


it shi he. https://rentry.co/mpd

new pinned post 😲😲

i made an introduction image type thing umm,, benny real informations (true not false( 🐠🐠🐠

more informations under the cut cuz this is my new pinned #hellyeah 🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠


must be one of those bugged no-notes posts


there's a delicate balance between "seeing something on my dash so often i end up caring about it unexpectedly" and "seeing something on my dash so often that it gets added to the blocked list with extreme prejudice"


havent watched hlvrai in at least a year. but i rewatched it very very recently and i cant stop thinking about The Them. i dont even remember wgat he looks like this is off the gotdamn dome. its so joever


"hey, bobby, ginger's kid came out to her as non-binerary! can you believe it?"


"huh? wha? what'd i say?"

"you said 'non-binerary.' the word is non-binary."

"right. non-byrony."

"oh my god"

"ginger's gonna march with her kid in the parade next year! she's so excited!"

"she'll get to make signs... chant slogans..."

"you sound kind of jealous, lin."

"well, maybe i *am* jealous. maybe *i* wanna be a PFLAG mom."

"pee flag!!"


"...kids, are any of you non-binary?"

"i respond to both 'attaboy' and 'you go, girl!'"

"i'm whatever gender gets the coolest happy meal toys."


don’t know what parent of an autistic child needs to hear this but as long as they’re not harming anyone your kid’s stimming is not a “problem behaviour”

in our house we have a few categories of stimming behavior.

1. the no category. this is for things that are unsafe. hurting self (head banging, scratching), hurting others, chewing on choking hazards. i know this is excluded in OP’s post, but i’m putting it on my list because if you parent an autistic child and deal with this, you have to be aware that a key to off-limits stimming is redirection. stimming satisfies an important physical and neurological need for the autistic brain, and that behavior is sensory-seeking. if you must say no, please also offer options or help redirecting to appropriate outlets for pressure, motion, rhythm, chewing, etc.

2. the shared space category. listen, i get that a lot of people are assholes about things that aren’t hurting them. that’s not what this category is for. but we have a household with multiple autistic individuals and a work from home situation. “shared space” is the code phrase we use for “please take this stimming to a different location.” sometimes, aural stims like repetitive noises or physical stims like pacing can be legitimately distracting to other people in a room (or car!). in the case of other autistic people, it might even feel painful or mentally consuming. this category is no-judgment “please move to another location to continue stimming this way.” it’s not bad, it’s not wrong, you aren’t being shamed– just do your best to respect others and their needs or comfort, and leave the communal area or lower your volume.

3. the you do you category. it doesn’t matter that nobody else is doing this to feel comfortable or happy– you aren’t hurting anyone else, you aren’t being disruptive in a space other people are using together. go for it.

and in every single category, anger has no place in redirecting a stim. not even the no category. stimming isn’t malicious, there’s no actual moral requirement to be “less weird” or “like everyone else.” even reminders like “you aren’t the only person in this room and that’s very loud” don’t need anger. stims aren’t done at anyone. they’re just the body expressing a kind of neurological hunger, and whether the answer is “enjoy that!” or “this isn’t safe for you to eat (ie, do)” fury doesn’t help.

I like these categories. “Your autism is poking my autism” is a real thing, and the majority of times people have been concerned about my stimming have been Not That.


kitten, stop fucking around and tell daddy where you hid his prozac or daddy's gonna add another 'hey there delilah' to the sex playlist

why do you guys only like my bad posts

hi prev i read all my tags anyway my wife watches house and she says you’re right

house heritage post


eminem is trans masc to some, trans fem to others, and an enemy to all

Eminem is trans mascinem to some, trans feminem to others, and an eniminem to all

im gonna be sick


cats don't even unstick their claws out of things anymore they will just sit there with their claw stuck in a blanket and look at you like this until you unstick it for them


Nobody wants to work anymore

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