
Joel’s Version

@scumbagg / scumbagg.tumblr.com

Not here to fuck spiders

Simon doesn't care how he comes. He doesn't care if it's your smaller hand wrapped around his fattened cock, tugging it with a gentle twist, smearing the bead of arousal that's welled up from his slit with your thumb. Doesn't care that he usually fucks his fist roughly after a hard day's work with blood still crusted on his fingernails, hard enough to ache. The way you sit beside him, the soft swell of your breasts pressed against the corded muscle of his arm, murmuring words of praise that have his cheeks alight with a rosy glow—


i’m a pretty big skeptic when it comes to clairvoyants and mediums and i think a lot of them are bs fakers just trying to scam sad people desperate to grasp onto straws when regarding their deceased loved ones

i have this ~friend~ i guess you’d call her - she’s a fellow wildlife rescuer that i have on facebook that claims she’s a psychic or whatever and again, i think it’s bs but she genuinely believes it so whenever she talks about it i put on a polite face

but i often think about when my dog Hudson passed away a few years ago now and she commented on the post “blessed transition” and i don’t know why but that just meant so much to me, so i replied telling her so and she replied “it leaves such a huge hole. he’s happy. you’ll still feel him around. he loves you”

and for some reason it just helped so much. like i still think about it to this day how comforting those words were coming from her


i’ve been switching between reading this angsty fanfic and watching Normal People and the yearning is REAL guys!! idk how i keep doing this to myself

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