
Citadel Of My Thoughts

@citadelofmythoughts / citadelofmythoughts.tumblr.com

I'm Jen, I'm a asexual lesbian trans woman (she/her) and love RWBY, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witch From Mercury - Adult. Let's face it, this is pretty much entirely a Bumbleby blog at the moment. I also write fanfic on Ao3 as citadel_of_my_thoughts PFP by A.G. Nonsuch

I've gotten a surge of new followers and I have to give you all some bad news.

I'm not that interesting. I reblog a lot of gay fandom shit and I write a lot of gay fandom shit.

Other than that, I'm just your average transgender lesbian.

Anonymous asked:

You think resorts exist on Remnant? Maybe not with how dangerous the world is, but people usually have fun at resorts so maybe the positivity keeps Grimm away?

If there are any, they're enclaves for rich people imo. People who could pay for huntsmen protection.

Anonymous asked:

I know you don't like freezerburn but I'm glad you weren't here when monochrome was it's height in popularity during the early fandom days, not only was it more popular than bumbleby at one point but they often made content making fun of it by making yang a loser with a crush on blake that never had a chance, that or they paired yang off with every boy in the cast (not to mention the many popular aus involving slavery or weiss getting with blake just to piss off her dad 💀). They thought monochrome could happen because "forbidden love" which is very wierd when you consider weiss was racist to her and rwby subverts tropes

After volume 7 a group of monochrome shippers came back that insisted monochrome should and was still gonna happen because of the handhold scene, which is funny really. When Barb and Arryn teased the bridge scene before v9 I saw some finally admit monochrome wasn't gonna happen and it makes me wonder how delusional you have to be to ignore all of bumblebys signs up to v8 to think monochrome of all ships would happen in v9

Although it does say something when the artist who popularized monochrome said she doesn't consider v9 canon 😭

I'm so glad I missed most of the early fandom because it might have completely put me off the show before I'd given it a fair chance.

For the record, if Yang wasn't around (either by not existing or dying) I could see Ladybug working. But Monochrome? Absolutely not and I dislike it nearly as much as FB.

>said she doesn't consider v9 canon Some people just live in their own little worlds don't they?

Anonymous asked:

Seems like nobody's ever making good Blake fan content that's not also Bees content (I love that they're together, but I just also want to see good Blake solo content, you know? She's her own character, not just "Yang's girlfriend"), and lord knows I'm not talented enough to do it myself. As a Blake fan, it really sucks that my options are either nothing or just... the most DOGSHIT takes about her. If I have to see one more person say that she was actually the abuser the whole time...

TBH it's really hard to make solo content regarding any of Team RWBY at least in the current in-show timeframe. They're a team and I really don't want them to separated...again.

But I also get your point. Blake is my 2nd fave and she has an amazing personality and it would be nice for her to shine.

But also, the same could be said about Yang. I rarely see anything that isn't about the Bees (or one of the other two ship combos which I am not going to mention here because of my utter disdain for them)

But (for the 3rd time) - I don't have a huge issue with them being together in most content. There's a really great synergy between them and they bring out the best in each other. Blake isn't *just* Yang's girlfriend anymore than Yang is *just* Blake's.

And yeah, I've seen those crappy takes. It makes me as angry as crap like "Yang is a bad sister" does.

Anonymous asked:

How spicy do you think the Bees get?

They're beautiful, in love and are 19-20 years old

My guess is extremely.


Sooooo that fat redistribution that HRT is supposed to do is kinda...working?

I've got cheekbones. (don't be pedantic, you know what I mean)

Holy shit.


How intimidated do you think trans women on this site feel to even speak up about their being banned at all anymore after what the CEO did to predstrogen and the ways that staff has continued to allow administrative punishment of random trans women, who rightfully email staff asking why they got murked, who in response get an email typed by an actual human person waving their hand around going, ohh don't you recall? You were weird and sexually strange once. I know you know what you did. You've read our TOS. You know we have rules against being sexually strange. You are so naturally implicated in your own execution that we won't waste our breath even explaining why this happened to you. Don't worry, this wasn't random- this was premeditated by a real human person and we've all reached a rational conclusion together, us here at staff and what could have just been one spiteful person or an army of TERF Pinkertons, and we find your assuming of the latter to be quite disrespectful. Think of all the kind, compassionate people on staff who're wishing really really hard that this kind of stuff stops happening. Think about how sad they must be that you're saying all this mean stuff about them. They're just following orders!

I can't help either but see staff's uncharacteristic hesitancy to push pride promotions this year as a coded admittance of guilt. Guilt does fuck all. A sizable amount of your users feel unsafe existing on your platform. That is a failure. You have failed. You have knelt down to transmisogynists and accepted uprooting the online social lives of random trans women with no explanation as collateral damage and it's so fucking crazy to not even attempt to sympathize with the fact that trans women societally are seen as Sexual Beings no matter how they present or exist and that maybe that's why they don't trust a single word you say about anything pertaining to their 'punishment' for 'offences' you refuse to elaborate on


ok so if the people you claim to care about will suffer the most from project 2025 then why are you doing everything in your power to let it happen 🤔

Everyone in this screenshot is a usamerican 🤡

Buddy, pal, old friend:

Usamericans are not the only going get fuck since the US still is the only superpower in the world.

Project 2025 will throw the resources of the world's only superpower into the fight on climate change, on the side of climate change.

“There’s this notion that if you take U.S. money, you have to abide by the rules. This is different,” said Bergen Cooper, chief operating officer of the Torchlight Collective, an international human rights consulting group that opposes the restrictions. “This is if you don’t take U.S. money”—but contract with an organization that does—“you have to abide.”

Never was the fallout so severe. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump’s expanded restrictions “resulted in approximately 108,000 maternal and child deaths and 360,000 new HIV infections,” [mainly in the global south] according to estimates of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Trump broadened the restrictions so markedly that they impaired testing and treatment for HIV/AIDS, cancer, malaria, and tuberculosis, according to multiple reports."

Anonymous asked:


Yeah, but my point was more in response to your question about the lack of fan content: https://www.tumblr.com/citadelofmythoughts/752605171222183936/the-only-fanshow-im-tentatively-looking-forward

How a lot of it just keeps on repeating the same things, the same sets of characters all the while other characters that they often complain about being wasted potential just get sidelined for Adam and CRDL again and again.

I wonder what the common thread between Adam and CRDL is.....

But yeah good point. Sorry about my prev response, in my defense it's almost time for bed lol.

Anonymous asked:

It sucks that a lot of Weiss centered fan content suck as a Weiss fan. I have thoughts tm

While Weiss might be my fourth favorite in Team RWBY she's still great and deserves only good content.

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