert political pressure), and I've only got one shot at this.

So if any of you have professional contacts in the industry, please message me!

The more I re-read, the more I realize how important and unique her perspective was in so many ways…

God I miss her so much…


Since 2014, and especially since 2022, I got almost completely desensitized to death and gore. I feel bad when people are killed in air strikes, obviously, but it doesn't evoke the same deep reaction of saddness and anger that it used to. It's how human psyche protects itself, it's normal.

However, I have found that I still react quite emotionally to stories about displacement due to military conflicts. Fellow Ukrainians, or Palestinians, it doesn't matter. The desparation of people who are forced to leave their entire lives behind, their homes along with all their memories, to face an uncertain future…it hits close to home. I had it easy, of course. Although there was a point when I wasn't sure if I would have a roof over my head. But I do, and I am thankful for that. I still dream about Donetsk often, and even more often about my hometown in Donetsk oblast. Sometimes about other towns that no longer even exist… If you had to lose everything, I am so sorry. It wasn't fair. Life is not fair.


Music is not beyond politics

It's astonishing and surreal to hear about apoliticality in contests where people represent a certain country….

Cruel humor. But I almost choked on my tea. I also see this as more of a chemical attack. Meanwhile, the russians are having fun…

They are proud of their crimes and shout about it at the top of their lungs. But the world is indifferent.

We need so much support right now when Russia is planning to take away even more territories and Ukrainians' lives. Don't quite our voice. Especially on a platform like that. Yes, it's entertaining competition but our reality in war is definitely not fun to live. We keep crying out to the world in every possible way.


Also, that very year, in 2009, Sakartvelo (also known as Georgia the country) was disqualified from participating because their song "We Don't Wanna Put In" was deemed "too political".

At some point your actual everyday life is considered to be "politics" and invalidated on those grounds by those privileged enough.

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